
No one knows how much "shock" "Lu Binghua" has brought to netizens.


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Editor|Entertainment Quest


"Lu Binghua" is a film with the theme of education that explores the complex interaction between education and human nature by telling the relationship between Guo Yuntian, a young art teacher, and his student Gu Amin.

The film has aroused widespread discussion and attention because it touches on important issues such as the education system, social concepts, and individual growth.

Today I will take you to explore that in contemporary society, education has always been recognized as one of the key factors for personal development and social progress.

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Contrast between education and social concepts

In the movie "Lu Binghua", the contrast between education and social concepts is an important theme.

By comparing urban and rural educational environments, the film shows the differences between educational concepts and educational systems in different social contexts.

There are clear differences in infrastructure and resource allocation between urban and rural education settings. In urban areas, schools tend to have more advanced facilities and resources, libraries, laboratories and sports facilities.

This provides students with a broader learning space and more opportunities. However, in rural areas, schools have limited resources and lack of updated teaching equipment and book resources, which limits students' learning conditions and opportunities.

In the film, the conditions in Shuicheng Rural Primary School are relatively poor, and the students are not exposed to advanced educational resources, which reflects the common challenges faced by rural schools.

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There are differences in the perception of education between urban and rural areas. In urban areas, education tends to be more focused on academic achievement and competitiveness. Students often face great pressure to study, and schools and parents seek high grades and advancement opportunities.

In rural areas, by contrast, education focuses more on practicality and life skills. The school emphasizes the all-round development of students, including the cultivation of practical ability, common sense of life and social responsibility.

The Shuicheng Rural Primary School in the film focuses on developing students' practical skills and creativity, not just academic performance.

Urban and rural educational environments have different impacts on student development and equality of opportunity. In urban areas, students face fierce competition, and excellent resources are often concentrated in the hands of a few.

This leads to the problem of unequal opportunities, and some students may not be able to develop their full potential due to lack of resources. In rural areas, the equalization of opportunities for students is relatively high because the distribution of resources is relatively balanced.

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In the film, Gu Amin, as a student from a poor family, faces the problem of unequal opportunities, but through Guo Yuntian's attention and support, he gets the opportunity to show his talent.

Social attitudes also have an important impact on the shaping of the education system. In urban areas, there is widespread acceptance of traditional educational models and success standards.

Students are encouraged to pursue high grades and prestigious schools, and the educational evaluation system is mainly based on test results.

In rural areas, social attitudes place greater emphasis on practical competence and social responsibility. The Shuicheng Rural Primary School in the film tries to jump out of the traditional evaluation system and emphasize students' creativity and practical ability.

This rethinking of educational goals and values reflects the important influence of social perceptions on education.

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The film "Lu Binghua" shows the difference between education and social concepts by comparing urban and rural educational environments.

There are significant differences in infrastructure, resource allocation, educational and social perceptions of urban and rural education.

These comparisons not only affect students' learning opportunities and development, but also shape the characteristics and problems of different education systems.

Understanding these comparisons helps us think about how to improve equity and adaptability in education for more comprehensive, equitable, and inclusive education systems.

Guo Yuntian's relationship with Gu Amin

In the movie "Lu Binghua", the relationship between Guo Yuntian and Gu Amin is a core plot, and it is also an exploration of education and human nature.

The special relationship between them shows the care and guidance of educators for students, and also reveals the trust and growth of students in educators.

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The relationship between Guo Yuntian and Gu Amin, and analyzes Guo Yuntian's role and influence on students.

Guo Yuntian's discovery and attention to Gu Amin was the starting point of their relationship. When Guo Yuntian came to teach at Shuicheng Rural Primary School, he discovered Gu Armin's talent and creativity in painting.

In the eyes of other teachers, Gu Amin was just a mischievous bad student, but Guo Yuntian saw his potential.

This discovery aroused Guo Yuntian's interest and curiosity, and he decided to give Gu Amin more attention and support.

Guo Yuntian's caring and educational approach to Gu Amin demonstrates the qualities of an excellent educator. He not only affirmed and encouraged Gu Amin's talent for painting, but also cared about his life situation and family background.

After Guo Yuntian learned that Gu Amin's family was poor, in order to help him, he did not hesitate to conflict with other teachers and provided Gu Amin with more resources and opportunities.

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Guo Yuntian's caring and educational methods opened Gu Amin's heart, made him feel the warmth of being valued and supported, and stimulated his creativity and self-confidence.

Guo Yuntian also serves as a mentor and role model in Gu Amin's life. Through his actions and words, he passed on positive values and attitudes to Gu Amin.

Guo Yuntian led by example and showed Gu Amin the importance of hard work through his own efforts and persistence. He encouraged Guarmin to stick to his interests and talents, believing that he could achieve his dreams through painting.

Guo Yuntian's guiding and role model helped Gu Amin build a positive sense of self-identity and self-worth, shaping his growth trajectory.

The relationship between Guo Yuntian and Gu Amin is a process of mutual influence. Not only did Gu Amin benefit from Guo Yuntian's care and education, but Guo Yuntian also gained inspiration and growth from Gu Aming.

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Through his interaction with Gu Amin, Guo Yuntian realized that each student has their own unique potential and value, and it is the responsibility of educators to discover and guide them.

He realized that education is not only about imparting knowledge, but more importantly, it is about nurturing students' personality, creativity and outlook on life.

Through his relationship with Gu Amin, Guo Yuntian re-examined his educational philosophy and education methods, and became a more comprehensive and caring educator.

The relationship between Guo Yuntian and Gu Amin shows the special interaction and influence between educators and students. Through Guo Yuntian's discovery, care and education, Gu Amin has grown and developed.

