
"Secret Invasion" Who did the Skrulls replace this time?

author:Film Reviewer

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As the plot of "Secret Invasion" continues to improve, more and more familiar Marvel characters are replaced by Skrulls.

The Skrullis are an alien race under the Marvel Comics of the United States, first appearing in "Captain Marvel", where the Skrulls' home was destroyed and hunted down by the Kree. So the Skrulls, who have lost their homes, can only temporarily hide in seclusion on Earth. They can change their appearance at will, disguising themselves as another person, including memories.

"Secret Invasion" Who did the Skrulls replace this time?

As for why the Skrullis invaded Earth in "Secret Invasion", this has to mention our S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury.

After their homeland was destroyed, the Skrulls settled on Earth as refugees, but they have always longed for their own new planet and live as they really are.

"Secret Invasion" Who did the Skrulls replace this time?

There is an agreement between Fury and Talos (Skrulls). The Skrulls help Fury keep Earth safe, and Fury promises to help the Skrulls find a new home.

"Secret Invasion" Who did the Skrulls replace this time?

Fury was promoted from the lowest level of S.H.I.E.L.D. to the position of director of S.H.I.E.L.D. with the support and help of the Skrrulls.

But Fury never fulfilled his promise to the Skrulls, and after Thanos snapped his fingers, Fury turned into ashes, and after returning, he was like a changed person, and became much worse than before.

The Skrull refugees, led by Gravi, were very concerned about Fury's dishonesty, so Talos was expelled from Parliament and exiled.

Grave also attempted to launch a large-scale terrorist attack, eventually devising a plan to exterminate humanity and encroach on the earth. So Fury, who escaped from the space station, had to return to Earth to resist the invasion of Earth by the Skrulls.

In the fourth episode of "Secret Invasion", Nick Fury found out that the Skrulls in the top of the US government were actually the war machine Colonel James Rhodes.

"Secret Invasion" Who did the Skrulls replace this time?

As a fan, I really want to know how Iron Man, who is a friend of Colonel Rhodes, feels.

"Secret Invasion" Who did the Skrulls replace this time?

When Iron Man died in "Avengers: Endgame", was that sad Colonel Rhode a real war machine?

"Secret Invasion" Who did the Skrulls replace this time?

Another thing I want to know the most should be when was Colonel Rhodes killed by the Skrulls?

"Secret Invasion" Who did the Skrulls replace this time?

According to Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige, he noted that some of the character's previous appearances may not actually be Rodey, and that the exchange may have occurred a long time ago.

Gears of War first appeared in Iron Man 1, played by Terrence Howard.

"Secret Invasion" Who did the Skrulls replace this time?

By the time of "Iron Man 2", the actor was changed to Don Cheadle, and in the plot, during Iron Man's hearing, he also joked that "it's me, I'm coming, recognize it, look forward". Although there are many factors in the matter of changing actors, with the broadcast of "Secret Invasion", various possibilities will exist.

"Secret Invasion" Who did the Skrulls replace this time?

There is also such a scene in "Iron Man 2" that is also full of suspiciousness. When Colonel Rhode took away the Iron Man suit, it was night, but when he arrived at the air base, it became a sunny day, and the time span was so large that people had to be full of questions!

"Secret Invasion" Who did the Skrulls replace this time?

When exactly was the war machine replaced? There are still those details in Marvel movies that we have overlooked, and you Marvel fans may wish to look for them.

With the infiltration of the Skuru people, all the characters we are familiar with may be pretended by the Skuru people, how Fury saved the earth in a difficult situation, let's look forward to the new plot of "Secret Invasion" together!