
Workers dug into the ancient tomb of the Western Han Dynasty, and the female corpse in the coffin suddenly "sighed", which made people's backs cold

author:Shu Xuan A

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Workers dug into the ancient tomb of the Western Han Dynasty, and the female corpse in the coffin suddenly "sighed", which made people's backs cold
Workers dug into the ancient tomb of the Western Han Dynasty, and the female corpse in the coffin suddenly "sighed", which made people's backs cold

Text | Shunxuan

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●—≺ Preface ≻—●

Digging up ancient tombs, for many Chinese, is already a cliché, which is not surprising.

But there are only a handful of female corpses that have been dug up for thousands of years without decay, and the incorruptible female corpses that will "sigh" after opening the coffin are even more incredible.

In 2002, a tomb was unearthed in Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, and this amazing scene was discovered, and the excavators on the site instantly shuddered, what is going on?

Workers dug into the ancient tomb of the Western Han Dynasty, and the female corpse in the coffin suddenly "sighed", which made people's backs cold

●—≺ See the light of day again ≻—●

"The corpse will sigh, it's really oozing!"

"You can't hear it wrong, it must have been dead for thousands of years."

"After thousands of years, the corpse can still not rot, and I don't know if it is a blessing or a bad luck..."

The villagers of Shuanglong Village in Lianyungang were discussing the newly unearthed female corpse nearby, and they said everything.

Although people are very curious about the secrets of the thousand-year-old female corpse, everyone avoids this tomb and does not let the children of the family approach, saying that the yin qi is too heavy, for fear of being contaminated with unclean things.

Even when people travel, they try to go as far away as possible, and the masses who do not know the truth spread ten, ten, and hundred, and some people say that the thousand-year-old female corpse has been "resurrected", and the more outrageous it is, the more evil it is.

Workers dug into the ancient tomb of the Western Han Dynasty, and the female corpse in the coffin suddenly "sighed", which made people's backs cold

But what is the truth of the matter? It all started with worker Jiang Maodong.

Jiang Maodong is an excavator master who works at a construction site near the village, and in July, when the weather was hot, Master Jiang Maodong started work non-stop early in the morning while it was cool.

But who would have thought that just when he was working in a hurry, suddenly an accident happened, after the bucket was inserted into the soil, no matter how Master Jiang Maodong operated, it did not react at all, the master thought that he had encountered a natural boulder, and quickly called to shake the person and let the foreman come to see what the situation was.

Under the command of the foreman, Master Jiang Maodong continued to dig around the "stone", but the more he dug, the more wrong it became, and a vertical wooden product appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and half of it was exposed, and everyone looked a little familiar.

Workers dug into the ancient tomb of the Western Han Dynasty, and the female corpse in the coffin suddenly "sighed", which made people's backs cold

Master Jiang Maodong continued to dig, and suddenly I don't know which co-worker shouted: "This is a coffin, don't dig it!" Master Jiang Maodong broke out in a cold sweat when he heard this.

Sure enough, everyone came closer to see that there was really a coffin buried vertically in front of them, and in an instant everyone's sense of heat was swept away, and they all felt cold in the back of their backs, and they were stunned in place and didn't know what to do.

At this moment, the foreman reacted and quickly sent someone to the nearby police station to report the case, and after a while, even archaeological experts came, and after the expert arrived, he only glanced at the coffin and tomb, and then ordered the scene to be blocked.

Ordinary people can't understand it, but experts know that this kind of tomb with a "vertical coffin and vertical burial" is a very common form in ancient times, especially before the Warring States.

Workers dug into the ancient tomb of the Western Han Dynasty, and the female corpse in the coffin suddenly "sighed", which made people's backs cold

That is to say, this is most likely an ancient tomb before the Warring States, and experts attach great importance to this and open extremely professional and rigorous archaeological excavations.

However, what everyone did not expect was that when the expert dug out the coffin, the moment it was opened, everyone heard a "sigh" sound coming out of the coffin.

The experts looked surprised and puzzled, but still forced to calm and slowly removed the coffin lid, and then a foul smell came, and what came into view was a pool of stagnant water, and the entire inside of the coffin was full of unknown liquid, and the experts did not dare to make a rash move.

Workers dug into the ancient tomb of the Western Han Dynasty, and the female corpse in the coffin suddenly "sighed", which made people's backs cold

Just when everyone was at a loss, something even more miraculous happened, the corpse that had originally sunk underneath actually floated up and floated on top of the liquid, and a white flower arm appeared in front of everyone's eyes, even the clothes on the body loomed.

The experts were stunned when they saw it, and exclaimed: "This is an incorruptible female corpse!" ”

You know, the Warring States must be more than 2,200 years ago, how did this thousand-year-old female corpse make the corpse incorruptible, and what is the sigh?

Workers dug into the ancient tomb of the Western Han Dynasty, and the female corpse in the coffin suddenly "sighed", which made people's backs cold

●—≺ Identity revealed ≻—●

A series of mysteries are waiting for experts to solve, but now there is a more tricky thing, that is, how to preserve this thousand-year-old female corpse, because the local weather is hot, if it is not handled well, it is likely that the female corpse will rot and stink in a few days.

The thousand-year-old incorruptible female corpse is not the first time it has been unearthed in China, and Mawangdui has also unearthed one before, and with the lessons of the past, experts immediately created a crystal coffin for this female corpse, which also contains formalin liquid.

In the process of transferring the female corpse, a small seal appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and after cleaning it up, experts clearly saw that there were three words "Ling Huiping" at the bottom of the seal.

Workers dug into the ancient tomb of the Western Han Dynasty, and the female corpse in the coffin suddenly "sighed", which made people's backs cold

Through the font, experts deduced that it was the text of the Western Han Dynasty, and "Ling Huiping" is most likely the name of this female corpse, but why do women in feudal society have their own exclusive seals and are buried together as funeral objects?

