
American "bear child" Richard: A person who is abandoned by society, but in the end he lives as he is

author:Five six seven documentary

Five Six Seven Documentary/Editor

Five-six-seven documentary/copywriting

On the corner of a suburban town in the United States, Richard was born into an unhappy family. His parents were too busy with work to take care of his upbringing and discipline. At a young age, Richard showed unusual and stubborn behavior and became a complete "bear child". He secretly does what is illegal and morally impermissible, evading responsibility and punishment.

Gradually, Richard developed a special social circle, became a street skewer, and met a group of troubled teenagers and idle young people. This circle lacks proper guidance and responsible education, resulting in them not knowing how to be responsible people.

American "bear child" Richard: A person who is abandoned by society, but in the end he lives as he is

Richard has a special proclivity for molesting young girls. His lewd act of molesting these innocent children caused them to be upset and cry. However, he did not realize that it was illegal, on the contrary, they felt that it was entertainment, a way to satisfy their desires.

American "bear child" Richard: A person who is abandoned by society, but in the end he lives as he is

Gradually, Richard's behavior became more egregious. No longer satisfied with teasing, he began to kidnap little girls and insult them. He covered their noses and mouths with his hands, preventing them from calling for help. This vicious act did not stop at once, he searched for girls in different places, and continued to insult and molest them, threatening them not to speak out.

American "bear child" Richard: A person who is abandoned by society, but in the end he lives as he is

However, fate finally opened the hand of judgment on Richard. An alert teacher discovers Richard's actions, sends him to jail, and charges him with molesting a young girl. Richard's crimes were made public, and he could not escape justice.

American "bear child" Richard: A person who is abandoned by society, but in the end he lives as he is

However, the prison punishment did not change Richard. After his release, he continued to look for opportunities to abuse his young girl. This time, he was again brought to justice, again in prison for continuing to commit crimes. Richard's egregious behavior caused panic and anger throughout the community.

American "bear child" Richard: A person who is abandoned by society, but in the end he lives as he is

Richard became a local "celebrity," but it wasn't the fame he wanted. The school and parents began to wary of him and isolate him. The friends he once had left him, leaving behind nothing but indifference and disgust. Richard felt deep in despair, and he realized that he was an outcast by society.

In desperation, Richard tried to seek help from welfare agencies, but his application was rejected. The identity of multiple crimes deprived him of the opportunity to help, and he was once again rejected by society.

American "bear child" Richard: A person who is abandoned by society, but in the end he lives as he is

Richard wandered aimlessly through the streets of his hometown, desperate for a glimmer of hope and an opportunity to change his predicament. However, reality coldly turned him away. No matter who he turned to for help, he was only met with an indifferent look and a reluctant shake of his head. No one was willing to help him, which made Richard's disappointment and despair deepen.

Faced with a nationally networked criminal record, Richard felt hopelessness that could not be escaped. He understood why he was treated coldly no matter what state he went to in the United States. He became a man covered with labels, a label that could not be erased. It was a bondage, an insurmountable wall, that made him repeatedly frustrated on the road to job search.

However, the plan to go abroad that swelled in his heart became his only hope. He knew that only abroad would no one know about his past. No one will have preconceived prejudices about him. Going abroad became an excellent way for him to get out of his predicament and an opportunity for complete rebirth.

Richard's destination was set in faraway Africa. Once the battlefield of colonial empires, this continent is now Richard's land of hope. His first step in Africa was to apply for a visa, a thin piece of paper that carried his dream of freedom and opportunity.

However, when Richard arrived in Africa, his disillusionment was shattered. The continent was far more poor than he had imagined. The dream in his heart was shattered.

He had no professional skills and could only earn a meagre income from manual labor. However, he soon found that he could not endure such toil for long. A tired body and wounded soul urged him to quit his job.

Richard reorganized his mind and decided to go to South America to find a new way out. Despite the relative wealth of the continent, the chaos of law and order prevented him from surviving here for long.

In a foreign land in South America, Richard faces a chaotic city. At night, the street lights are dim and weak, and the graffiti on the walls is full of disorder and fragmentation. It is a place of chaos and struggle, like a noisy beast, which cannot be ignored by Richard.

Coming to China Richard wandered the crowded streets of Shanghai, full of hope and anticipation for the future. In 2018, he heard that China treats foreigners well, especially in fast-growing Shanghai. Fascinated by fascinating opportunities and endless possibilities, he decided to come to this bustling city.

However, Richard also faces a reality test. He has no formal work experience and his only advantage is fluency in speaking. He longed to find a stable job and establish himself in this strange land.

By chance, Richard successfully became a foreign teacher through an interview at a private educational institution. This institution has a good reputation in China and specializes in teaching young children English enlightenment. Richard finds that his students are a group of lovely young children who are at a critical time in learning the language. For a foreigner like him who has no professional skills, teaching English is relatively easy.

However, Richard also gradually discovered that the training institution has a low threshold, and some foreigners have the opportunity to commit murder in China. He began to use his status as a foreign teacher to have frequent contact with young girls in training institutions. He took a fancy to their vulnerability and dependence, and began to immerse himself in the charm of power.

Over time, Richard revives his vile desires.

At the training facility, Richard noticed a 14-year-old female student named Fifi. She has a nice face, but her personality is reticent and does not communicate much with other people. Richard set his sights on her to master her vulnerability. After a lesson, Richard left Fifi alone on the grounds of correcting his pronunciation.

In a place where there is no one, Richard reveals his vile nature and molests Fifi. Fifi tried to resist, but could not resist Richard's old and strong body.

After the initial molestation, Richard fears that Fifi will lose her job by telling her about it, so he threatens her to keep quiet. Fifi was forced to remain silent and fell into the abyss of fear and despair.

Over time, Richard became emboldened. He uses his status as a foreign teacher to satisfy evil desires and impose his perverted behavior on others.

However, when the girls realized the seriousness of what Richard had done to them, they began to bravely come forward and report the crime to the training institutions and the police. Richard's crimes were eventually revealed, and he was arrested and punished by law.

Richard's evolution from a "bear child" to a sex offender was caused by his personal choices and lack of social responsibility. When he was growing up, family indifference and social neglect distorted his moral outlook and made him unable to realize the seriousness of his actions. However, no matter how harsh the environment, everyone has the right to choose and decide their own behavior. Richard chose the path of illegality and moral decay, and ultimately paid the price.

This story reminds us that social responsibility is inextricably linked to individual choices. Family, education, and social environment all have a significant impact on a person's growth. The warmth of the family and the guidance of education are the basis for shaping a person's good character. At the same time, society should provide equal opportunities and support for everyone to help them establish correct moral concepts and choices.

However, everyone also needs to take responsibility for their actions. Regardless of the circumstances, everyone has the ability to choose the right path. Richard's story reminds us that no matter how many setbacks and misfortunes we encounter, we should stick to our conscience and choose the right moral and moral behavior.

Each of us is a part of society, and our choices and actions have an impact on society. By focusing on the relationship between social responsibility and personal choice, we can better understand and improve society, creating a more just and harmonious environment that provides opportunities for everyone to grow and develop.

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