
Hande Famous Teachers Exhibition Style, riding the wind and waves to expand the future, set sail and work hard

author:Mountain Guangyun City

【Hande Garden High School】Hande Famous Teacher Exhibition Style, Riding the Wind and Waves to expand the future

Set sail and work hard

Hande Park Middle School

, Duration 07:21This is a school with an elegant environment and a garden full of books, this is a school that loves children like a child, rigorous learning, this is a school with convenient transportation and quiet in the middle of noisy, choose Hande Garden Middle School, choose an extraordinary future for you

Hande Famous Teachers Exhibition Style, riding the wind and waves to expand the future, set sail and work hard

Beijing Hande 3D Group Yicheng County Hande Park Middle School

Excellent leadership team in the first year of high school

Hande Famous Teachers Exhibition Style, riding the wind and waves to expand the future, set sail and work hard

Guo Tianliang, Deputy General Manager of Beijing Hande 3D Group, Director of the Basic Education Department, Chairman of Handeyuan Middle School, member of the Communist Party of China, senior teacher of middle school, senior expert of the second and third county party committees of Yicheng County. He has won the titles of "Excellent Teacher of Linfen City", "Backbone Teacher of Shanxi Province", "Excellent Class Teacher of Shanxi Province", etc., and was awarded the honorary title of "Outstanding Principal of China" at the 2nd Education Brand Festival from 2018 to 2019.

Hande Famous Teachers Exhibition Style, riding the wind and waves to expand the future, set sail and work hard

Cheng Liqing is the principal of Handeyuan Middle School and a senior middle school teacher. He is currently the principal of Handeyuan Middle School in Yicheng County. He used to be the director of the Academic Affairs Office and the vice principal of Yicheng Middle School. He was awarded as "Special Teacher of Shanxi Province", "Model Teacher of Shanxi Province", "Leader of High School Mathematics in Shanxi Province", and "Top Backbone Talent of Three Jin Talents in Shanxi Province".

Hande Famous Teachers Exhibition Style, riding the wind and waves to expand the future, set sail and work hard

Ma Pengfei, executive vice principal of Handeyuan Middle School, member of the Communist Party of China, member of the county CPPCC, middle school level teacher, has been engaged in front-line teaching and management for many years, working hard and complaining, and has won the honorary titles of "excellent grade group leader", "model class teacher", "excellent teacher" and "teaching expert" at all levels of the city, county and school for many times! Many of the students were admitted to the national double-first-class university!

Hande Famous Teachers Exhibition Style, riding the wind and waves to expand the future, set sail and work hard

Hu Xiaowen, a member of the Communist Party of China, bachelor's degree, geography teacher, many years of senior high school experience, is currently the vice president of the first year of high school. With the work style of excellence and conscientious work attitude, it has been recognized and praised by all teachers and students. For many consecutive years, he has been awarded the titles of "Excellent Principal", "Excellent Grade Teacher", "Excellent Class Teacher", "Model Teacher" and "Teaching Expert". Cultivate a group of outstanding students to enter the National University of Defense Technology, Chinese Minmin University, Wuhan University, Beijing Normal University, Nankai University and other double-first-class universities for further study!

Hande Famous Teachers Exhibition Style, riding the wind and waves to expand the future, set sail and work hard

Shi Xinfang, bachelor degree, high school physics teacher, engaged in the education and teaching of senior three and review classes for many years, senior year political education team leader. Love and dedication, be a teacher, take care of every student, be good at doing students' ideological work, and integrate management experience into daily teaching and management. He has been awarded "Model Teacher", "Excellent Class Teacher" and other honorary titles for many times.

Introduction to Outstanding Teachers in Senior 1st Grade

Hande Famous Teachers Exhibition Style, riding the wind and waves to expand the future, set sail and work hard

Wang Pengxia is a member of the Communist Party of China, a high school Chinese teacher, a subject leader, and a poet. Love the child like a son to establish his own duty, and he will not regret educating people with dedication. He was awarded as "Excellent Party Member Teacher", "Excellent Class Teacher" and "Party Member Volunteer Service Pacesetter". Some poems have been selected in "Chinese Village", "Selection of Contemporary Chinese Poets in the Centennial of New Poems", and "Yicheng, What words should I use to praise you, my homeland" won the second prize of Yicheng County's "Me and My Motherland" Poetry Competition Poetry Club.

Hande Famous Teachers Exhibition Style, riding the wind and waves to expand the future, set sail and work hard

Wang Zhenghong, bachelor degree, language teacher, has been teaching for 19 years, and has served as a senior class teacher for many years, teaching language teaching in Hongzhi class. He has won the honorary titles of county excellent class teacher and advanced individual for many times, and many students in his class have been admitted to double-first-class universities such as National University of Defense Technology and Beijing Normal University. Adhering to the coaching philosophy of "appreciating self-confidence, motivating and promoting success", we are humble and down-to-earth.

Hande Famous Teachers Exhibition Style, riding the wind and waves to expand the future, set sail and work hard

Lv Dongqing, bachelor degree, mathematics teacher, subject leader, engaged in many years of high school education teaching, strong sense of responsibility, serious and responsible for students, teaching effect is remarkable, class results have always been among the best, has been rated as "model teacher" for many times.

