
July against the road echelon: the new "Big Three" on the side was born, and Lv Bu and Cheng Bitjin gradually retired!


Note: T1 means the heroes of the first echelon of the version, which will be stronger than ordinary heroes, while T0 means that the heroes who are above the first echelon and belong to the version are not required.

This list is a combination of the official "Ranked Peak Race Data" and "KPL Pro Hero Appearance Rate".

【Confrontation road echelon】

T0: Ji Xiaoman

T0.5: Yalian, Zhao Huaizhen

T1: Mulan, Charlotte, Mad Iron, Sikong Zhen, Xia Hou Wei, Ma Chao

T2: Li Xin (Guang), Meng Tian, Lao Fuzi, Guan Yu, Lü Bu, Bai Qi, Xiang Yu, Lian Po, Sun Ce

T3: Mi Yue, Liu Bang, Yuan Ge, Yang Jian, Arthur, Dharma, Zhu Bajie

T4: Nezha, Zhong Wuyan, Cheng Yanjin, Li Xin (dark)

T4.5: Cao Cao

The S32 season is the version with the most "mechanics", and the confrontation road will also pay more attention to the line period than before.

After all, the middle double grass shifted 80 yards outward, resulting in a lot of reduction in the success rate of playing wild catches, coupled with the fact that in recent seasons, Zhongfu often runs towards the development road, and even at 2 minutes, the auxiliary will directly conjoined 2v2, which also makes it difficult for the field to do things on its own.

Only when the confrontation road obtains the right to the line, can the field have a place to break the deadlock, and then firmly control the initiative of the rhythm.

All in all, the confrontation road of the S32 season is bound to the wilderness, if their own wing can only clear the troops from the back, or if they often suffer losses in blood exchanges, then the wilderness will be extremely painful to play, and may even declare a collapse in advance.

July against the road echelon: the new "Big Three" on the side was born, and Lv Bu and Cheng Bitjin gradually retired!

Among them, Ji Xiaoman, Yalian and Zhao Huaizhen are well-deserved "three tigers on the side", in the peak competition, they have a BP rate that lives alone in one gear, and also crush most of the side roads.

Ji Xiaoman has the strength of the opposite line beyond T0, level 2 can kill most fighters in seconds, there are no natural enemies at all, in addition, she can also use "11 flashes" to stabilize the group and effectively destroy the enemy formation.

July against the road echelon: the new "Big Three" on the side was born, and Lv Bu and Cheng Bitjin gradually retired!

The most outrageous thing is that the 22 consecutive moves have four major mechanism advantages such as unselectable + hegemonic body + injury-free + blood return, which also makes Ji Xiaoman's pulling ability extremely exaggerated, even if the three people on the opposite side are forcibly captured, they may not be able to keep her, and in team battles, even Donghuang Taiyi is difficult to bite.

Perfect mechanism + absolute value, this is the fundamental reason why Ji Xiaoman dominates the T0, coupled with the disguised strengthening of the 10-point Ad of the accompanying skin, it is enough to make her more incomprehensible.

The new hero Yalian, in terms of damage values, is not as intuitive as Ji Xiaoman and Zhao Huaizhen, and can even be said to be a little scraped, but it is undeniable that his breakthrough ability is quite terrifying, the lock + unselectable + high shield effect of the big move, even if it does not drop people in seconds, it can also make the enemy double C unable to follow the output.

July against the road echelon: the new "Big Three" on the side was born, and Lv Bu and Cheng Bitjin gradually retired!

The above is the clip of Yalian's first appearance in KPL, first use the second skill to enter the lightspeed A two knives and then open bigger, after landing is already full of anger, can directly play a full skill, even if the opponent has two death protection, can not avoid Sun Shangxiang was forced to die, after the game, Yalian even won the MVP of the game.

July against the road echelon: the new "Big Three" on the side was born, and Lv Bu and Cheng Bitjin gradually retired!

It can be seen that Yalian's formation division ability is indeed unsolvable, and the long-term hegemony + injury-free + weakening, coupled with the sticky ability of T0 level, is enough to make Crispy powerless.

July against the road echelon: the new "Big Three" on the side was born, and Lv Bu and Cheng Bitjin gradually retired!

Not only that, Yalian's data in the full segment is also quite eye-catching, and when other wings are struggling with a 50% win rate, he already has a 35.53% BP rate + 52.4% win rate, second only to Ji Xiaoman, and belongs to a well-deserved T0.5 level fighter.

As for Zhao Huaizhen, not to mention, his data is more exaggerated than the above two, the value and mechanism are also over the standard, 213 consecutive moves rushed up, and the opposite double C has no game experience at all.

However, Zhao Huai's Allah want is to fight wild, if it is to take the confrontation road, it does not belong to the top line hegemon, can only stabilize all the way and wait for support, the ability to lead the rhythm is far less domineering than the wild area, so I only ranked him in T0.5.

July against the road echelon: the new "Big Three" on the side was born, and Lv Bu and Cheng Bitjin gradually retired!

