
Everyone was deceived by the "8-hour sleep theory"? After age 60, the optimal amount of sleep is how long

author:Every day to say medical science popularization

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"Don't put everything in your heart, eat well, drink well, sleep well is important" This is the most common thing people in the family say, drink eight glasses of water a day, meet eight hours of sleep time, and ensure that the body is great every day.

Sleep directly affects our mental state and physical health the next day, but can "8 hours of sleep" really be achieved by everyone? Is it also necessary to achieve? The answer is no.

Some people go to bed very early and get up at midnight the next day, but the whole day is not energetic and listless. Some people obviously sleep for a few hours, but it is like sleeping for hours, radiant and in good spirits.

Everyone was deceived by the "8-hour sleep theory"? After age 60, the optimal amount of sleep is how long

So is this so-called "8-hour sleep theory" really worth believing? Is it good for the body to sleep for 8 hours?

Do I have to get 8 hours of sleep?

"8-hour sleep theory" can not be generalized, different people have different needs for sleep time, can not blindly pursue 8 hours of sleep and ignore the meaning of sleep itself.

If you go to bed at ten o'clock at night, wake up at 6 a.m. and go to bed at 2 a.m., and wake up at ten o'clock the next day, these two are eight hours of sleep, but the meaning is completely different, sleeping at two o'clock in the morning is staying up late with your life, and even the body has reached the limit, but it is still hard to carry.

According to the survey, 81% of people in the mainland sleep less than 8 hours a day. The average adult sleeps 7.5 hours, but it usually takes about 30 minutes to enter the stage of deep sleep after falling asleep.

Everyone was deceived by the "8-hour sleep theory"? After age 60, the optimal amount of sleep is how long

It is necessary to know that deep sleep and light sleep are alternate, the alternating time is about 2 hours, and it usually takes 4 cycles to ensure that the brain gets a better rest, so that the body can return to work as soon as possible, and prepare enough physical and mental power for the next day's work and life.

Sleep is a subjective, different from person to person, if you feel that you wake up the next day feel very good and not sleepy, it means that last night's sleep is very good, that is, a high-quality sleep, at this time you don't have to care about sleeping for a few hours, because a few hours are not meaningful, the important thing is to rest well.

Time ranges for different stages of sleep

Newborns (0~3 months): It is recommended to sleep for 14~17 hours

Infants (4~11 months): It is recommended to sleep for 12~15 hours

Toddlers (1~2 years old): It is recommended to sleep for 11~14 hours

Preschool children (3~5 years old): It is recommended to sleep 10~13 hours

School-age children (6~13 years old): It is recommended to sleep 9~11 hours

Teenagers (14~17 years old): It is recommended to sleep 8~10 hours

Young people (18~25 years old): It is recommended to sleep 7~9 hours

Adults (26~64 years old): It is recommended to sleep 7~9 hours

Elderly (over 65 years old): It is recommended to sleep 7~8 hours

Everyone was deceived by the "8-hour sleep theory"? After age 60, the optimal amount of sleep is how long

This is according to the National Sleep Foundation of the United States for all ages recommended sleep time, in short, whether "six-hour sleep" or "8-hour sleep", should be based on meeting the collective needs, to ensure physical health conditions, compared with health, a few hours can be completely ignored.

Only when the body ensures a certain amount of sleep can it maintain the normal operation of the stable physiological cycle, so as to ensure that the physiological functions of the human body have a good internal environment and help to have a healthy body.

How to improve sleep quality?

1. Taking a hot bath before going to bed can not only relax the muscles of the whole body, but also make it easier for the body to fall asleep.

2. Drink a cup of warm milk before going to bed, milk contains tryptophan and trace elements, has a calming effect, reduces excitability, warm milk into the stomach, there will be a warm feeling, help to fall asleep.

Everyone was deceived by the "8-hour sleep theory"? After age 60, the optimal amount of sleep is how long

3. Keep the room dim, indoor lighting is too strong will affect the secretion of melatonin, too little melatonin secretion will make the body difficult to fall asleep, indoor dimness can improve sleep quality to a certain extent.

4. Try to avoid ingesting some over-excited drinks before going to bed, such as coffee and strong tea, avoid watching some panic, stimulating books, videos, etc., to avoid these malignant stimuli causing nerve excitement and improve sleep quality.

5, maintain a peaceful mood, do not sleep with emotions before going to bed, can not be overly sad nor overly excited, both will stimulate the brain, make it difficult to fall asleep, always thinking about this sad or happy thing, so a peaceful mood before going to bed is very important.

6. In daily life, we should pay attention to the light diet, do not eat spicy, greasy, raw and cold food, reduce the stimulation to the stomach, thereby affecting sleep. You can eat more lilies, lotus seeds, red dates and other calming foods, which have a certain conditioning effect on poor sleep.

Everyone was deceived by the "8-hour sleep theory"? After age 60, the optimal amount of sleep is how long

7. You can usually carry out some activities, such as walking, square dancing, playing tai chi, etc., these exercises can speed up the blood circulation of the human body, enhance physical fitness, but also improve the quality of sleep and relieve insomnia.

The best time to sleep for people over 60 years old

In the process of sleep, the body is not active, the blood flow rate is relatively slow, the blood viscosity will increase, for the elderly over 60 years old, if sleep is too long, it will lead to loss of appetite, body aches.

Many elderly people will have dreams and insomnia, their "nightlife" should be insomnia, and the elderly have long been unconvinced that they can fall asleep "one sheep, two sheep, three sheep..."

Some elderly people go to bed too early, wake up very early the next day, or even sleep for a few hours, their body melatonin secretion is reduced, melatonin is a factor in nutritional sleep, if melatonin is reduced, sleep quality will be reduced.

Everyone was deceived by the "8-hour sleep theory"? After age 60, the optimal amount of sleep is how long

The elderly over 60 years old should ensure that the minimum sleep time is 5 hours, of course, this is the least, under normal circumstances, it needs to be controlled in 6~7 hours, and after lunch, you can sleep appropriately, but pay attention to the time can not be too long, otherwise you will not be able to sleep at night.

Whether it is young people or the elderly, they should not sleep too late, especially now young people stay up late quite serious, staying up late will not only have dark circles, accelerate skin aging, and may even cause serious diseases.

Lack of sleep may make the body "malicious", what are the benefits of adequate sleep?

1. Eliminate fatigue

The body gets enough rest, the brain is restored, and during sleep, the basal metabolic rate is reduced, and the energy consumed is reduced, which helps the body reduce fatigue and restore physical strength.

2. Improve immunity

During sleep, it can produce certain antibodies, so that the body can resist the invasion of external substances, produce self-protection effect, and help the health of the body.

Everyone was deceived by the "8-hour sleep theory"? After age 60, the optimal amount of sleep is how long

3. Delay aging

Lack of sleep or staying up late for a long time will produce dark circles, and even accelerate skin aging, making people look very bad, there is no "spirit", enough sleep can help replenish blood gas, so that the regulatory activities of skin cells are normal, and then delay aging.

4. Protect the brain

The brain has low oxygen consumption during sleep, which is conducive to cell energy storage, ensuring that the next day is full of energy and quick thinking, and lack of sleep will lead to poor memory and mental malaise.

In any case, do not limit yourself to a defined time, do not sleep too much or too little, the same is true for the elderly, only physical health is the last word.