
Taiwan's "last line of defense" was ruthlessly broken! Dare to resist and directly launch the war of liberation

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What has happened internationally recently, let's take stock!

Taiwan's "last line of defense" was ruthlessly broken! Dare to resist and directly launch the war of liberation

The "last line of defense" of the Taiwan army was ruthlessly broken! If you dare to resist, you will directly launch a war of liberation

Tensions between China and Taiwan are escalating.

The Taiwan military is regarded as Taiwan's "last line of defense", however, the recent military exercise, the Chinese military successfully broke through the Taiwanese army's defense line, an incident that caused global concern and concern.

Taiwan's "last line of defense" was ruthlessly broken! Dare to resist and directly launch the war of liberation

It should be pointed out that Taiwan is part of China, a fact that cannot be questioned.

Taiwan has been part of China since 1949 and, despite its political differences, is historically and culturally closely linked to Chinese mainland.

China's adherence to the position of reunification is reasonable and legal.

Taiwan's "last line of defense" was ruthlessly broken! Dare to resist and directly launch the war of liberation

Taiwan's military defense line is not impregnable.

Although Taiwan's military has received support and assistance from Western countries over the past few decades, there is still a huge gap in Taiwan's military power compared to Chinese mainland.

China has the world's largest army and great military strength, and can easily break through the defense line of the Taiwan military.

Taiwan's "last line of defense" was ruthlessly broken! Dare to resist and directly launch the war of liberation

This was confirmed during recent military exercises.

China does not want to resolve the Taiwan issue by force.

China has always advocated reunification through peaceful means, but it has also resolutely safeguarded its territorial integrity and national interests.

Taiwan's "last line of defense" was ruthlessly broken! Dare to resist and directly launch the war of liberation

If Taiwan insists on separation, China will have to act to defend its territorial sovereignty.

This could include launching a war of liberation in order to reunify Taiwan.

Global attention and concern are not only because the Taiwan military's defense line is breached, but also because of the possible consequences.

A war of liberation would have a huge impact on Taiwan and the entire Asian region.

Taiwan's "last line of defense" was ruthlessly broken! Dare to resist and directly launch the war of liberation

Taiwan is an economically developed, democratic and free region, and once a conflict breaks out, it will bring serious harm and losses to the local people.

The Asian region will also face instability and uncertainty brought about by war, which will have a serious impact on regional peace and stability.

On the Taiwan issue, all parties should remain calm and rational.

Taiwan's "last line of defense" was ruthlessly broken! Dare to resist and directly launch the war of liberation

The Taiwan authorities should recognize their own situation and return to China's embrace as soon as possible.

The international community should also play an active role in mediation, promote dialogue and consultation between the two sides, and resolve the Taiwan issue by peaceful means.

Long-term stability and development can be achieved only through peaceful means.

The "last line of defense" of the Taiwan military has been broken, which has aroused global concern and worry.

Taiwan's "last line of defense" was ruthlessly broken! Dare to resist and directly launch the war of liberation

The settlement of the Taiwan issue requires the efforts and wisdom of all parties, and only through peaceful means can long-term stability and development be achieved.

The United States issues 700 billion treasury bonds, waiting for China to pay for them?

Taiwan's "last line of defense" was ruthlessly broken! Dare to resist and directly launch the war of liberation

We need to understand why and why the United States issues Treasury bonds, and then explore whether China will buy these Treasuries, as well as the possible impact and consequences.

The reason for issuing U.S. Treasury bonds is mainly to raise funds to meet domestic fiscal needs.

The United States is a large country with rapid economic development, and its government needs a lot of funds to support various social undertakings and economic construction.

Taiwan's "last line of defense" was ruthlessly broken! Dare to resist and directly launch the war of liberation

Issuing treasury bonds is a common form of financing, and by issuing bonds to the public, the government can obtain the required funds and promise to pay interest and repay the principal of the bonds in the future.

China, the world's second-largest economy and the largest holder of U.S. foreign debt, has attracted much attention for its purchases of U.S. Treasuries.

