
Eat noodles in the middle volt, this noodle is the first choice, fresh and delicious, comfortable after eating, old traditions should be respected

author:Silence becomes poetry


As the saying goes: head dumplings two noodles. Erfu eating noodles is an old tradition, do you know its origin?

Eat noodles in the middle volt, this noodle is the first choice, fresh and delicious, comfortable after eating, old traditions should be respected

The old tradition of eating noodles originated in the Three Kingdoms period, when soup cakes referred to soup noodles and noodles. It is recorded in the "Spring and Autumn of Wei's" that He Yan was "eating soup cakes in the sun, taking a towel to wipe the sweat, and his face was bright". This shows that at that time, Furi ate soup cakes to ward off evil and seek good health. And this custom has gradually been passed down by people over time, and the tradition of eating noodles in two volts has been formed.

Eat noodles in the middle volt, this noodle is the first choice, fresh and delicious, comfortable after eating, old traditions should be respected

In the folk, erfu noodles have a variety of meanings and particularities. First of all, the shape of the noodles is long and straight, which is given a long-lasting meaning, and people will give a long noodle on their birthday or when they have relatives and friends traveling far away to express their blessings for longevity and longevity. Secondly, the weather is hot and people lose their appetite, and noodles can increase people's appetite. Freshly harvested wheat is rich in nutrients, and noodles ground into flour are cooked and eaten, which can drive away moisture and heat from the body through perspiration, and supplement the nutrients and energy needed by the human body. In addition, eating noodles also has the meaning of tasting new things, celebrating the harvest of wheat, and new wheat is rich in sugars, B vitamins, a variety of minerals, etc., which can make people feel more full.

Eat noodles in the middle volt, this noodle is the first choice, fresh and delicious, comfortable after eating, old traditions should be respected

In addition to the above meaning and elaboration, there are some scientific bases for eating noodles in Erfu. In summer, people sweat easily and lose too much water from the body, and noodles can provide rich carbohydrates and a variety of nutrients to replenish the energy and nutrients needed by the body. In addition, the noodles have a smooth texture and are easy to digest and absorb, making them a great food for people with weak gastrointestinal function.

In general, the old tradition of eating noodles in Erfu has both historical origin and cultural connotation, as well as a certain scientific basis and health significance. While enjoying food, it also reflects people's pursuit of health and longevity.

Eat noodles in the middle volt, this noodle is the first choice, fresh and delicious, comfortable after eating, old traditions should be respected

July 21st to August 9th is this year's two volts (medium volts), so everyone should remember to eat noodles. It is recommended to everyone a seasonal eggplant meat diced noodles, fresh and delicious, a large bowl of eggplant meat diced noodles, full of comfort, method sharing, remember to collect and spare!

【Eggplant meat diced noodles】

Eat noodles in the middle volt, this noodle is the first choice, fresh and delicious, comfortable after eating, old traditions should be respected

【Ingredients】: 1 and a half round eggplant, 1/2 pound of pork belly, some fresh noodles, 1 star anise, 5 grams each of green onion, ginger and garlic, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, oil and salt.

【Detailed practice】:

1. Prepare fresh noodles, as wide as you like.

Eat noodles in the middle volt, this noodle is the first choice, fresh and delicious, comfortable after eating, old traditions should be respected

2. Peel the pork belly, and cut the fat and lean parts separately into small pieces for later use. Please be sure to use some fatty meat here, otherwise this marinade will not be fragrant.

Eat noodles in the middle volt, this noodle is the first choice, fresh and delicious, comfortable after eating, old traditions should be respected

3. Remove the eggplant stems and peel, cut into small cubes, and immediately soak them in water to prevent the diced eggplant from oxidizing and turning black.

Eat noodles in the middle volt, this noodle is the first choice, fresh and delicious, comfortable after eating, old traditions should be respected

4. Heat the oil in a hot pan, add the fat part first, and stir-fry the oil over low heat.

Eat noodles in the middle volt, this noodle is the first choice, fresh and delicious, comfortable after eating, old traditions should be respected

5. Add diced lean meat, continue to stir-fry over low heat until discolored, then add green onion, ginger and garlic star anise to stir-fry until fragrant.

Eat noodles in the middle volt, this noodle is the first choice, fresh and delicious, comfortable after eating, old traditions should be respected

6. Then take out the diced eggplant, drain the water and put it in the pot and stir-fry.

Eat noodles in the middle volt, this noodle is the first choice, fresh and delicious, comfortable after eating, old traditions should be respected

7. Slowly, fry the diced eggplant until it changes color and is soft to translucent, add soy sauce and stir-fry to color.

Eat noodles in the middle volt, this noodle is the first choice, fresh and delicious, comfortable after eating, old traditions should be respected

8. Add an appropriate amount of water, add salt, stir well, and bring to a boil over high heat.

Eat noodles in the middle volt, this noodle is the first choice, fresh and delicious, comfortable after eating, old traditions should be respected

9. Turn to medium-low heat and continue to cook until the eggplant becomes soft and melts in the mouth, then turn off the heat.

Eat noodles in the middle volt, this noodle is the first choice, fresh and delicious, comfortable after eating, old traditions should be respected

10. This is the prepared eggplant meat marinade. Eggplant must go through the two steps of stir-frying and boiling, will be soft and glutinous and melt in the mouth, completely without the raw taste of eggplant, and it is soaked in the fat in the fat meat, becoming oily and fragrant, when eating noodles, I like this eggplant diced the most.

Eat noodles in the middle volt, this noodle is the first choice, fresh and delicious, comfortable after eating, old traditions should be respected

11. Boil half a pot of water at the same time, boil the strips under the water, gently pick it with chopsticks, light cool water once after the water is boiled, and open the pot again to fish it out. The noodles are refreshed after a refreshing water, and then poured with eggplant meat marinated, mixed well and eaten, its appearance is not good, but the taste is amazing, two bowls of belly, than eating cold noodles is much more comfortable.

Eat noodles in the middle volt, this noodle is the first choice, fresh and delicious, comfortable after eating, old traditions should be respected


1. Eggplant meat is marinated, fat meat must be available, do not add fat, be sure to use lard.

2. If the eggplant meat is to be delicious, the eggplant must be fried in oil until soft and boiled after adding water.

As a Chinese folk food custom, the old tradition of eating noodles has a long history and profound cultural connotations. Respecting this tradition, passing it on and carrying it forward is of great significance to safeguarding cultural diversity and promoting Chinese culture.

Three meals and four seasons, gentle and interesting, worth it in the world, and the future can be expected. I am a silent poetry, a woman who likes simple life and simple cooking, and is good at making the best taste with the simplest ingredients and the simplest methods. At the same time, there is a fruit shop (silent poetry shop), mainly selling well-known fruits sent directly from all over the country, welcome to pay attention.