
The hero of the story is childless and goes to a fortune teller to tell fortunes

author:Premium biscuit HZf

The name of the story is the fortune teller. My neighbor has a very powerful fortune teller. I often watch from the sidelines. Someone often comes to him, and that's a big deal. Basically, they can make up their minds only after listening to him. For example, if this business is to be done, he makes money according to his words, and sometimes if he does not listen, he will definitely lose money. Another example is that his newly opened shop is not doing well, according to the master, small modifications have been made in some parts of the house, and the business will soon improve. He really wanted a son, but the master emphasized a lot of sons, you don't have a son, don't force it, he just didn't believe it, and then his wife was still pregnant, just pregnant at that time, and the belly had not yet appeared. Find a master. As soon as the master entered the door, he said that Gao Low still did not listen to me. I can tell you for sure that the child is a boy, but the child meets his mother. Basically, with you without me, with me without your grams, the child's life is harder than his mother's life. He said, ah, what then? What to do about it? Don't have children. You don't have a son in your life, so even if a child is born, it's not yours. In addition, if you are not careful, you must compensate for your mother's life. He was stubborn, so, now science and technology are so advanced that it is not heard that the child will die, so, in October she became pregnant, then his wife gave birth to a son, but his wife died of postpartum hemorrhage, the child was saved, but later, all kinds of signs that the child was disabled, and then the child seemed to be sent away, and the whereabouts may only be known to him. When his wife was still alive, the master also told him that your destined wife was a teacher, and he never heard the heart at that time, but also said ah, my wife cannot be a teacher. Then his wife died, and he found another professor. After the professor became pregnant, B ultrasound did it several times, all saying that it was a boy. He was very happy, came to ask the master, the master said ah, leave the B ultrasound, definitely a girl. You have to believe in science, he said. The master said, don't tell me about science, I tell you, you will not have a son in this life. I say a girl is a girl. The result? It was said again, and sure enough, a girl was born. There was a man, with a woman of about 289 years old, who specially rushed to their house from the province more than 60 kilometers away to make her look like a woman. At that time, the man smiled at the woman, and I saw it here last year accurately, really accurately, and you let him see it too. The woman smiled, is it really so accurate? The master said, if it is not allowed, I will not take your money. The man said that the gentleman's price was still calculated according to the price he charged me last year. In fact, the masters do not remember who the person was and when they came to see them. However, anyone who wants to charge a certain fee is basically a rich and powerful person. In general, the poor receive less, so their mouths are still hard. Good, the master looked at this woman, but saw her thick eyebrows, full forehead, delicate facial features, and red face. If only from physiognomy, it is definitely the face of a blessed person. But when he took another look, he stayed. Later, he told me that people who rarely saw such a face, and asked him to hold eight words as an aid, carefully looked at the woman's face for a while, and said: "You have been poor since you were a child." You died your mother between the ages of 13 and 15, and your father between the ages of 18 and 21. ”。 The woman listened, and the smile on her face faded on the spot, and she bowed her head without speaking. Men are strange. Your parents are gone. Why haven't you heard of it? The woman could not hide it, and gently nodded in acknowledgement. The master continues, did you get married at 22 and divorce at 25? The man interfaced and said, I know this. Your face shows that you will drink the water of the three-eyed well, that is, you will be married three times, you kill your peers, your lover and your husband are by your side, and you will certainly not be well in the future. The woman felt that her face could not hang up, and interrupted the master's words and asked, then what about my future wealth? You have money, but it is also given by others. At this time, the man stepped forward, took out a 100 yuan bill and put it on the table, could no longer sit still, pulled up the woman and left. A middle-aged woman said, how about looking at my blessings? Gao Di only glanced at him and said. You don't ask for your own blessings, or care more about your children, as long as your children can live like normal people, that is your blessing. Hearing these words, the middle-aged woman burst into tears in an instant and cried bitterly. It turned out that she gave birth to three sons and died before she was old. Currently, a 12-year-old girl is about to undergo major surgery. The doctor said he was not guaranteed to get off the operating table. She cried and asked, why is my life so cowardly? Because your family does not believe in cause and effect, and does not believe that there is a soul after death. Your father's grave has been washed away by cars, cars are pressing him, your family fainted, can you still get up? The middle-aged woman immediately forgot to sob and looked at him in surprise, it turned out that he was not a local, his hometown was far away, one year, the hometown built a road past the cemetery, including his father's letter, and the others moved away, but he was too far away. The husband said, forget it, people die like death, I am a dustless person, I don't believe this. So his father not only pressed under the road, but also became a bus station. U Chang begged that the master must save him, and the master instructed him in some rituals. There is also a woman of about 23 years old, the master, do not show him, say something good, and then ah, while he went to the toilet empty, the master said, the family is not here, this time came out to take refuge, who are his relatives? A woman promised, the master looked at him, and then said, this woman will soon be in trouble, the fairy will not save him, you better let him go back immediately, die one, do not disturb others. The father and daughter were taken aback, it turned out that this woman was his niece, and this time she came out because the husband and wife had a long quarrel, and the husband threatened to kill her and ran here to hide. Father and daughter asked, how long is it, a month. He looked at a few people that day, and everyone listened respectfully and convinced, because he could say that people's life scores were not bad, just like watching you grow up. As well as high-ranking officials who shocked the country. On a greedy day, a well-maintained woman finds the master. The master looked. You go back. People died. Before I said it, you said that people died. Do you know what I'm asking? Your man has an accident, no one can save him, he will not only die, but also eat a gun, and die, soon, just these two days. Hearing this, the woman was surprised. It turned out that she was the wife and husband of a high-ranking official, and was shot a week later. Of course, women are trying to find solutions from masters. No way. Hades' book was ticked. Who still has the power to save him? This is also his own doing. The woman begged again and again, the expert frowned slightly and thought for a while. I have a way to get him to die a few days later. The giant said that it would be enough to die a few days late. He said, when you go back, go in a certain direction to find someone who looks so-and-so. She can, let your husband play for a few days. The woman thought about it, there really was such a person, so she left helplessly. I heard that her husband was shot 15 days late. This is really three lives and seven points man-made, life is in their own hands, is their own heart and behavior always affect fate, hear the story of friends thumbs up and attention, wealth will be more and more extensive.