Next, the T1 echelon, still Mulan, Mad Iron and Charlotte in a "three-legged" situation, they all belong to the top line bully, and taking it out is equivalent to bringing their own tailwind Buff.

It's just that in team battles, these three heroes are not easy to play, and when the enemy sees them, they can still have the opportunity to counteract or withdraw, unlike Yalian and Ji Xiaoman, who have a black screen at a glance.

July against the road echelon: the new "Big Three" on the side was born, and Lv Bu and Cheng Bitjin gradually retired!

It is worth mentioning that the latest performance of Sikong Zhen is also very prominent, and in the section above 1600 of the peak race, there are often cases where Sikong Zhen belt goes violently.

Against the Sikong earthquake of the road, there are two advantages.

The first is that the strength of the line is relatively high, although there is no absolute line right, but you can also fight back and forth with the line bully, and even more restrained Yalian, and can frequently brush a skill to avoid the latter's dull meteor chop.

Second, the Twilight Stream of the S32 season has been strengthened, which further shortens the development cycle of Sikong Zhen, allowing him to complete the side harvest faster in the medium term and hit terrifying lightning damage.

The most important thing is that the current Tanye is getting stronger and stronger, such as Xia Hou Wei, Yun Ying, Zhao Huaizhen and Rou Kai, all have good priorities in the middle and high segments, they are more difficult to finish the game in the later stage, and there are weak shortcomings with weak lines.

July against the road echelon: the new "Big Three" on the side was born, and Lv Bu and Cheng Bitjin gradually retired!

And Sikong Zhen can perfectly make up for this shortcoming, and can smoothly integrate into the system of Tanye + Tool Man, making his "employment opportunities" more and more, becoming the current version of the strong side core.

Finally, there are the echelons of T2 and beyond, with two heroes to mention.

First, the "mechanism monster" and "numerical monster" are so domineering, which also makes a bulky hero like Lu Bu very uncomfortable.

July against the road echelon: the new "Big Three" on the side was born, and Lv Bu and Cheng Bitjin gradually retired!

The above is Lü Bu's latest peak race data, although the appearance rate is still very high, but the win rate has fallen below 47% again, which is the "three traps" on a par with Cao Cao and Cheng Yanjin.

There is no way, after all, after Lü Bu cut the value, the money is easily suppressed, and at the same level, even if he encounters Tanbian, he can't beat it.

Coupled with the strong side of the S32 season, basically there are hegemonic body injuries and multi-stage displacement, which also makes Lü Bu cut Fang Tian's halberd rusty and can't cut people, and even will be constantly played to hide, and can't enchant at all.

July against the road echelon: the new "Big Three" on the side was born, and Lv Bu and Cheng Bitjin gradually retired!

The above is Lv Bu's data in the new season of the KPL, 6.78% BP rate + 40% win rate, has been gradually abandoned by professional players, and can you think that only half a year has passed, Lv Bu has changed from T0 to T3 in KPL?

The second place, Miyue, ushered in two reinforcements in just 10 days.

Not only does it extend the survival time of a skill, but it also changes the passive crow and the effect of absorbing attack power to decrease layer by layer, so that Miyue's pulling ability, continuous damage and error tolerance rate have changed qualitatively.

July against the road echelon: the new "Big Three" on the side was born, and Lv Bu and Cheng Bitjin gradually retired!

The above is the latest peak race data of Miyue, with a win rate of 52.48%, which is still relatively good, but in the current middle and high segments, Miyue is mainly in the wild area, and the side road is still rare.

This is because only the playing field can perfectly enjoy the strengthening dividend, so that the number of layers does not fall so fast, and the Miyue who fights against the road also has the problem of playing a weak group and cannot snowball quickly, so I will rank Miyue in the upper reaches of T3.

As for the other heroes, the changes are not too big, so I will not analyze them one by one.

After all, the old heroes of T3 and T4 are too bad in terms of mechanics, and perhaps the description of all skills combined is not as many words as the description of a skill of the new hero.

July against the road echelon: the new "Big Three" on the side was born, and Lv Bu and Cheng Bitjin gradually retired!

(The above is Cheng Yanjin's skill description, a total of four paragraphs)

July against the road echelon: the new "Big Three" on the side was born, and Lv Bu and Cheng Bitjin gradually retired!

(The above is Ji Xiaoman's skill description, just like a small essay)

On the basis of such unequal equality, even if you can eat version dividends, it is very limited.

Rushing Heroes: Ji Xiaoman and Aren

Inscription outfit: 10x Mutation, 10x Hawkeye, 10x Stealth

July against the road echelon: the new "Big Three" on the side was born, and Lv Bu and Cheng Bitjin gradually retired!

Inscription outfits: 9x Dispute, 1x Red Moon, 10x Void, 3x Hunting, 7x Capture

July against the road echelon: the new "Big Three" on the side was born, and Lv Bu and Cheng Bitjin gradually retired!


To view the all-hero outfit inscription, you can follow my WeChat public account: MrPoker