China's large holdings of U.S. Treasuries are part of both China's foreign exchange reserves and part of the portfolios of the Chinese government and companies.

Taiwan's "last line of defense" was ruthlessly broken! Dare to resist and directly launch the war of liberation

Buying U.S. Treasuries can help China preserve and increase its foreign exchange reserves, and it is also a means of avoiding risks, because U.S. Treasuries are considered a relatively safe investment.

Whether China will buy the $700 billion in U.S. Treasury bonds depends on a number of factors.

China's foreign exchange reserves are already so large that they exceed $3 trillion, so China may consider diversifying its portfolio and reducing its reliance on U.S. Treasuries.

Taiwan's "last line of defense" was ruthlessly broken! Dare to resist and directly launch the war of liberation

The complexity of the U.S.-China relationship is also a consideration.

There have been a series of frictions and trade disputes in the relationship between China and the United States, which may have an impact on China's purchase of U.S. Treasuries.

If China decides to reduce its purchases of U.S. Treasuries or stop buying them, it could have some impact on the U.S. economy.

Taiwan's "last line of defense" was ruthlessly broken! Dare to resist and directly launch the war of liberation

The U.S. government's debt burden will increase, potentially leading to a widening fiscal deficit.

Demand for U.S. Treasuries will decrease, potentially leading to lower U.S. bond prices and higher interest rates.

This could adversely affect U.S. financial markets and economic activity.

Taiwan's "last line of defense" was ruthlessly broken! Dare to resist and directly launch the war of liberation

China's reduction or cessation of purchases of U.S. Treasuries would also have an impact on China itself.

The management of China's foreign exchange reserves will be challenging and it will need to find other investment channels.

China may need to bear some exchange rate risk, as a fall in the price of U.S. Treasuries could lead to a depreciation of the U.S. dollar, which would affect the renminbi exchange rate.

Taiwan's "last line of defense" was ruthlessly broken! Dare to resist and directly launch the war of liberation

The issuance of $700 billion in U.S. Treasury bonds does not mean that China will buy it.

Whether China buys U.S. Treasuries depends on a number of factors, including the size of China's foreign exchange reserves and U.S.-China relations.

China's reduction or cessation of purchases of U.S. Treasuries may have an impact on the U.S. economy, but it will also have an impact on China itself.

Taiwan's "last line of defense" was ruthlessly broken! Dare to resist and directly launch the war of liberation

China needs to make decisions that take into account a variety of factors in order to protect its interests to the greatest extent.

Order No. 1 of the China Coast Guard has gone into effect, increasing the enforcement authority for foreigners.

Order No. 1 of the China Coast Guard has gone into effect, increasing the enforcement authority for foreigners.

This move is significant for China, as it is both a manifestation of China's insistence on safeguarding its sovereignty and security, and part of the China Coast Guard's efforts to strengthen maritime law enforcement capabilities.

Taiwan's "last line of defense" was ruthlessly broken! Dare to resist and directly launch the war of liberation

The China Coast Guard's Order No. 1 was issued against the backdrop of threats to China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

For a long time, China's sovereignty and territorial integrity in the East China Sea and the South China Sea have been challenged and violated by some countries, which has brought great threats to China's national security.

By increasing its enforcement authority over foreigners, the China Coast Guard can more effectively respond to these challenges and violations and safeguard its sovereignty and security.

Taiwan's "last line of defense" was ruthlessly broken! Dare to resist and directly launch the war of liberation

The China Coast Guard's Order 1 is part of the China Coast Guard's efforts to strengthen maritime law enforcement capabilities.

As a country with vast maritime territory, maritime law enforcement is very important.

By increasing the law enforcement authority for foreigners, the China Coast Guard can better deal with illegal maritime activities such as illegal fishing, drug smuggling and trafficking, ensure the sustainable use of marine resources, and maintain maritime order and security.

Taiwan's "last line of defense" was ruthlessly broken! Dare to resist and directly launch the war of liberation

The China Coast Guard's Order No. 1 also reflects China's respect for and compliance with the international law of the sea.

