
On a hot day, the mother gave the electric fan to the child to be heat to death? Doctor: Yes, but it was a few years ago

author:Beiqing Net

Original title: On a hot day, the mother gave the electric fan to the child to be killed by heat? Doctor: Yes, but...

Today, #Hot day, mother gave the electric fan to the child to be heat to death#This topic rushed to the hot search

On a hot day, the mother gave the electric fan to the child to be heat to death? Doctor: Yes, but it was a few years ago

Is this true?

According to the Urban Express, the emergency department doctor of the Sandun Campus of Zhejiang Hospital said

There is a truth in this matter

But it was a few years ago

Doctor Ma Shuangshuang of the emergency department of Zhejiang Hospital who received the female patient that year said: "This mother is in her 30s, and when she was sent over, she had no vital signs, and her heartbeat and breathing stopped. Doctor Ma recalled the scene, "It was her husband who sent her, she was a full-time mother with children at home, and her husband was a migrant worker. The conditions at home are not very good, so she is reluctant to turn on the air conditioner on hot days, so she turned on the fan for the child to blow.

The child was still very young, and she may have suffered from heat stroke at home at that time, but there were only two of her at home, and when her husband came home at night, she found that she had fallen to the ground. "The mother was already in a deep coma. The doctor asked her husband why it took so long to come? Her husband explained: "Usually she is not afraid of heat. "In the end, the doctors tried their best but were unable to recover.

Heat stroke is severe heat stroke, untimely rescue, very high mortality rate, what is heat stroke? In fact, heat stroke is divided into four stages: aura heat stroke, mild heat stroke, moderate heat stroke and severe heat stroke. Chief physician Dai Haiwen, director of the emergency department of Zhejiang Hospital, emphasized that heat stroke is severe heat stroke, and the mortality rate is very high if it is not rescued in time, but heat stroke usually does not occur suddenly. If there is aura heat stroke and mild heat stroke, it is necessary to intervene in time, otherwise the symptoms will continue to worsen, such as the development of heat stroke and may even lead to death. 1. Aura heat stroke: mainly manifested as dizziness, fatigue, sweating, thirst, lack of concentration; 2. Mild heat stroke: body temperature rises and fever occurs after aura heat stroke, but there is no change in consciousness; 3. Moderate and severe heat stroke: mild heat stroke without intervention, the body temperature will continue to rise, up to 40~42 °C high fever, accompanied by limb convulsions, consciousness disorders; 4. The most severe heat stroke, that is, heat stroke: usually combined with multi-organ failure, the mortality rate is very high, the hospitalization mortality rate is 14%~65%, and the case fatality rate of ICU patients is >60%.

8 misunderstandings of heat stroke

Myth one

Heat stroke is heat stroke and is not life-threatening.


On a hot day, the mother gave the electric fan to the child to be heat to death? Doctor: Yes, but it was a few years ago

Heat stroke is the most severe type of heat stroke. Heat stroke is not as simple as causing an increase in body temperature, but produces a series of terrible physiological reactions, and patients will have multiple organ failure, central nervous system dysfunction, disseminated intravascular coagulation, etc. If not treated in time and properly, the mortality rate of heat stroke is very high, the general mortality rate can reach 50%-70%, and the mortality rate of elderly patients over 70 years old will be as high as 80%.

Myth two

If you have symptoms of heat stroke, cool down at home.


On a hot day, the mother gave the electric fan to the child to be heat to death? Doctor: Yes, but it was a few years ago

Heat stroke is extremely dangerous once it has developed to the stage of heat stroke. When patients have symptoms of heat stroke such as high fever, no sweating, confusion, convulsions, or even no response, do not hesitate to call 120 in time and send them to the hospital as soon as possible.

Myth three

Indoors, heat stroke does not appear.


On a hot day, the mother gave the electric fan to the child to be heat to death? Doctor: Yes, but it was a few years ago

Heat stroke is not exclusive to the outdoors, and a small indoor environment with high temperature and poor ventilation may also cause heat stroke. For example, decoration workers and workshop workers who stay in closed spaces for a long time belong to the high-risk group of heat stroke; Some elderly people who live in old houses with poor ventilation and no air conditioning are also prone to heat stroke.

Myth four

If you don't do strenuous exercise, you won't get heat stroke.


On a hot day, the mother gave the electric fan to the child to be heat to death? Doctor: Yes, but it was a few years ago

Heat stroke can be divided into exertional and non-exertional types, the former refers to strenuous exercise in summer and high-intensity physical activity; The latter is common in the elderly, infants, pregnant women and other weaker people. In the summer of 2022, there was an incident in Shandong where a pregnant woman covered her heat during "confinement" and eventually died of heat stroke.

Myth five

If the body temperature is not high, it is not heat stroke.


On a hot day, the mother gave the electric fan to the child to be heat to death? Doctor: Yes, but it was a few years ago

Increased body temperature is the main feature of heat stroke, and the patient's core body temperature is usually above 40 ° C. The core temperature mentioned here is often reflected by rectal temperature. The armpit or ear temperature we measure daily can only be used as a reference and cannot be fully used as a basis for diagnosing heat stroke.

Myth Six

Only in summer there is heat stroke.


On a hot day, the mother gave the electric fan to the child to be heat to death? Doctor: Yes, but it was a few years ago

Heat stroke is not exclusive to summer. For example, workers who work for long hours in unventilated high-temperature factories, firefighters facing raging fires, and even people who take saunas in winter may occur.

Myth seven

On hot days, eating more cold drinks can prevent heat stroke.


On a hot day, the mother gave the electric fan to the child to be heat to death? Doctor: Yes, but it was a few years ago

The most important thing to prevent heat stroke is to drink plenty of water, including white water, salt water, drinks containing electrolytes such as potassium, sodium, and chlorine. Eating a lot of cold drinks will increase the burden on the stomach. Alcoholic beverages and high-sugar drinks can make the body lose water and are not recommended to drink.

Myth eight

Women with weak physiques are more likely to get heat stroke.


On a hot day, the mother gave the electric fan to the child to be heat to death? Doctor: Yes, but it was a few years ago

In general, women's heat adaptation is weaker than that of men, but a large number of clinical data show that more men have heat stroke than women, which should be related to men being more engaged in outdoor work and heavy physical activity. For example, outdoor high-temperature workers, steelworkers, firefighters, athletes, training soldiers, etc. are all high-risk groups of heat stroke.

Diffusion reminds those around you

Scorching heat

Be sure to beware of heat stroke!

(Hainan Special Zone News)