
Gold Commentary: The Tobacco Bureau requires that people who are blood relatives with the bureau leader are not allowed to apply, because the treatment is too good?

author:He Zhou Shao Junli
Gold Commentary: The Tobacco Bureau requires that people who are blood relatives with the bureau leader are not allowed to apply, because the treatment is too good?

According to incomplete statistics, there are as many as 350 million smokers in the country, and the annual tobacco revenue reaches 1.2 trillion yuan. Perhaps because this is a "rich and oily" industry, it can be described as unique when recruiting new people. According to relevant media reports, recently, the 2023 college graduate recruitment announcement issued by the Shandong Tobacco Monopoly Bureau specifically requires applicants: "They shall not apply for positions that constitute the situation of cadre recusal after hiring, nor shall they apply for positions in the unit system where they have a conjugal relationship, a direct blood relationship, a collateral blood relationship within three generations, and a close in-law relationship as a leading member." This is a bit confusing to read, but to put it simply, people who are related to the bureau's leadership are not allowed to apply for relevant positions in the bureau. For example, if your uncle is the deputy director of the bureau, then the nephew will not be allowed to apply for a relevant job in the bureau.

Gold Commentary: The Tobacco Bureau requires that people who are blood relatives with the bureau leader are not allowed to apply, because the treatment is too good?
Gold Commentary: The Tobacco Bureau requires that people who are blood relatives with the bureau leader are not allowed to apply, because the treatment is too good?

In fact, not only Shandong Tobacco Bureau listed the above requirements in the recruitment announcement, but also Jiangxi China Tobacco Industry Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Tobacco Monopoly Bureau, Shanxi Tobacco Monopoly Bureau, Qinghai Tobacco Monopoly Bureau, Anhui China Tobacco Industry Co., Ltd., Tibet Autonomous Region Tobacco Monopoly Bureau, Yunnan Tobacco Monopoly Bureau and other monopoly bureaus and tobacco companies all put forward the above requirements.

Gold Commentary: The Tobacco Bureau requires that people who are blood relatives with the bureau leader are not allowed to apply, because the treatment is too good?
Gold Commentary: The Tobacco Bureau requires that people who are blood relatives with the bureau leader are not allowed to apply, because the treatment is too good?

It can be said that this is a very special phenomenon, so many systems, fronts, industries, only the tobacco system does this, it really looks different. So, what is the factor that contributes to this approach?

According to analysis, this is because the economic benefits of the tobacco system are stable and the treatment of employees is too good, resulting in many people wanting to squeeze in, in order to raise the entry threshold, they have come up with the strategy of "people who are related to the leader are not allowed to apply".

Gold Commentary: The Tobacco Bureau requires that people who are blood relatives with the bureau leader are not allowed to apply, because the treatment is too good?
Gold Commentary: The Tobacco Bureau requires that people who are blood relatives with the bureau leader are not allowed to apply, because the treatment is too good?

How well are employees in the tobacco industry? An employee who has worked as a middle-level cadre in a tobacco monopoly bureau for 14 years revealed that he earns more than 200,000 yuan a year. In addition, according to him, the annual income of ordinary employees of the Tobacco Monopoly Bureau is generally more than 100,000 yuan. Their salaries tend to be higher than those of civil servants, such as year-end performance bonuses, which range from 20,000 to 50,000 for civil servants and between 30,000 and 80,000 for them. With a year-end performance of 80,000 yuan, plus various subsidies, plus a monthly basic salary, it is not surprising that a middle-level cadre's annual salary comprehensive income is more than 200,000 yuan.

Gold Commentary: The Tobacco Bureau requires that people who are blood relatives with the bureau leader are not allowed to apply, because the treatment is too good?
Gold Commentary: The Tobacco Bureau requires that people who are blood relatives with the bureau leader are not allowed to apply, because the treatment is too good?

With such a good salary, everyone wants to squeeze into the tobacco unit, so in order to show "fairness and justice", it is logical to require that people who are related to the leader not apply.

Cigarettes are very interesting, many people hate the smell of cigarettes, many people shout to refuse smoking and control tobacco, but the number of smokers across the country has increased, the tobacco taxes they contribute have also increased, and the cigarettes that should be produced and sold must continue to be produced and sold, because the tax is there. The call for tobacco control is just pretentious, and it is quite pale.