
This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

author:It's not like a little swimming
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This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

Text | It's not like wandering

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Han Hong, who has been busy with public welfare undertakings, rarely appears in the public's field of vision.

As a representative of China's public welfare figures, Han Hong thinks about how to contribute to social welfare undertakings every day, and has never been the voice of the unexpected world, but this time she "can't sit still".

Bluntly said in the program: "He almost buried a good person"!

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

Public opinion storm

Han Hong can be regarded as a clear stream in the entertainment industry, when all actors are busy acting and making money, she chose to fight for China's public welfare.

But the controversy that accompanied her has never been less, and in 2020, when the epidemic in Wuhan was serious, Han Hong quickly raised a large number of medical equipment and daily necessities to be sent to Wuhan to alleviate the shortage of materials.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

But at this time, Han Hong received a notice from the Beijing Civil Affairs Bureau to suspend her activities and accept investigation.

It turned out that a netizen reported to the Beijing Civil Affairs Bureau through his real name that Han Hong had accumulated a large amount of wealth and embezzled hundreds of millions of donations through the establishment of the "Han Hong Foundation", and also vowed to post screenshots of his report records on the Internet.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

Other netizens saw that he was so sure of his attitude, and they also questioned Han Hong, and for a while there was a scolding of Han Hong on the Internet.

Han Hong is anxious about this, Wuhan materials are increasingly scarce, she wants to arrive in Wuhan as soon as possible and donate her materials to more people in need.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

But she could only work at home at this time, and in the face of the false accusations on the Internet, Han Hong once collapsed.

Soon the results of the investigation came out, and Han Hong was innocent.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

So netizens pointed all the spearheads at the original rumor-mongers, but Han Hong couldn't care about anything else at this time, and rushed to Wuhan with a large number of materials.

It can be said that Han Hong has been fighting for the public welfare of the mainland all her life, and almost "gave up everything".

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

Public welfare

In 1999, two young couples took their children to Guizhou, which was the peak period of tourism in Guizhou.

The child couldn't walk much without walking many mountain roads, so the couple wanted to take the cable car to enjoy the scenery of Guizhou's landscape.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

But not long after sitting on it, the cable car crashed to the bottom of the mountain.

When the rescuers rushed over, they saw a shocking scene, the couple, at the last moment together to lift the child high, so that the child became the only survivor in the cable car.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

Han Hong was deeply moved after seeing the report, and considering the child's future situation, Han Hong made an important decision: she wanted to adopt this homeless orphan and named him Han Houhou.

During that time, every time Han Hong looked at the child, the scene of the couple working together to support the child kept in her mind, so she created the song "Dawn" to give to the child.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

She wanted him to know how much her parents loved him, and although they couldn't be by his side, their love lasted forever.

Han Houhou is also very sensible, and has followed Han Hong since he was a child to do public welfare, because he wants to pass on this "love" to more people with Han Hong.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

The 2008 Wenchuan earthquake was a huge natural disaster.

Within seconds, the homes where people once lived disappeared, leaving only ruins full of sight.

At this time, Wenchuan was like hell, and Han Hong immediately organized a rescue team to the scene to bring water and food to the suffering people.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

During that time, she prayed to heaven countless times, let time slow down, let's save a few more people.

But there was so much suffering in the world that Heaven only "heard" her prayers, and more than 80,000 living lives were left there forever.

Because of the countless volunteers like "Han Hong", Wenchuan did not take long to prosper again.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

Han Hong understood in this incident that her strength was too small, so she wanted to call on the power of more people.

So in 2012, she established the Han Hong Love Charity Foundation, which shocked his friends, who felt that Han Hong should continue to cultivate on the road of music and not live up to his talent.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

For public welfare, it is good to give material support, there is no need to be so "laborious".

As everyone knows, the establishment of the foundation is the result of Han Hong's deliberation.

At that time, Han Hong also inspected other "foundations", but those foundations had many rules and charged large management fees every year.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

Han Hong wanted to spend every penny on public welfare, so the Han Hong Foundation was established.

But the money in the foundation is not blown by the wind, and Han Hong's family base has been gradually hollowed out in the past few years of public welfare undertakings.

So she wanted to call on her friends in the circle to join the foundation, but the usually good friends turned their faces and refused to recognize people when it came to their "core interests".

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

Therefore, the funds for the activities of the Han Hong Foundation in the early stage were basically "asked" by Han Hong.

Han Hong was very distressed by this, and publicly accused Chinese stars in the program that the development of public welfare undertakings is not as good as that of foreign stars.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

But even though Han Hong has done her best for public welfare, she has always been said to "pretend".

In 2021, the 7.20 flood broke out in Zhengzhou, and after Han Hong learned about it, she also raised donations as soon as possible and began to buy daily necessities to go to the front.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

Wang Yibo, a native of Henan, immediately suspended his work when he saw his hometown suffering, returned to his hometown, and joined the rescue team set up by Han Hong to fight floods with his hometown.

This was a very meaningful thing, but it was accused by some netizens with ulterior motives of "building people", and Han Hong and Wang Yibo were controversial for a while.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

In the face of the disaster, everyone may lose their lives at any time due to accidents, if you just want to attract attention, if you set up people, such a price will not be too great.

Is it a public welfare or a show? I believe everyone has already seen it in their actions.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

Aren't those who viciously attack on the Internet condemn their conscience when they publish their statements?

