
How Natalie Portman transforms from a little girl to a "killer"

author:Cold purple leaf
How Natalie Portman transforms from a little girl to a "killer"

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How Natalie Portman transforms from a little girl to a "killer"

Text | cold purple leaves

Editor|Cold Purple Leaf


"Destiny is a ruthless assassin that always appears at the most inadvertent moments. We can only face it as hard as we can and bravely meet it. - "This killer is not too cold"

Director introduction

This Killer Is Not Too Cold is a film directed by French director Luc Besson. Luc Besson is a creative and imaginative director known for his expertise in action, crime and suspense genres.

Luc Besson was born in France in 1959 and developed a keen interest in cinema at a young age. He went through multiple roles, from script writer and producer to eventually becoming a successful director. His work often has a strong sense of visuals and rhythm, as well as features that deeply explore the psychology and emotions of the characters.

How Natalie Portman transforms from a little girl to a "killer"

Early productions such as "Midnight in Paris" and "The Big Blue" began to attract the attention of audiences around the world and established him as a director. And "This Killer Is Not Too Cold" has become one of Luc Besson's masterpieces, which was released in 1994 and has achieved great success with its unique shooting style and ups and downs storyline.

Luc Besson's directing style is unique, and his creative and unique stories have touched the heartstrings of countless audiences. His talent in filmmaking has made him one of the internationally acclaimed directors, and his work is enduringly loved and admired worldwide.

Starring introduction

The main cast of "This Killer Is Not Too Cold" are Jean Reno, Natalie Portman and Gary Oldman.

Jean-Paul Belmondo plays the main character in the film, Leon, a deadly professional killer. Known for his soulful and cold-blooded acting style, he became a highlight of the film.

How Natalie Portman transforms from a little girl to a "killer"

Natalie Portman plays a 12-year-old girl named Matilda in the film who has an unusual relationship with Leon after her family is killed. This film is Natalie Portman's first major role on screen, and she has emerged with her outstanding performance and has won widespread acclaim.

Gary Oldman played the villain in the film, Detective Stein, who has a complex background and unique image that adds tension and drama to the story. Gary Oldman showed an excellent performance in the film with his superb acting skills.

The excellent acting skills and wonderful performances of these main actors made the movie "This Killer Is Not Too Cold" a high-profile and widely acclaimed work.

How Natalie Portman transforms from a little girl to a "killer"

Social background

The story of the movie "This Killer Is Not Too Cold" takes place in a social context full of violence and crime. Set in New York City, the film depicts a dark, brutal and corrupt urban environment. It is a society where criminal activity is rampant and drug trafficking, smuggling and gangs are rampant. There is corrupt cooperation between the police and gangs, and justice is often distorted and ravaged. Against this background, professional killers become a special kind of being, serving in power struggles and revenge operations. Fear, insecurity and helplessness pervade society as a whole, and people are often forced to resort to violence to protect themselves or pursue justice. This social background gives the film a tense, oppressive and cold atmosphere, and also makes the story of Leon and Matilda more compelling.

First meeting

The first meeting between Leon and this takes place at the beginning of the movie "This Killer Is Not Too Cold". On a street corner, a young woman, Matilda, and her father are under police control and chased by a family of drug dealer villains chasing them. Leon, a professional killer, notices Matilda's situation, he quietly observes, and finally decides to help her. When Matilda tries to enter her apartment and discovers that the door lock is broken, Leon climbs through the adjacent apartment window and uses his technique to open the door, the scene where they meet for the first time.

How Natalie Portman transforms from a little girl to a "killer"

See you again

In the movie "This Killer Is Not Too Cold", Leon and Matilda meet again in the process of planning and executing the operation together. Leon became Matilda's mentor and friend, teaching her how to survive and fight. A special bond is formed between them and a deep emotional bond is gradually formed. The film is full of suspense, action and emotion, and the re-encounter of Leon and Matilda also makes the plot even more gripping.

The relationship between the two

In the film This Killer Is Not Too Cold, Leon and Matilda's relationship is a special connection between mentor and apprentice, friend and protector. As a professional killer, Leon imparts Matilda's skills and experience to help her survive and fulfill her desire for revenge. In the process, they gradually develop a deep emotional bond between them, and rely on each other and take care of each other. Despite the dangerous world they live in, their relationships show mutual support, trust and understanding. This special relationship has also become one of the core elements of the entire film.

In This Killer Is Not Too Cold, the interaction between Leon and Matilda does show the conflict of warmth, intimacy and humanity. Although Leon is a professional killer, he shows care and care for Matilda when he gets along with her. He taught her survival skills, provided material support, and became her friend and protector. Matilda breaks Lyon's long-standing indifference to the world by expressing her inner loneliness, longing and emotional needs. Their interaction is full of emotional exchange and understanding, gradually establishing a special bond.

