
Dad locked me in a room with a strange man for money

author:I love to chase novels

Dad locked me in a room with a strange man for money.

He said: "Xiaoxiao, Quanfeng's family has a car and a house, and his salary is 25,000, you will definitely be able to live a good life with him."

The man grinned and tried to push me on the bed to do something wrong.

As a result, I kicked my son to the ground.

I slammed the knife at his hand, "Do you open the door or do I open it?"

I am a nurse who interns in a psychiatric hospital.

After returning home at the end of the internship,

Found a naked man lying on my bed.

The door was still locked, and my father's voice came from outside the house: "Xiaoxiao, Quanfeng's family has a car and a house, and the salary is 25,000, you will definitely be able to live a good life with him."

The man grinned and tried to push me on the bed to do something wrong.

As a result, I kicked my son to the ground.

I slammed the knife at his hand, "Do you open the door or do I open it?"


Dad locked me in a room with a strange man for money


"I'm sick."


Hearing me say this, the naked man was frightened, trembling and covering his private area and looking at me.

I looked at him with a heavy eyebrow, and slowly crouched down to pull the scalpel out of the floor.

"Didn't my dad tell you about my mental hospital?"

Wang Quanfeng's face suddenly became ugly.

It seems that he really didn't know about my internship in a psychiatric hospital.

"This matter today is your father's idea, your father owes me 20,000 yuan and has no money to pay back, he wants you to pay off the debt, I thought you also volunteered........"

"Put your shit, I dare to pull nonsense on me?"

"If you don't believe it, we will go out to confront your father now!"

Wang Quanfeng said and took the clothes scattered next to him and opened the door, but my father fell directly in front of me.

He looked at the knife in my hand, his face changed suddenly, "What kind of knife is the girl's family, what if it hurts someone?!" ”

My dad said he was going to grab my knife, but I scratched my hand.

"Zhang Xiaoxiao! You still dare to hurt your Lao Tzu! Look how I clean you up as a slut!"

My dad spoke in anger and raised his hand to slap me, only to be kicked to the ground by me.

I stepped forward and stepped on his palm.

Just now he seemed to want to hit me with this hand.

Wang Quanfeng next to him watched, swallowing saliva nervously.

He took advantage of my lesson to my dad and quickly got dressed.

I looked at him, "The money this beast owes you doesn't matter to me, and I have already severed the father-daughter relationship with him, so I will definitely not help him pay him back, understand?"

I shook the knife in my hand and said threateningly.

Wang Quanfeng looked at my feet stepping on my father's palm, his legs involuntarily clamped, and the pain under his body was drilling, and he didn't want to experience it again.

He spat at my father, "Wang Zhi, you are a bastard, the calculating person actually dares to calculate on my head, if you don't pay back in three days, I will bring someone to the door and smash your house!"

After that, he slammed the door angrily.

My dad covered his hands in embarrassment and stood up, looking at my indifferent face and not fighting angrily, "Who taught you to beat the elders?" A cheap commodity is a cheap goods, and it is simply incomparable to his son!"

He cursed, but I wondered how he had the keys to my house.

To say, my house, although the location is not as good as the house in the city center, but the location is quite good, and the security is also very good.

When I went to the internship before, because I didn't live at home, and I was afraid that my vampire parents would come to the door and ask for money, I told the security uncle in the community not to put it in my house casually, and I even handed over the spare key hidden under the mat outside to the security uncle for safekeeping.

It stands to reason that my dad shouldn't be able to get in.

"Lao Tzu is talking to you, did you hear me? Your aunt will bring your nephew to the door later, so hurry up and clean up. ”

I didn't move, looking at him in silence.

He was weak-hearted by me, and his confidence was not as strong as what he had just said.

In this silent atmosphere, there was movement at the entrance.

I looked up and saw my mother walking in with a large bag of things, she was still holding the spare key to my house, and a large group of people was behind her.

"What are you doing standing there, hurry up and help me carry something." My mom urged.

She walked in with the large group of people behind her without changing her shoes.

After a while, my clean floor immediately had a few more mud footprints.

My dad beckoned them to sit down and said they would feel like their home.

A middle-aged woman at the head sat in the middle with dyed red hair, her eyes swept greedily here, and finally snorted coldly and put her gaze on me, "People who go to college are different, and when they see their elders, they don't know to pour a cup of tea and say hello." ”

"That's it, Lao Wang, your girlfriend is also ignorant."

"It seems that I went to a university and lost my brain."

"I want to drink Coke! The ice kind!"

My aunt hugged her three- or four-year-old son and coaxed, then pointed at me and said unceremoniously, "Little your nephew wants to drink Coke, you hurry out and buy it for your nephew, and buy a few more burgers by the way." We came all the way and got a little hungry, so we ate some hamburgers to pad our stomachs. ”

"Okay, yes, yes, there's a burger to eat!" My nephew danced happily, saw that I was not moving, stepped forward and tried to push me, but instead of pushing, he fell to the ground.

He cried directly with a "wow"!

"Why is this child of yours so ignorant, my brother doesn't know how to be a sister when he falls." My mother quickly helped my nephew up and gave me a resentful look.

I sneered, "I broke off relations with you in the first place, what do you mean by leading a large group of people to the door today?"

Hearing this, my parents had a little weakness on their faces.

My thoughts couldn't help but drift to the day after the college entrance examination, the day the results were released.

I live in a relatively backward rural area, and the village is proud of the children who have gone to college.

At that time, my college entrance examination score exceeded the first line of forty or fifty points.

My parents didn't want me to continue studying, afraid that I wouldn't listen to their discipline in the future, but seeing that I had such a good score and was reluctant, I thought of letting my uncle's girl who failed the college entrance examination top my place.

