
Can a laptop be plugged in all the time? Will it break the battery?

author:Bright Net

Have you ever worried about battery life when using a laptop? Can I use it with a power supply all the time? Do I need to run out of batteries and recharge? How exactly is the battery used to ensure its life?

Let's answer everyone's questions one by one today!


Can I use my computer until it runs out of power?

Most of today's laptops use lithium batteries, and some friends will worry that deep discharge or even excessive discharge will irreparably damage the battery. In fact, this worry has some truth, but don't be too careful not to use the battery, manufacturers usually design battery management systems, so that when your computer is out of power, it is actually not to the extent of deep discharge.

Can a laptop be plugged in all the time? Will it break the battery?

All in all, charge it when it's convenient to charge.


Can I store my computer for a long time?

Some friends may not use laptops often, or have a spare computer. When these laptops are stored for a long time, in order to protect the battery, it is best to keep the charge at about 50% before shutting down, not too full, not too little.

Even if you turn it off, the battery will still "secretly" self-discharge. So if you store the device for a long time in a state where the battery is completely depleted, the battery may be deeply discharged, resulting in structural damage. At this time, if you charge it again, you may not be able to charge it!

Conversely, if a fully charged device is stored for a long time, it may damage the battery and reduce the battery capacity.

If you plan to let the computer eat ash for more than 6 months, it is best to take it out every 6 months to wipe the ash and charge it to 50%.


Can I keep my laptop plugged in?

Some friends use laptops in the office or at home all year round, and the computer has been plugged in without interruption, and the power has always remained at 100%. A little concern about this is that long-term full charging of lithium batteries may blunt the battery and affect battery capacity.

So for friends who have plugged in the power supply to their laptops for many years, our advice is to unplug the power supply battery when you think of it occasionally. After all, you can't guarantee that there will be power available all the time, so maintain your battery life a little to be safe. Remember to plug it back in time, otherwise suddenly there is no power to shut down, and what is not saved will be miserable.

Can a laptop be plugged in all the time? Will it break the battery?

The structure of the lithium battery


The most important thing is to maintain the temperature!

For lithium batteries, the damage caused by improper operation in front is drizzle compared with high temperature. What is really enough to destroy the battery is the high temperature.

Try not to use the laptop on quilts, pillows and other things that will block the heat dissipation holes, and do not use it in high-temperature places all year round.

Can a laptop be plugged in all the time? Will it break the battery?

Apple's recommendation for this is to keep the device away from places with ambient temperatures above 35°C, which could permanently damage the battery capacity.


In fact, there is no need to be so nervous

In fact, manufacturers have been updating and adjusting according to the user's usage habits for so many years, such as overcharge and overdischarge protection, etc., which is not so easy to make the laptop battery too seriously damaged. In this era of electronic products being replaced so quickly, the collapse of the battery and the replacement of a computer by you, which one arrives in advance.

As long as you do not let the battery be persecuted by high temperature and water ingress, on the basis of your original usage habits, a little attention to the above matters is probably enough.

From: Husk

Source: When science popularization is underway