With more and more questions, there have been new developments in the excavation of tombs, which have also provided many clues to unravel these mysteries.

It turned out that this was not just the tomb of "Ling Huiping" alone, but a husband and wife burial, and in addition to "Ling Huiping", two coffins with the same vertical burial were unearthed in a row.

Workers dug into the ancient tomb of the Western Han Dynasty, and the female corpse in the coffin suddenly "sighed", which made people's backs cold

One is male and the other is female, but unlike "Ling Huiping", these two corpses have been turned into white bones.

In the male coffin, experts also found a seal, which was slightly larger than "Ling Huiping", but because of severe wear, the font at the bottom was blurred.

Subsequently, more than 80 burial objects were unearthed, including bronze, jade, iron, five-baht money, etc., according to these cultural relics, experts came to the conclusion that this husband and wife joint burial tomb should be from the late Western Han Dynasty.

Workers dug into the ancient tomb of the Western Han Dynasty, and the female corpse in the coffin suddenly "sighed", which made people's backs cold

And this man was still in an official position, and when he died and was buried, there were also local officials such as Donghai Taishou and Henan Taishou who came to worship.

According to experts' research on relevant documents in the Western Han Dynasty, experts have found some clues.

In the early years of the Western Han Dynasty, Liu Bang issued an edict: "All the princes of the Empire are ordered to be the most officials, and they are endowed; The woman and the princess shall be the one who eats the marquis, and the seal of wear, and the great chamber."

This means that women and princesses can be marquis and enjoy private seals, which shows that "Ling Huiping" should also have a very good social status at that time.

Workers dug into the ancient tomb of the Western Han Dynasty, and the female corpse in the coffin suddenly "sighed", which made people's backs cold

But unfortunately, the Western Han Dynasty is a long time ago, there are not many historical materials that have survived to this day, and this tomb has not found useful written materials, so it is difficult to deduce the true identities of these three corpses.

There were no clues here, and the experts turned the direction of research again, "Ling Huiping" corpse is not incorruptible for thousands of years, hoping to solve the mystery of incorruptibility.

The main thing is, what is that "sigh"?

Workers dug into the ancient tomb of the Western Han Dynasty, and the female corpse in the coffin suddenly "sighed", which made people's backs cold

●—≺ The Mystery of Incorruptibility ≻—●

After soaking in formalin for many days, Ling Huiping was stored in a special vacuum crystal coffin, and the staff said that her skin still had some elasticity and her face was clearly visible.

Most importantly, even the hair holes on the scalp are clearly visible, the teeth are complete, and the only thing that makes people feel oozing is that her mouth is slightly open for some reason, which can't help but remind people of the original "sigh".

Workers dug into the ancient tomb of the Western Han Dynasty, and the female corpse in the coffin suddenly "sighed", which made people's backs cold

Previously, on the issue of how to store the non-rotting female corpse, local experts in Jiangsu referred to the Mawangdui non-decaying female corpse. Because, Mawangdui non-decaying female corpse is the first non-decaying female corpse unearthed on the mainland.

This time, in order to solve the mystery of incorruptibility, experts also used the female corpse of Mawangdui as an important reference material to study "Ling Huiping".

The first is the pool of stagnant water, that is, a pool of stagnant water in the coffin, which is very similar to the female corpse of Mawangdui, because there is also an unknown liquid in the coffin of the female corpse.

Experts deduce that the two liquids are likely to be the same, and that the water must contain something that curbs the decay of the body.

Workers dug into the ancient tomb of the Western Han Dynasty, and the female corpse in the coffin suddenly "sighed", which made people's backs cold

Unknown liquid in the coffin

But after some research and comparison, experts were surprised to find that the liquid in the coffin of "Ling Huiping" was completely different from that in the coffin of the female corpse of Mawangdui, not only different, but also very different.

The most important thing is that whether it is Ma Wang Dui's female corpse or Ling Huiping, experts cannot determine whether the liquid in the coffin was originally present or whether the groundwater seeped into it later.

Not long after losing his head, soon new clues appeared.

It turned out that white paste mud was found on the coffin of "Ling Huiping", a substance that had also been found in the tomb of Mawangdui, a special substance that could seal the coffin tightly and block air and moisture.

Workers dug into the ancient tomb of the Western Han Dynasty, and the female corpse in the coffin suddenly "sighed", which made people's backs cold

In addition, this tomb is buried deep underground, and the underground is already lack of oxygen, so it is equivalent to "Ling Huiping" has been in a dry, low-temperature environment close to vacuum.

In this environment, bacteria cannot multiply, human tissues will not decay, and gradually become dry corpses, and that sigh is because the coffin is suddenly pried open, and a large amount of air enters the coffin.

Under the impact of atmospheric pressure, the air enters the female corpse's body, and when it passes through the respiratory tract, it has an impact on the vocal cords, and a sound accidentally emitted is not the sigh of the female corpse's "resurrection".

Workers dug into the ancient tomb of the Western Han Dynasty, and the female corpse in the coffin suddenly "sighed", which made people's backs cold

●—≺ Conclusion ≻—●

Today, "Ling Huiping" is placed in the Lianyungang Museum, and with the development of skull restoration technology, her appearance has also been restored, and with the clothes she was buried in, her appearance before her death has been perfectly reproduced.

Looking at the people more than 2,000 years ago, in front of us, a sense of historical heaviness and national pride emerged, and I think this is the source of our confidence in cultural self-confidence and national self-confidence.

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Workers dug into the ancient tomb of the Western Han Dynasty, and the female corpse in the coffin suddenly "sighed", which made people's backs cold

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