Han Hong has been doing public welfare for more than 20 years, and she could have continued to shine on the road of music, but she has always been committed to public welfare undertakings, which is inseparable from her grandmother.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

Growing up

Han Hong was born in an artistic family since she was a child, and her parents loved and the family was harmonious, but when she was six years old, her father unfortunately died in a car accident, and Han Hong's happy life came to an abrupt end.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

At first, my mother lived with Han Hong, but in that era, it was extremely difficult for a woman to live with a child.

It didn't take long for Han's mother to bear the pressure of life, so she took Han Hong to marry someone else.

But Han Hong's life at her stepfather's house was not good, and her stepfather was very disgusted in the face of this "drag oil bottle" brought by his wife.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

In order to please her stepfather, Han Hong supported her small body every day and held a broom for housework, but her stepfather was not moved by this, but began to dislike Han Hong for "eating too much".

One night, the stepfather offered to Han's mother to send Han Hong away.

At first, Han's mother was reluctant to separate from Han Hong, so she kept persuading her stepfather to accept Han Hong.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

But the stepfather said mercilessly: "Either she goes or you go together." ”

In desperation, Han's mother sent Han Hong to her grandmother's house in the countryside.

Nine-year-old Han Hong took a car to find her grandmother alone, looking at the scenery outside the window, Han Hong felt endless confusion and helplessness, and at this moment she felt abandoned by the world.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

The journey to grandma is very long, and Xiao Hanhong eats the bread her mother bought for her when she is hungry.

The aunt in the same car looked at Han Hong with pity and bought her two box lunches.

In the face of her aunt's kindness, Han Hong was very vigilant.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

But the aunt didn't mind because of this, and just touched Xiao Hanhong's head.

After arriving at her grandmother's house, Xiao Hanhong did housework as soon as she entered the door in order to "stay".

She said to her grandmother, "Don't drive me away, I will work, I eat very little." ”

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

Seeing her granddaughter "so sensible", grandma couldn't help but wet her eyes.

She went up and hugged Han Hong and said, "Good boy, you are grandma's heart and liver, grandma will not drive you away." ”

In the company of her grandmother, Han Hong gradually became optimistic and cheerful.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

Grandma is simple and kind, and she does not hesitate to give help when she sees people in need of help in life.

She told Han Hong: "People have a short life, we must help others as much as possible."

This sentence was deeply remembered in Han Hong's heart, and she began to follow her grandmother to help others.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

As the incident passed, Han Hong's talent in music gradually showed.

But at that time, learning music was a very expensive thing, but grandma's meager salary was only enough for two people to eat, and there was no extra money for Han Hong to learn music.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

At that time, Han Hong did not want to annoy her grandmother, so she wanted to give up, but her grandmother did not agree, she said: "Learn, not only to learn, but also to learn well." ”

So Grandma began to paste cardboard boxes every day and do some crafts to support the family.

Years later, Han Hong was also very competitively admitted to the Chinese People's Liberation Army Art Academy, and in 2005, with songs such as "Heavenly Road" and "Himalaya", she was known as "a sister in the music world".

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

However, just as Han Hong was making these achievements, her grandmother passed away.

Han Hong has no one to love her love, and she seems to have become an "orphan" again.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

She could not accept the news of her grandmother's death and remained decadent until she later found her life value in public welfare.

Because she had been in the rain, she wanted to hold an umbrella for others, and Han Hong has been engaged in public welfare for more than 20 years in this storm, and even gave up her feelings for this.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

Emotional experience

When he was young, Han Hong had good facial features, a heroic body, and was very famous in the army because of his musical talent.

This attracted the attention of his companion Li Yanliang, and the two met and fell in love because of music, but broke up not long after.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

In order to commemorate this unsuccessful relationship, Han Hong specially wrote the love song "Passing By".

As Han Hong exploded in the entertainment industry, she met Luan Shu, the lead singer of the Black Panther Band.

At that time, Luan Shu had just broken up with his girlfriend Faye Wong, listless every day, and was not interested in anything.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

At this time, Han Hong came to his side to take care of him, and Luan Shu was slowly moved by Han Hong, and the two were together.

But Luan Shu found that his feelings for Han Hong were not like "lovers" and like "friends", so he broke up with Han Hong.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

After experiencing the death of her grandmother and the emotional blow, Han Hong's heart was already full of holes, and she ate a lot of things every day to "fill" the gap in her heart.

Friends couldn't bear to see her beat herself up every day, so they pulled her to do public welfare, and finally with the support and encouragement of her friends, Han Hong gradually cheered up and found a career that she could fight for all her life.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point


In this era of freedom of speech, many people have turned into Internet keyboard warriors and began to spread rumors about anything in society for the sake of so-called "traffic".

They use the huge "shady" of the Internet to lurk in all corners of the world.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

Zheng Linghua, a 24-year-old female graduate student, was bombarded by millions of netizens because she dyed her favorite pink hair, and finally chose to commit suicide because she couldn't withstand the pressure.

At that time, she had just been admitted to Zhejiang Normal University as a graduate student, and her future was bright, but she disappeared into the world.

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point

There are countless such things, and there are always people with ulterior motives who use the greatest malice to speculate on the good deeds of others.

Today's society is freedom of speech, but not freedom of rumor-mongering! I hope that everyone in the network can speak rationally and boldly take up arms to defend their rights and interests when their rights and interests are violated!

This time, Han Hong, who was reported for "fake charity" by her real name, has finally come to this point
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