
Tom Cruise jumped off a cliff on a motorcycle, and the live-action action scene of "Mission Impossible 7" exploded the audience

author:Art Bloom

Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Yuan Yuner

Tom Cruise leads the return of the full lineup, thrilling real-life action stunts, foggy thrilling plot... On July 14, the world-popular agent-themed action film "Mission Impossible 7: Fatal Reckoning (Part I)" was officially released in China, joining the summer fierce battle. The film is directed by Christopher McCauley, Tom Cruise, Simon Page, Rebecca Ferguson, Vanessa Kirby and other original cast members return, as well as Hayley Atwell, Pang Clementev and other new starring actors.

Tom Cruise jumped off a cliff on a motorcycle, and the live-action action scene of "Mission Impossible 7" exploded the audience

In the film, Agent Ethan, played by Tom Cruise, was chased and killed by fierce enemies around the world, everyone in the IMF task force was threatened with their lives, and countless potential enemies pulled out their guns. Ethan is determined to protect his teammates, but is rejected by his teammates on the grounds that completing the mission is more important than their lives. In the end, how will Ethan choose between the lives of his teammates and the mission mission? Who can escape this fatal reckoning under this crisis?

Although the protagonist Ethan Hunt is still brave, witty and charismatic, the "Mission Impossible" series has always not emphasized individual heroism, but more team spirit, and the main characters this time have their own highlights. First of all, the "strongest logistics" Simon Page, "loyal veteran" Vin Reams and other original cast members, and the surprise return of IMF Director Kittledge (Henry Kozeny), who played the "old boss" in the first part. In addition, the four female characters this time are "beautiful and strong" in one, brave and resourceful, quite eye-catching. The newly joined Hailey Atwell and Pon Clementev respectively play the mysterious Grace and friend and the combative female killer Paris, plus the previously loved sassy Ilsa (Rebecca Flosen) and "White Widow" (Vanessa Kirby), the performance of the four "spy girls" is full of charm. They are no longer face-painted and vases, but show the multifaceted and complex nature of the characters.

Tom Cruise jumped off a cliff on a motorcycle, and the live-action action scene of "Mission Impossible 7" exploded the audience

In terms of story, "Mission Impossible 7" also incorporates artificial intelligence elements. In the film, "intelligent body" is a mysterious character set based on artificial intelligence. It cannot be seen or touched, not only putting the IMF team led by Ethan to the test, but also disrupting the world order with its ability to control information and conscious intelligence. In order to cope with the crisis caused by the "intellectual body", the IMF team had to do everything possible to fight with it. The entire story follows the classic three-act setting of Hollywood in choreography, creating a gripping experience amid ups and downs.

Action scenes and magnificent landscapes have always been the biggest highlights of the "Mission Impossible" series, and under the leadership of "real shooting maniac" Tom Cruise and director Christopher McCauley, the crew traveled around the world to shoot on the spot. Abu Dhabi is a vast desert with horses and guns, walking through the yellow sand of the desert to avoid enemy ambushes; In the narrow alleyways of Venice's water city, Ethan runs desperately non-stop, punching and fighting in the smoke, and defeating the enemy with one move; In the endless streets of Rome, Ethan and the mysterious new character Grace drive to escape the ferocious pursuit from the female killer; An Orient Express runs in the vast snowy mountains of Norway, inside the train, there are many deadly killers hidden in the narrow carriages, and on the top of the train, Ethan fights the mysterious villain in close combat...

Tom Cruise jumped off a cliff on a motorcycle, and the live-action action scene of "Mission Impossible 7" exploded the audience

As Hollywood's "desperate three langs", Tom Cruise once again led the main creators to stage difficult stunts one after another, bringing an immersive look to the audience. If the desert battle in "Mission Impossible 7" is an "appetizer", then the Rome street car chase, Venice water city street fighting, and the speedy train top hand-to-hand combat are eye-opening "hard dishes". However, the biggest attraction of the action scene in the film is the scene where Ethan jumps down from a cliff more than 1200 meters high on a motorcycle and parachutes to escape. In order to complete this difficult action scene, Tom Cruise trained 500 skydives and 13,000 motorcycle jumps before filming. Upside-down dive in "Mission Impossible 1", unarmed rock climbing in "Mission Impossible 2", leaping over the building in "Mission Impossible 3", Burj Khalifa parkour in "Mission Impossible 4", high-altitude pickpocket plane in "Mission Impossible 5", military-grade "HALO skydiving" in "Mission Impossible 6" and then this motorcycle skydiving, the 61-year-old Tom Cruise has always adhered to the spirit of real photography is really admirable.

At present, the Douban score of "Mission Impossible 7" is as high as 8.4 points, and the wonderful and exciting real-life action scenes have been recognized by most audiences. However, because this part has become two episodes, this time the audience can only see the last episode, the final ending of the story and the fate of the characters have not yet been revealed, and many viewers feel quite dissatisfied. In addition, the film is facing greater box office pressure in the mainland market. In the past, the popularity of "In the Octagonal Cage" and "Chang'an 30,000 Li" has not decreased, and next week will usher in blockbuster blockbusters such as "The First Part of Fengsheng", "Super Family" and "Barbie", and the market competition is unprecedentedly fierce. On the first day of the release of "Mission Impossible 7", the film was pressed by "In the Octagon Cage", and the final box office of the film predicted by Maoyan Professional is only 600 million yuan, and the prospects are not optimistic.

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