Through their relationship, Guo Yuntian re-examined his educational philosophy, and gained growth and inspiration from it.

This relationship between educators and students not only shapes the growth of the individual, but also has a positive impact on the entire education system and educational concepts.

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The exploration of this relationship is important for us to understand the interaction between education and human nature and the power of education.

The power of arts education

Art education played an important role in the movie Lu Binghua, which shows the positive impact of art education on students' personal growth and development.

The power of art education includes Gu Amin's talent for painting, the cultivation of creativity, and the improvement of students' comprehensive literacy by art education.

Gu Amin in the film shows his talent and creativity in painting. He attracted Guo Yuntian's attention with his amazing painting skills and unique artistic style.

This talent is not only innate, but also inseparable from his love and hard work in art. Gu Amin expresses his emotions and thoughts through art, and shows his unique perspective and creativity through painting.

His artistic talent not only made him stand out in school, but also earned him worldwide accolades.

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Guamin's experience shows that art education can explore and nurture students' talents and potential, providing them with a platform to showcase their talents.

Art education plays an important role in the cultivation of students' creativity. Arts education focuses on nurturing students' imagination and creativity, stimulating their unique way of thinking and innovation.

Through artistic expressions such as painting, music, and dance, students can express their emotions, thoughts, and experiences.

In the process of creating art, students need to think, observe, solve problems, and make choices, which develops their critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills.

Art education also encourages students to experiment with new forms of expression and creation, cultivating their courage and sense of innovation. Through his artistic creation, Gu Amin not only demonstrated his talent, but also cultivated his creativity and ability to think independently.

Art education has a positive impact on the improvement of students' comprehensive literacy. Art education not only focuses on the cultivation of skills and performance abilities, but also covers students' aesthetic, emotional, communication and social skills.

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By participating in artistic activities, students can develop their emotional expression skills, teamwork skills, and interpersonal skills.

Art education also cultivates students' observation, concentration and critical thinking, and improves their comprehensive literacy and creativity.

In the film, under the influence of art education, Gu Amin not only made breakthroughs in painting skills, but also made obvious growth in emotional expression and self-awareness.

Art education provides students with a platform to develop their own identity and sense of identity. Through artistic creation, students can express their personalities and thoughts, discover their own interests and potential.

Arts education helps students develop self-confidence and self-esteem, allowing them to believe in their unique values and abilities.

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In the film, Gu Amin shows his unique talent through painting, thereby gaining recognition and respect from others and establishing a positive self-identity.

Art education shows great power in the movie "Lu Binghua". It not only discovers and cultivates students' artistic talents and creativity, but also has a positive impact on their comprehensive literacy and personal development.

Art education provides a platform for students to find their voice and confidence in creation and expression. Through art education, students can become more well-rounded and creative individuals who contribute to the development and progress of society.

We should value and support the importance of art education and provide students with more opportunities for artistic creation and expression.

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Social Responsibility and Education

Social responsibility and education are closely related themes, and education not only provides students with knowledge and skills, but also carries the important mission of cultivating citizenship, social responsibility and participation in society.

The relationship between social responsibility and education, including the challenges of students from poor families, the social responsibility of educators, and the realization of equitable education.

Students from poor families face educational challenges. Due to the financial difficulties of poor families, these students often face problems such as lack of learning resources and poor living environment.

They may lack the necessary learning materials, educational opportunities, and a good learning environment. This makes it difficult for them to access high-quality education, limiting their learning outcomes and opportunities for future development.

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The educational responsibility of society for students from poor families is particularly important. Educators have an important responsibility to educate and nurture students, but also a social responsibility.

Educators are not only imparters of knowledge, but also role models and guides for students. They should have educational ethics, fairness awareness and social responsibility, and pay attention to the individual differences and needs of students.

Educators should pay attention to the special needs of students from poor families and provide additional help and support to help them overcome difficulties and realize their dreams.

By giving students care and encouragement, educators can stimulate students' intrinsic motivation and develop their self-confidence and positive attitude.

Educators should also promote equitable education. Equitable education is a manifestation of social responsibility, meaning that every student should have equal access to learning and resource allocation.

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Educators should work to eliminate factors of inequality, including socioeconomic background, gender, ethnicity, and geographic disparities.

They should advocate for diversity and inclusion in education, provide an equitable educational environment, and ensure that every student has equal opportunities to learn and develop space.

The realization of fair education not only contributes to the growth of individuals, but also contributes to the stability and prosperity of society. Achieving equitable education and assuming social responsibility is not easy.

This requires the joint efforts and support of the whole society, including the cooperation of the government, educational institutions, families and all sectors of society. The government should formulate policies and measures to ensure the equitable distribution of educational resources and special support for students from poor families.

Educational institutions should provide a variety of educational programs and courses to meet the diverse needs of students. Families and all sectors of society should pay attention to the needs of students from poor families and provide social support and encouragement.

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Only through the joint efforts of society can we achieve the fairness of education and the full play of social responsibility.

Social responsibility and education are closely linked. Students from poor families face educational challenges, and educators play an important role in education and social responsibility.

The author's opinion

The author believes that social responsibility and education are closely linked. Education is not only about imparting knowledge and skills, but also about developing students' sense of social responsibility and citizenship.

Educators should pay attention to the special needs of students from poor families, give them extra care and support, and help them overcome difficulties and achieve personal development.

Achieving equitable education requires the cooperation and efforts of society as a whole, including governments, educational institutions, families and all sectors of society. By working together, we can build an equitable, inclusive, and progressive education system that provides equal learning opportunities and development spaces for every student.

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