My uncle promised my dad 10,000 yuan.

When I knew it, I cried and said it was impossible, but my father beat me up and locked up in a pigsty, and I didn't eat for a day and a night.

Later, the aunt of the next door saw that I was pitiful and released me, and I ran out to find the village chief, but fortunately, the village chief was a clear distinction between right and wrong, and immediately announced my parents' evil deeds in the village, and let me live in his house, until the start of school, and stuffed me with money to send me to school.

Before school started, I cut ties with half of the money I earned from my summer job.

"Why are you kid so calculating? We are your parents, and we can still hurt you! You a girl's family don't be so stubborn, if you don't have parents and relatives to help you, can you find a good man to marry in the future? My mother said and straightened her waist, looking good for me.

It's as if I'm ignorant, just don't understand things.

Others were also on the sidelines.

Even said that a girl can't inherit the family to buy any house, it's better to leave it to my parents for pension, or transfer it to my nephew, and I can let my nephew give me the pension in the future.

"Yo, that's what you're really for."

Listening to me say this, the faces of those present turned red.

I stood up straight, no longer wanting to listen to their blind pressing, "I have long disowned relations with you, but in the years I have worked, I have also put money on your card every month, I have seen faceless parents, and I have not seen your group of faceless bloodsuckers!"

"I bought the house at my own expense, and it has nothing to do with you! If you want my house, let your children who have no skills buy it for you!" I am frustrated, I don't have a job, I have no money, I eat at home all day and wait for death, and I want to see other houses lively, why don't I kill you with a thunder!"

"You you you . . . You are an unfilial daughter!"

My aunt pointed at me tremblingly, and now she wanted to rush up and slap me.

My father walked up to me with a calm face, "Wang Xiaoxiao, you still think that you are a member of my old Wang family, now immediately apologize to your aunt and relatives, and then book a hotel to eat and ask everyone to make amends!"

I sneered.

The patience and good temper that came out of the internship in the psychiatric hospital disappeared instantly.

I turned and rushed into the kitchen, and came out with two kitchen knives, one on the wall above my aunt's head, and one at my dad, "You kind of say what you just said!"

My dad was so frightened that he fell backwards, and if it weren't for my dad's support, he would probably have knelt on the ground, but even so, I still smelled a fishy smell.

My dad and my aunt peed.

But I underestimated how cheeky all of them were.

A few of them threw my things, scolded the street, and even lay on the ground and rolled around, saying that I was bullied.

The sound insulation of my house is not very good, plus they are not small, and when they come, they quickly attract the attention of others.

After a while, there was a knock on the door, and I saw through the peephole that it was a security guard, and instantly took a kitchen knife and gently cut a hole in my arm, which was very small and left a little blood, and I went into the kitchen again and squeezed ketchup on my arm.

Pull open the door and tears pour down.

"Uncle Zhang, you have to decide for me! My severed parents brought a large group of people to smash my house, and when I came back, my father locked me in the bedroom with a strange man, he wanted to buy his daughter to make black money! ”

"He still wants to cut me with a kitchen knife!"

"I'm not alive——!"

I howled at the top of my throat and called out the other neighbors as well. The more people were around, I was about to hit the wall, but I was stopped by an aunt.

I fell weakly in my arms, and my mouth was still nagging that I was no longer alive, which instantly pulled a wave of distress and resentment towards my parents among the people around me.

My parents and relatives behind me were dumbfounded.

My dad was still holding a kitchen knife with ketchup that I had shoved into his hand.

That's what I squeezed in just now while he wasn't paying attention.

"You, don't listen to her nonsense! She wasn't hurt either, she just took a kitchen knife and tried to cut us—"

"Can you be a big man! A group of you bullied a little girl, and came to frame her, can you be a dog if you can't be a person, saying that being a dog also defiles the dog!"

"It's that our eyes are not blind, the kitchen knife that hurt the girl is still in your hand, can you find a reason to find a more serious one."

In the end, my parents and a large number of relatives blushed under the verbal insults of Uncle Zhang and the neighbors, and were ready to leave in ashes, and I said, "Why, I want to leave after making my house like this?"

Uncle Zhang also said: "Look at what happened to the child's house? If I don't lose money today, I'll call the police!"

"And you're a daddy, what's going on? Black heart liver to your daughter, do you want to face, such a big person, it's really disgusting to do such a low-rate thing!"

Other neighbors stood up for me and denounced me, saying that if they didn't give an explanation, they would go directly to the police station today.

Although my parents were reluctant, they still gave me 5,000 yuan as a mental damage fee, and other relatives had to pay me more than 10,000 yuan.

In the end, they were watched away by my neighbors in this building.

The aunt who lived at my door handed me her mobile phone, "In today's society, there are always people who listen to other people's words and start spraying everywhere on the Internet, this is the video I just recorded, I think it should come in handy in the future." ”

My heart warmed.

I am very happy to meet such a good neighbor as my aunt.

While most of the others came to join in the fun, there had to be a lot of people for me.

I nodded with moist eyes.

My aunt patted my hand, "Come to my aunt's house for dinner in the evening, and I'll make dumplings for you." ”


After sending off the aunt, Uncle Zhang, who had a majestic and upright look just now, came to me with a bitter face at this moment, "Little can't help it, my wife was hospitalized in poor health a few days ago, so let my incomplete nephew bring me the class, I didn't expect him to let people in casually, this time it's uncle who can't stop you!" Uncle promises there won't be a next time!"

I wiped my eyes, "It's okay uncle, I don't blame you for this." ”

"Oh good!"

Uncle Zhang left, and I started cleaning up the house.