
The Godfather: Networking is not about people who can help you, it's about people you can help

author:Jin Laoxi's past


I. Introduction

The Godfather is a 1972 American crime drama film directed by Francis Ford Coppola and based on Mario Puzo's novel of the same name.

Set in an American gangster family, the film tells the rise and fall of the protagonist Don Vito Corleone and his family in the New York mafia. Known as the "Godfather", Don Vito Gotha was a kind and wise gang leader who respected the core values of family, loyalty and power. The story revolves around Don Vito Gotha's empire and his struggle with other gangster families.

The Godfather: Networking is not about people who can help you, it's about people you can help

The Godfather is known for its brilliant scripts, deep characterization, complex family relationships, and excellent acting. Starring Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, James Caan, Robert Duvall and others.

The film won many awards, including 3 Academy Awards (Best Picture, Best Actor and Best Adapted Screenplay) and is widely regarded as one of the greatest works in the history of cinema. Its success also led to two sequels: The Godfather Part II and The Godfather Part III.

The Godfather: Networking is not about people who can help you, it's about people you can help

"The Godfather" has been widely praised for its fascinating plot, complex character relationships and in-depth exploration of gangster culture, and has become a classic in film history.

Second, the visual presentation of movie posters

The visual presentation of the poster of the "Godfather" movie is extremely iconic and unique. The following is a general description of its visual presentation:

(1) Black main tone: The poster of "The Godfather" is usually used as the main color of black, and this choice visually creates a mysterious and heavy atmosphere. Black represents the world of gangsters, darkness and uncertainty in the story.

The Godfather: Networking is not about people who can help you, it's about people you can help

(2) High contrast: High-contrast photos or illustrations are often used in posters to highlight the faces and expressions of the characters. This contrast creates a sense of tension and conflict.

(3) Family totem: Posters often include family symbols, such as the symbol of the Gotha family, the olive branch and arm pattern, or the head of the head of the Gotha family. These totems trigger the audience's sense of identity with the family and convey the authority and dignity of the family to the audience.

The Godfather: Networking is not about people who can help you, it's about people you can help

(4) Main characters: The main characters are usually presented in posters, such as Don Vito Gotha, etc. Their expressions, poses, and costumes all reflect their characters and personalities in the story.

(5) Classic font: The movie title uses a classic font design, usually using a tall serif font, which emphasizes the quality and orthodoxy of the movie.

The Godfather: Networking is not about people who can help you, it's about people you can help

(6) The poster of "The Godfather" presents the theme and story of the film through the main tone of black, high contrast, family totem and the image of the main characters. This visual presentation conveys the seriousness, authority and mystery of the film, grabbing the audience's attention and arousing their interest.

3. Emotional expression and theme elaboration

Through emotional expression and thematic elaboration, The Godfather successfully depicts the complex relationship between power, family, morality, and personal choice, and explores the presence and influence of gangster culture in American society.

The Godfather: Networking is not about people who can help you, it's about people you can help

(1) Power and ambition: The film shows the attraction and danger of power. The protagonist Michael Gotha, as a person who is reluctant to join the gang, finally chooses to take over the family affairs, showing the power of power seduction. The film's characters fight, betray, and even sacrifice their loved ones for power, thus exploring the impact of power on individuals and families.

(2) Family and loyalty: Family is one of the central themes of the film. The Godfather presents the Gotha family's closeness and family values, emphasizing the importance of loyalty, honor and family responsibility. The relationships and interactions between family members demonstrate the bonds of blood and the importance of family glory.

The Godfather: Networking is not about people who can help you, it's about people you can help

(3) Moral and moral dilemmas: Moral and moral dilemmas are often discussed in movies. Characters are faced with a choice between moral and personal interests, and sometimes have to violate their own principles to protect their families or their own lives. This display of moral dilemmas provokes the audience to think about ethics and moral concepts.

(4) Sin and Redemption: The film shows the dark side of gang activities and the consequences of criminal behavior. The protagonist, Michael Gotha, becomes ruthless through his own moral slippage and depravity. However, he also shows regret for sin and a search for redemption in some scenes.

The Godfather: Networking is not about people who can help you, it's about people you can help

(5) Family affection: In the movie, the family relationship of the protagonist Giovanni "Don Vito" Corleone is deeply explored. He has a deep love for his family and is willing to give everything for them. This expression of affection is reflected in many scenes in the film, such as Corione's sacrifice of his life to protect his family.

(6) Loyalty and betrayal: In the gangster world, loyalty and betrayal are frequent themes. The film shows loyalty and betrayal between family members, as well as loyalty and conflict between families. Some characters choose to betray when faced with a moral dilemma, while others stand their ground.

The Godfather: Networking is not about people who can help you, it's about people you can help

(7) Power and Degradation: The Godfather reveals the corruption and degeneration of power in gangster families. Corione wielded enormous power, but that power profoundly changed his humanity. The film explores how power affects a person's morals and values by showing the violence he commits in defense of his family's interests, as well as his desire and grasp of power.