Hande Famous Teachers Exhibition Style, riding the wind and waves to expand the future, set sail and work hard

Liu Shaoqian, a member of the Communist Party of China, graduated from Jinggangshan University. Engaged in mathematics teaching, serious and responsible, full of enthusiasm, caring for students, strict requirements for themselves, once won the title of "model teacher" and other titles of the school.

Hande Famous Teachers Exhibition Style, riding the wind and waves to expand the future, set sail and work hard

Yang Jiangjuan, high school English teacher, middle school first-level teacher, 19 years of teaching, 15 years of high school graduating class, as a class teacher and subject leader, the class performance is excellent, and many students are admitted to Zhejiang 985, 211 and other double first-class key schools. He has been awarded as "Excellent Class Teacher" and "Model Teacher" in the city and county for many times. In the actual high school English teaching exploration, the pursuit of excellence and the formation of a unique teaching style.

Hande Famous Teachers Exhibition Style, riding the wind and waves to expand the future, set sail and work hard

蔡红霞,‬本科学历,英语教师。 多年高三教学经历,曾多次荣获“模教范‬师”的称号。 任教期间,对工待‬作,勤敬恳‬业; Treat students with extra care; 对同待‬事,热情观乐‬。 课堂上,能够入深‬浅出帮孩助‬子们找准自的己‬定位,能更‬够很好调的‬动课堂氛围让,‬孩子们在快乐中学习和成长。

Hande Famous Teachers Exhibition Style, riding the wind and waves to expand the future, set sail and work hard

Wu Junfeng, a high school physics teacher, has always set high standards for himself since he started teaching, loving and dedicated, working hard, immersed in physics knowledge, and likes to travel happily in physics paradise with students. He has been working as a class teacher for many years, educating every student with love and responsibility, and has been rated as "Excellent Class Teacher" for many times, and has also won unanimous praise from parents and schools.

Hande Famous Teachers Exhibition Style, riding the wind and waves to expand the future, set sail and work hard

Wei Lu, bachelor's degree, bachelor's degree, major in chemistry education. He has been working as a frontline teacher and has rich teaching experience. Always adhere to the front-line work of teaching, committed to teaching reform, have the courage to dedicate, unite and cooperate, and sing all the way, and have been rated as "advanced worker", "excellent teacher" and "county-level excellent class teacher" for many times.

Hande Famous Teachers Exhibition Style, riding the wind and waves to expand the future, set sail and work hard

Jia Lu, a member of the Communist Party of China, holds a bachelor's degree and is a high school chemistry teacher. He has served as a class teacher and grade group leader, and has won many honorary titles such as "Excellent Class Teacher" and "Model Teacher".

Hande Famous Teachers Exhibition Style, riding the wind and waves to expand the future, set sail and work hard

Gao Chunqiu, bachelor degree, high school biology teacher. Since joining the work, he has resolutely obeyed the arrangement of the school, insisted on careful lesson preparation, carefully designed teaching plans, carefully corrected homework, and had a rigorous and pragmatic working attitude towards education and teaching work, forming a very distinctive teaching style and driving students to actively participate in the classroom.

Hande Famous Teachers Exhibition Style, riding the wind and waves to expand the future, set sail and work hard

Li Yanli, bachelor's degree, high school political teacher. Work conscientiously and steadfastly, improve yourself with advanced educational concepts, and influence students with a serious and responsible attitude. The teaching strives to be rigorous, scientific, pragmatic and innovative, and pays attention to cultivating students' interest in learning, thinking ability and exploration spirit. It is loved by students with its unique teaching methods and humorous teaching style.

Hande Famous Teachers Exhibition Style, riding the wind and waves to expand the future, set sail and work hard

Zhang Tianyu is a high school history teacher. Many years of senior year experience, rich teaching experience. In the teaching work, in line with the educational philosophy of "people-oriented, moral cultivation", respect the individual differences of each student, be good at discovering students' highlights, teach according to aptitude, and have won the titles of "Excellent Instructor" and "Most Beautiful Female Teacher" for many times.

Hande Famous Teachers Exhibition Style, riding the wind and waves to expand the future, set sail and work hard

Wan Junqin, who has been teaching for more than ten years, has long been committed to the teaching of high school geography education, served as a subject leader for many years, always keeping in mind the mission of education, has been conscientious and hardworking for many years, and has won the honorary title of "model teacher" for many times, and has constantly innovated in the actual teaching exploration to form a unique teaching style.

Environmental education and first-class facilities

The school is located in Yicheng County, Linfen City, Shanxi Province, surrounded by green trees and flowers in all seasons. First-class teaching equipment, full coverage of digitalization and informatization. Libraries, sports fields, art buildings, teaching buildings, basketball courts, student restaurants, student apartments, teacher apartments, infirmaries, psychological consultation rooms, bathhouses and other campus functional areas are scientifically planned, and teaching areas, living areas, sports areas, leisure areas, etc. are integrated with educational cultural elements and distinctive characteristics.

Hande Famous Teachers Exhibition Style, riding the wind and waves to expand the future, set sail and work hard
Hande Famous Teachers Exhibition Style, riding the wind and waves to expand the future, set sail and work hard
Hande Famous Teachers Exhibition Style, riding the wind and waves to expand the future, set sail and work hard
Hande Famous Teachers Exhibition Style, riding the wind and waves to expand the future, set sail and work hard
Hande Famous Teachers Exhibition Style, riding the wind and waves to expand the future, set sail and work hard
Hande Famous Teachers Exhibition Style, riding the wind and waves to expand the future, set sail and work hard