Under international law, States have enforcement powers within their territory and territorial waters.

The China Coast Guard's Order No. 1 clearly stipulates the restrictions and conditions of foreigners' law enforcement authority, following the principles of international law.

Taiwan's "last line of defense" was ruthlessly broken! Dare to resist and directly launch the war of liberation

Through this move, China has demonstrated its image as a responsible major country, while also calling on other countries to respect international law and jointly maintain maritime order and security.

The China Coast Guard's Order No. 1 has also raised some concerns and questions from the international community.

Some countries worry that China's enforcement actions may affect their legitimate rights and interests in Chinese waters, which they see as a way to tighten China's control over foreign countries.

Taiwan's "last line of defense" was ruthlessly broken! Dare to resist and directly launch the war of liberation

China has stressed many times that this move is to safeguard its own sovereignty and security, and will abide by the principles and provisions of international law in law enforcement actions, and will not affect the legitimate rights and interests of other countries.

The China Coast Guard's Order No. 1 increases law enforcement authority over foreigners, a sign of China's insistence on safeguarding its sovereignty and security, and part of the coast guard's efforts to strengthen maritime law enforcement capabilities.

Taiwan's "last line of defense" was ruthlessly broken! Dare to resist and directly launch the war of liberation

This move is not only in line with the principles and provisions of international law, but also reflects China's status as a responsible major country.

China will continue to safeguard its maritime rights and interests through lawful and compliant enforcement actions, and also calls on other countries to jointly safeguard maritime order and security.

After the two Russian warships arrived close to Taiwan Island, Tsai Ing-wen changed her tone and stressed that Taiwan does not seek military confrontation

Taiwan's "last line of defense" was ruthlessly broken! Dare to resist and directly launch the war of liberation

Russia sent two warships to the island of Taiwan, which aroused the attention and controversy of the international community.

Faced with this situation, Taiwanese leader Tsai Ing-wen changed her tone and stressed that Taiwan does not seek military confrontation.

Taiwan is a part of China, and China has always adhered to the one-China principle and regarded Taiwan as its own territory.

Taiwan's "last line of defense" was ruthlessly broken! Dare to resist and directly launch the war of liberation

Taiwan has been led since 2000 by the Democratic Progressive Party, which favors Taiwan independence and seeks more independence internationally.

Against this background, Russia's sending warships to the island of Taiwan is seen as a provocative act against China.

China has always advocated safeguarding the country's territorial integrity and sovereignty, and is dissatisfied with such actions.

Taiwan's "last line of defense" was ruthlessly broken! Dare to resist and directly launch the war of liberation

Tsai changed her tone and stressed that Taiwan does not seek military confrontation, possibly out of the interests of the Taiwan region, in an attempt to avoid further escalation of the conflict.

China is not only a powerful military state, but also a responsible power.

China has always advocated peaceful development and opposed the use of force to settle international disputes.

Taiwan's "last line of defense" was ruthlessly broken! Dare to resist and directly launch the war of liberation

China's foreign policy emphasizes peace, cooperation and win-win results, and is committed to solving problems through dialogue and negotiation.

China has always adhered to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, respected international law and norms governing international relations, and safeguarded the peace and stability of the international community.

China may be wary of Ms. Tsai's change of tone.

Taiwan's "last line of defense" was ruthlessly broken! Dare to resist and directly launch the war of liberation

China is likely to communicate its position to Taiwan diplomatically, stressing the importance of preserving the country's territorial integrity and sovereignty.

China is also likely to continue to resolve disputes with Taiwan through peaceful means to avoid military confrontation.

Russia's dispatch of warships to the island of Taiwan has aroused the attention of the international community.

Taiwan's "last line of defense" was ruthlessly broken! Dare to resist and directly launch the war of liberation

Tsai Ing-wen changed her tone and stressed that Taiwan does not seek military confrontation, possibly out of the interests of the Taiwan region.

As a responsible major country, China has always advocated peaceful development and resolving problems through dialogue.

China is likely to communicate its position to Taiwan diplomatically and continue to seek a peaceful resolution to its dispute with the region.