
The new trend of robots in the field of automation has finally been fully explained!


As one of the most advanced intelligent equipment, robots play an important role in modern manufacturing and service industries.

The development, manufacturing and application of robots can not only improve production efficiency and product quality, but also reduce labor costs and risks, and improve the safety and comfort of the working environment.

By continuously promoting robot technology innovation, we can further promote the development of industrial automation, intelligent manufacturing and service robots, and contribute to high-quality economic growth and sustainable social development.

So, what are the trends in the future of robotics in the field of automation?

01The need for smart sensors

The new trend of robots in the field of automation has finally been fully explained!

Quality inspection is essential for all industries to ensure that products meet the stated quality standards, enabling consumers to trust and satisfy the goods purchased.

Intelligent sensors can provide high-precision data and quickly evaluate the accuracy of product manufacturing in quality inspection, improve the efficiency and accuracy of quality inspection, and effectively reduce labor costs and time consumption.

Smart sensors are often combined with different types of robots, especially collaborative robotic arms. These robots are equipped with vision sensors that allow precise detection and evaluation of products. Through the monitoring of artificial intelligence, the data collected by the sensor can be quickly analyzed to determine whether the product meets the quality requirements.

02 Synthesis and transport of drugs

The new trend of robots in the field of automation has finally been fully explained!

For pharmaceutical companies, drug synthesis requires a high degree of precision and strict safety precautions.

In recent years, the affordability, flexibility, and safety of collaborative robots have attracted more and more attention from pharmaceutical companies, and some manufacturers have begun to choose to use robots to help process chemical compounds used in drug production.

In addition, robots are being used for drug dispensing and sample handling. It not only reduces the risk of people coming into contact with body fluids, but also greatly reduces the probability of sample contamination, thereby ensuring the accuracy and reliability of experimental results.

03Release and standardization of automation structure

The new trend of robots in the field of automation has finally been fully explained!

Many robotics companies keep their own design plans and specifications, which poses certain challenges for engineers and manufacturers, and the release of standardized robots will help solve this problem.

Similar to open-source coding, standardizing robot designs and specifications will allow engineers to better collaborate and share knowledge to drive technological advancement and innovation. Such standardization will provide consistent interfaces and compatibility for different manufacturers, giving consumers the freedom to choose various types of robots from different manufacturers and easily integrate them into the factory's production line.

04Cobots are popularized in the service industry

The new trend of robots in the field of automation has finally been fully explained!

Cost has always been a challenge for small businesses adopting robots, and as the market evolves, we see more affordable robots.

For example, beverage mixing robots can help in places such as coffee and smoothie shops, making a variety of beverages with precision, reducing the time and errors of manual operation. Roaming robots answer customer questions in grocery stores, provide personalized service and guidance.

This automated application of industrial robots solves the manpower configuration challenge for enterprises, freeing up the time and energy of human workers so that they can focus on more personalized and high-value work.

05Higher demand for data analysis services

The new trend of robots in the field of automation has finally been fully explained!

Data analysis plays an important role in optimizing production processes and decision-making. By digging down into the collected data, manufacturers can identify potential problems and bottlenecks and take appropriate action to improve them.

For example, by analyzing which link introduced the most errors, manufacturers can optimize the process flow at that stage or provide training to reduce the error rate. By identifying which steps involve downtime, manufacturers can develop preventive maintenance plans to minimize downtime and increase productivity.

With the development of manufacturing and digital transformation, manufacturers' demand for data analytics technologies and services will increase. Data analytics can help manufacturers make more informed decisions and optimize processes and improve efficiency.

06Ensure consumer safety

The new trend of robots in the field of automation has finally been fully explained!

Automation technology plays an important role in ensuring consumer safety.

This trend is reflected in the transport industry, especially aviation. For example, Air Cobot robots are being used to assist with pre-flight safety checks of aircraft, ensuring a thorough inspection of the bottom of the aircraft.

In addition to the aviation industry, automation technology also plays an important role in other areas of transportation. For example, automated sortation systems and intelligent warehouse management systems in the logistics industry, as well as autonomous driving technology used in the field of public transport, are all aimed at providing safer and more efficient transportation services.

Continuing to drive the use of automation technology in transportation and other areas will further improve safety and efficiency across the industry.

07 Shift to virtual engineering solutions

The new trend of robots in the field of automation has finally been fully explained!

Industrial development is a labor-intensive process that involves planning, designing, building and testing. To improve cost-effectiveness and collaboration, more and more companies are moving their engineering methods to virtual engineering.

For example, 3D mapping technology enables developers to work together in a virtual environment and conduct preliminary tests on designs. By simulating the build and functional behavior of a robot in a virtual environment, the stress of physical construction and testing can be reduced, reducing the time and money invested in engineering prototypes.

This virtual testing and validation approach also ensures that the robot's performance and reliability in actual production is effectively verified, reducing R&D and manufacturing risks.

08 Reduce the pressure on human workers

The new trend of robots in the field of automation has finally been fully explained!

Solutions that reduce worker pressure and increase productivity are an attractive advantage of industrial robot automation.

By positioning and assigning robots to jobs appropriate to their skills and abilities, human workers can turn to supervising and managing the robot's work. Supervisors can monitor the operational status of multiple robots at the same time and handle alarms from the plant when needed.

This shift will allow workers to better utilize their skills and expertise, as well as better respond to situations that require human judgment and flexibility.

09 Artificial intelligence management of network security

The new trend of robots in the field of automation has finally been fully explained!

Cybersecurity is an important issue to consider when applying automation in the manufacturing process. The use of robots for automation brings many benefits, but also introduces cybersecurity risks. From the programming of cobots to the collection of data, sensitive information that needs to be protected can be involved. In terms of cybersecurity management, through the use of artificial intelligence technology, monitors can conduct regular routine inspections to find possible security vulnerabilities and weak links, and take corresponding measures to solve them.

10. Improve agricultural production efficiency

The new trend of robots in the field of automation has finally been fully explained!

The labor shortage in the agricultural industry is a real problem. To fill this gap, farmers are beginning to introduce robots with smart sensors into the fields as part of their regular workforce.

Through smart sensors and image recognition technology, these robots can accurately identify and process weeds while ensuring the quality of crops.

The introduction of these robots can reduce the work burden of farmers, improve production efficiency, and alleviate the problem of labor shortage to a certain extent.