(8) War and Sacrifice: In the movie, the struggle between gangster families inevitably turns into a war. Many characters sacrifice in order to maintain their interests and the family's status. This theme highlights the brutality and ruthlessness of the gangster world, while also conveying the cost of war and sacrifice.

The Godfather: Networking is not about people who can help you, it's about people you can help

The Godfather movies are known for their deep emotional expression and authentic depiction of the gangster world. Through a complex series of character relationships and plots, it explores themes of family affection, loyalty and betrayal, power and fall, war and sacrifice, and redemption and sin. Through these emotional expressions and thematic elaborations, The Godfather delves into the complexities of power, family, morality, personal choice, and sin. It provoked the audience to think deeply about morality, loyalty and humanity, and became a classic film work.

The Godfather: Networking is not about people who can help you, it's about people you can help

4. Video style and artistic expression

The graphic style and artistic expression of "The Godfather" played an important role in the atmosphere and emotional expression of the film. Here are some of the characteristics of video style and artistic expression:

(1) Color harmony: The film uses dark tones and a large number of shadows to create a dark, heavy atmosphere. This tone echoes the theme and mood of the film, highlighting the coldness and cruelty of the gangster world.

The Godfather: Networking is not about people who can help you, it's about people you can help

(2) Show details: "The Godfather" shows the life and activities of the gangster family in fine detail. The costumes, props and scene design in the movie are very detailed, portraying the details and contradictions of the gangster world. This practice of displaying details increases the audience's sense of engagement and realism in the film.

(3) Lens movement and composition: The film uses a variety of special lens movement and composition methods to enhance drama and tension. For example, show a character's power and control by using slow and fluid camera movements, or use close-ups to highlight a character's expressions and emotions.

The Godfather: Networking is not about people who can help you, it's about people you can help

(4) Editing rhythm: The editing rhythm of the film is relatively slow, focusing on the detailed portrayal of the plot and characters' emotions. This editing style gives viewers more time to immerse themselves in the world of the story and characters, and to understand their inner world.

(5) Music score: The musical score of "The Godfather" is very iconic and was composed by Nino Rossel. The use of music skillfully sets off the plot and emotions of the film, bringing the audience a deeper experience.

(6) "The Godfather" successfully creates the realism and drama of the gangster world through its unique video style and artistic expression. These visual features help to enhance the emotional expression of the film and the advancement of the story, allowing the audience to better engage in the plot.

The Godfather: Networking is not about people who can help you, it's about people you can help

V. Conclusion

In the classic film "The Godfather", the image style and artistic expression play a crucial role, presenting the audience with a cruel, complex and emotional picture of the gangster world. Through dark tones, fine detail, unique camera movement and composition, slow-paced editing, and signature musical soundtracks, the film successfully conveys themes of family affection, loyalty and betrayal, power and depravity, war and sacrifice, and redemption and sin.

"The Godfather" is not only a classic of gangster movies, but also a work that can trigger the audience's deep thinking. It grasps the delicacy of emotions and the complexity of human nature, allowing the audience to experience the cruelty and beauty of the world in the process of watching the movie. With its unique artistic expression, this film crosses the boundaries of time and culture, and has been loved and appreciated by a wide range of audiences.

The Godfather: Networking is not about people who can help you, it's about people you can help

Whether it is the love of gangster movies, or the thinking of human nature and family, "The Godfather" is a classic that cannot be missed. It left a deep imprint on the history of cinema and became a timeless masterpiece. Through the presentation of video style and artistic expression, "The Godfather" shows the unique charm of film as an art form, which is intoxicating.

When the movie The Godfather was released in 1972, it not only became a commercial success, but also influenced the entire film industry. It breaks the stereotypical image of previous gangster movies and pursues a more realistic and deeply rooted expression. The film captivated audiences with its rich emotional expression and tragic story line, while also receiving widespread acclaim and awards.

The Godfather: Networking is not about people who can help you, it's about people you can help

Through its unique script and characterization, The Godfather deeply depicts the power struggles and moral dilemmas of gangster families. It successfully transports the audience into that cruel gangster world and triggers the viewer's reflections on justice, morality, and humanity. The film is not only fascinating in terms of plot, but also shows complex emotions and struggles on the psychological level of the characters.

The transformation of the protagonist Michael has become a highlight of the film. He changed from an ordinary person who did not want to get involved in gang affairs to a ruthless gang leader. This transformation is not only the driving force of the plot, but also reflects the twists and turns and trade-offs of human nature. Through Michael's step-by-step transformation, the audience deeply thinks about the impact of power on the individual and the corrosion of human nature.

VI. References

The Godfather: Networking is not about people who can help you, it's about people you can help