
ChatGPT is coming, which traditional positions will be replaced?

author:Clarion Institute

ChatGpt has come to us, with positive reviews for productivity and negative positives for the possibility of many traditional jobs being replaced. Some people feel that this is too far away, but sometimes danger is around. Economists do not have a particularly accurate estimate of how many jobs and even how many people will be unemployed by the rise of generative AI, but a Goldman Sachs study at the end of March gave an approximate figure: 300 million, or 300 million jobs in major economies, will affect generative AI. So which jobs might be replaced?


Low-level programmers

Artificial intelligence to program, compared with the average programmer will have greater advantages:

1. Faster

2. Fewer errors

3. Lower cost

ChatGPT is coming, which traditional positions will be replaced?


Basic word worker

1.AI Be able to write normal news reports

2. Be able to write and translate foreign works

3. Can customize a specific manuscript, Israel's president uses AI to write his speech

ChatGPT is coming, which traditional positions will be replaced?


Data analysts and traders

1.AI Be able to process data on their own and analyze future trends

2. Can actively analyze data and give results, can replace traders

3. High calculation efficiency and low probability of error

ChatGPT is coming, which traditional positions will be replaced?


Customer service staff

1.AI customer service has been widely expected in all walks of life, especially for classification accuracy and standard issues

2. They don't work in separate shifts and don't get tired

3. The biggest advantage is that there are no emotions and no quarrels with customers


Lawyer and advertiser

1. Basic consulting positions such as paralegals can be completely replaced

2.AI can not only write creative solutions, but also automatically choose the direction of delivery and compare budgets, even if not replace advertisers, but also help them do some basic work



1. In foreign countries, AI has been widely used to tutor students

2.ChatGPT can teach according to aptitude more efficiently

3. The most important thing is that it can be one-to-many, which greatly reduces the work pressure of teachers

Although artificial intelligence can replace many jobs, we don't have to worry about it. The emergence of a new technology can eliminate some old jobs, but there will also be a large number of new jobs, as long as we keep pace with the times and improve ourselves, we are not afraid of losing jobs, because the change of times will also bring more opportunities

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