How Natalie Portman transforms from a little girl to a "killer"

However, due to the violent environment and the peculiarities of their profession, there is also a human conflict between Lyon and Matilda. They must face moral dilemmas, moral choices, and life-and-death trials. Leon as a killer is often forced to participate in violent acts, while Matilda is hungry for revenge and seeks justice. This conflict complicates their intimate relationship and provokes the viewer to think about morality and humanity.

Through the interaction between Leon and Matilda, the whole film shows elements of warmth, intimacy and human conflict, making the story richer and more engaging.


The revenge in "This Killer Is Not Too Cold" is mainly shown by the heroine Matilda. In the plot, Matilda's family is killed by drug dealers, and she is eager to avenge them. Leon became her partner and helper as a professional killer, and under her guidance, Matilda gradually learned and used killer skills.

The revenge plot in the film is violently violent, and Matilda takes revenge on the members of the drug dealers by killing them. However, the story also reveals the cycle of violence and personal cost of revenge. Matilda faces moral and emotional choices in her quest for revenge, and ultimately pays a heavy price.

How Natalie Portman transforms from a little girl to a "killer"

Although revenge is at the heart of the film's plot, revenge is not an effective way to solve problems for real life. The plot in the film is fictional for dramatic effect, and the audience should keep rational thinking and avoid imitating the violent acts in it.

In real life, we should seek peaceful, reasonable and legal ways to resolve disputes and injustices. This can include seeking legal protection, advocating for justice, participating in social reform and promoting just institutions and institutions.


At the climax of the film, Matilda succeeds in taking revenge and kills the members of the drug dealer. However, in the final scene, Leon is fatally wounded by a gunshot and leaves his own blood on a music CD before dying, showing his affection and care for Matilda.

The film ends with Matilda receiving a police envelope, she gets a legacy left to her by Lyon, and flees the scene. Although she completes her revenge and gains liberation, she also loses Leon, the only person she is close to. The ending expresses a reflection on the grief and cost of the act of revenge.

How Natalie Portman transforms from a little girl to a "killer"

In general, the film, through its tragic ending, triggers the audience to reflect on the act of revenge. It reminds us that revenge does not bring true relief and happiness, and that the price to pay can be heavy.

Shooting techniques

"This Killer Is Not Too Cold" employs some unique methods and techniques in its filming techniques to create an atmosphere of tension, violence and drama.

Fast editing: The film uses a fast and rhythmic editing method. By quickly switching between shots and scenes, the tension and dynamism of the film is enhanced. Especially in action scenes, quick editing conveys the sharpness and agility of the characters.

Sports shots: Movies use a lot of motion shots, including following shots, handheld shots, and slow motion. These shots allow the viewer to feel the movements and mood changes of the characters in an immersive way. Especially in combat and chase scenes, sports shots add visual impact.

Lens composition: Director Lu Besson is good at using different lens compositions to create unique picture effects. He often uses close-ups and wide-angle shots to highlight the expressions and movements of his characters, while utilizing long shots to capture the environment and background.

Use of color and light and shadow: The use of color and lighting in movies is very detailed. By adjusting the tone and the brightness of the light, a cold, gloomy and oppressive atmosphere is created. At the same time, strong contrasts and bright colors are used in certain key scenes to highlight the emotions and importance of the characters.

How Natalie Portman transforms from a little girl to a "killer"

Plot structure: The film presents the plot in a non-linear way, interspersed with Matilda's past memories and inner monologues. This plot structure adds complexity and appeal to the story, allowing the audience to better understand the motivations and emotions of the characters.

The above are some common shooting techniques in "This Killer Is Not Too Cold". These techniques are closely related to director Lubesson's style, bringing a unique visual experience and emotional resonance to the film.

How Natalie Portman transforms from a little girl to a "killer"


"This Killer Is Not Too Cold" has brought us some inspiration through its unique shooting techniques and plot structure:

Innovation and personalization: The film showcases director Lubesson's innovative use of cinematic language and personalization. It reminds us to dare to try new methods and expressions in our work, study and life, and to show our individuality and creativity.

Visual impact: The film uses visual elements such as motion shots, lens composition, and color, light and shadow to create memorable images. It inspires us to pay attention to detail, to the beauty of form, and to try to use visual elements to increase the intensity of communication and expression.

Emotional resonance and complexity: The film adopts a non-linear plot structure to deeply reveal the emotional inner world of the characters. It reminds us to pay attention to the emotional needs and complexities of others when dealing with relationships and emotional issues, and to strive to understand and empathize with them.

How Natalie Portman transforms from a little girl to a "killer"

Diverse expressions: The film uses a variety of shooting techniques, such as quick editing, close-ups and wide-angle lenses, to present rich expressions. It motivates us to flexibly use different ways and tools when communicating and expressing to achieve better communication results.

Thinking about the plot: The film shows the cost and grief caused by the act of revenge, which triggers the audience to reflect on the act of revenge. It reminds us to examine the consequences of our choices and actions in the face of injustice and conflict, and to find more peaceful and effective solutions.

These insights can be applied to our daily lives and work, helping us to better understand ourselves, others and society, and to face challenges and pursue success in more positive and innovative ways.

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