
Huawei: Pangu large model and ChatGPT are not on the same track, more advantages than ChatGPT?

author:Think Tank Mavericks

Huawei: Pangu large model and ChatGPT are not on the same track, more advantages than ChatGPT?

On July 7, Huawei released Pangu Model 3.0 at the developer conference 2023 (Cloud). In an interview, Zhang Pingan, CEO of HUAWEI CLOUD, talked about the comparative advantages of Pangu's large model and ChatGPT. He said that the Pangu model is mainly focused on solving industry problems, rather than chatting and communication, so it is not on the same level as ChatGPT.

Huawei: Pangu large model and ChatGPT are not on the same track, more advantages than ChatGPT?

Zhang Pingan pointed out that although many large models have emerged around the world after OpenAI released ChatGPT, Huawei's Pangu large model is not directly compared with ChatGPT. He said Huawei's goal is to solve real industry problems, not just provide chat functionality. No matter how many model parameters there are, if it doesn't solve the real problem, no matter how expressive the dialogue is, it can't really solve the real need.

Zhang Pingan also believes that OpenAI will enter the industry, but he stressed that the competitive advantage in the industry is an issue worth exploring. He believes that Huawei and OpenAI are not on the same level and do not pursue the same development track.

As for the situation where large models can be used for creative activities such as poetry creation and painting, Zhang Pingan believes that large models should not replace poetry and painting. He believes that artistic creation requires the experience and inspiration of artists.

Huawei: Pangu large model and ChatGPT are not on the same track, more advantages than ChatGPT?

In the introduction of Pangu Model 3.0, Zhang Pingan mentioned its innovation directions such as industry reshaping, technology rooting and open sharing, continuously improving its core competitiveness and providing services for industry customers, partners and developers.

The release of Pangu Model 3.0 marks Huawei's continuous efforts and innovation in the field of artificial intelligence. Zhang Pingan introduced the three innovative directions of Pangu Model 3.0.

The first is industry reshaping, Pangu Grand Model 3.0 is committed to solving practical problems and challenges in the industry. Through technologies such as deep learning and natural language processing, the model can provide intelligent solutions in various industries such as healthcare, finance, education, and transportation, helping enterprises improve efficiency, reduce costs, and optimize user experience.

Huawei: Pangu large model and ChatGPT are not on the same track, more advantages than ChatGPT?

Secondly, the technology is rooted, and Pangu Model 3.0 focuses on the in-depth research and development and application of technology. Huawei is committed to building full-stack intelligent solutions, providing users with comprehensive AI solutions and technical support from chips and devices to the cloud. Huawei's technical strength and innovation capabilities make the Pangu model more reliable and stable in various industries.

Finally, Huawei encourages developers and partners to participate in the application and development of the Pangu Model. Through the open API interface and developer platform, Huawei provides developers with a wealth of resources and tools to help them better use the Pangu model to build innovative applications and promote the development and application of artificial intelligence technologies.

Zhang Pingan also mentioned Huawei's cooperation with industry partners, emphasizing the importance of cooperation. He said that only through extensive cooperation and sharing can the rapid development and wide application of artificial intelligence technology be realized. Huawei will continue to work with enterprises, academic institutions, and developers around the world to promote innovation and progress in AI technology.

Huawei: Pangu large model and ChatGPT are not on the same track, more advantages than ChatGPT?

The release of Pangu Model 3.0 has set a new milestone for Huawei in the field of artificial intelligence. Huawei will continue to strive for technological innovation and industry applications, provide more intelligent, convenient, and efficient solutions for users around the world, promote the development of artificial intelligence technology, and accelerate digital transformation."

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