
What's wrong with the "itchy" private parts of women? Does it have anything to do with your private life? There are 5 possible causes

author:Pediatrics to doctors

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Ms. Wang, 35, asked her unit for three days off because of her itchy private parts, and when she returned to class, her colleagues asked her why she was taking leave.

What's wrong with the "itchy" private parts of women? Does it have anything to do with your private life? There are 5 possible causes

Later, she said shyly that she had a gynecological disease and her private parts itched very badly, which made her sit hard and had to take leave.

Her husband was also worried about the incident and told her not to use medication indiscriminately, and then took her to the doctor.

The doctor told her that many women have such troubles, and there are also bad situations due to misuse of medication. And under the guidance of her doctor, her condition has improved.

What's wrong with the "itchy" private parts of women? Does it have anything to do with your private life? There are 5 possible causes

Indeed, after the problem of itching in the private parts, many women are ashamed to say it, especially in public, itching but unable to scratch, it is really embarrassing.

In addition, itching in the private parts is often in the dead of night, making it impossible to sleep, and even the life of the couple has been seriously affected.

Many women are puzzled by this, they are obviously extra protected, why is there still "itching"?

What's wrong with the "itchy" private parts of women? Does it have anything to do with your private life? There are 5 possible causes

The degree of "itching" in the private parts of girls

Regarding the itching of girls' private parts, it is not a shameful thing, most people have more or less had similar situations, but everyone's degree is different.

1. Occasionally a little itchy

If it is just a simple itch in the private parts, and the frequency is not so high, it is likely to be caused by wearing pants with tightness, and the impermeability of the fabric has strangled and stuffed underneath.

You can change into a pair of loose cotton pants, and the symptoms will improve.

What's wrong with the "itchy" private parts of women? Does it have anything to do with your private life? There are 5 possible causes

2. Hot itching

This situation is more common after the husband and wife life, will be accompanied by the vaginal discharge thinning and more, gray-white situation, and salty fish smell, this situation should be noted, it is likely to be caused by "bacterial vaginosis", need to seek medical attention.

3. In addition to itching, there are bursts of hot pain

Many girls said that they not only have itchy symptoms, but also a burst of hot pain, which is really uncomfortable.

In this case, if it is mixed with yellow and bubbling with white discharge, and a rancid smell, then everyone should be extra careful, most of them are infected with "vaginal trichomonasis".

What's wrong with the "itchy" private parts of women? Does it have anything to do with your private life? There are 5 possible causes

Other complications, such as dyspareunia, difficulty urinating, and lower abdominal pain, can also occur, and need to be treated in accordance with a doctor, as well as sexual partners.

4. Itchy sleep is difficult to sleep, sitting and lying restless

This situation is the top level of itching, the vaginal discharge becomes more and thicker, and it will break into "slag".

Affect normal work during the day, can not sleep at night, husband and wife will have pain when they have sex, urination will also be painful, which is to be careful whether you have "mold vaginitis", the same need to seek medical attention.

Therefore, it can be seen from this that the itching of women's private parts is mild, medium and severe, in general, mild itching does not need to worry too much, timely care can be.

What's wrong with the "itchy" private parts of women? Does it have anything to do with your private life? There are 5 possible causes

If it is because of the lesion caused by itching, it needs to be paid special attention, if you do not seek medical attention in time, it is easy to cause gynecological diseases.

When women face gynecological diseases, do not be embarrassed to say, do not use drugs indiscriminately, and boldly communicate with doctors so as to alleviate the condition.

5 reasons why girls' private parts are "itchy"

For the matter of itching in the private parts, many girls are puzzled: why is this happening? Does it have anything to do with your private life?

What's wrong with the "itchy" private parts of women? Does it have anything to do with your private life? There are 5 possible causes

In fact, there are 5 reasons why girls' private parts are "itchy", and if you can find the right symptomatic factors, it is very easy to treat.

1. Excessive cleaning

Some girls with cleanliness will also take care of their private parts when bathing, and some will wash them with clean water.

Others use shower gel, soap or intimate cleansing liquid, if the latter, it is likely to cause "itching" in the private parts.

What's wrong with the "itchy" private parts of women? Does it have anything to do with your private life? There are 5 possible causes

The structure of women's private parts is very complex, if the alkaline cleaning solution is frequently used for cleaning, although it will have bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects, it is also easy to destroy the normal flora.

As a result, acid-base imbalance occurs, resulting in dry and itchy skin, and it is easy to suffer from gynecological diseases.

2. The sanitary napkin is not clean

All girls use sanitary napkins during menstruation, and it is wrong for someone to choose the bathroom when placing sanitary napkins.

Because sanitary napkins are usually made of fibrous materials, when placed under the bathroom, bacteria will breed due to dampness, and itching will occur after use.

What's wrong with the "itchy" private parts of women? Does it have anything to do with your private life? There are 5 possible causes

At the same time, when choosing sanitary napkins, we must test whether there is a fluorescent agent, and choose sanitary napkins with good air permeability, and change them frequently, so that it is not easy to let secretions gather, greatly reducing itching.

3. It is related to inflammation

Itching in the private parts can also be caused by some inflammation, most of which manifest as trichomoniasis and mycovaginitis.

Under the interference of inflammation, a large amount of discharge will appear in the vagina, and in a humid environment, it will induce external itching.

What's wrong with the "itchy" private parts of women? Does it have anything to do with your private life? There are 5 possible causes

Moreover, women's private parts are next to the anus and urethral opening, and they are easily stimulated by excretions such as menstrual blood, feces and urine.

If the cleaning problem is not in place, inflammation will appear, which will cause itching in the private parts.

4. Caused by allergies

Compared with the skin of other parts, the skin of the girl's private parts can be described as a lot of "pretentious", and sometimes it may lead to some problems because of a little stimulation of foreign objects.

For example, the material and comfort of underwear, whether it is practical and inferior sanitary napkins, menstruation for a long time without changing sanitary napkins, etc., will cause allergic reactions, causing itching of private parts.

What's wrong with the "itchy" private parts of women? Does it have anything to do with your private life? There are 5 possible causes

5. Sexual life factors

A harmonious couple life will enhance the relationship, but sometimes some unclean sex life is also a major factor in itching of the private parts.

For example, intercourse during menstruation, no body washing before and after intercourse, multiple partners or frequent relationships.

These may cause gynecological diseases, the most typical symptom of which is itching in the private parts.

What to do if the private parts of women are itchy?

In fact, every woman will have the problem of itching in her private parts, but if the frequency is not high, or the degree of itching is not serious, timely care will not be much of a problem.

What's wrong with the "itchy" private parts of women? Does it have anything to do with your private life? There are 5 possible causes

But afraid that the private parts are very itchy, some women will scratch with their hands, not only will not have any relief, but also aggravate the emergence of the problem, if you encounter these situations, what should you do?

1. Change underwear frequently

Sweat glands in girls' private parts are relatively developed, and sitting for a long time will not only cause blood circulation, but also lead to excessive temperature and humidity in the private parts, and then breed bacteria.

Especially in summer, some women themselves love to sweat, and the secretion of their private parts will become more, so change underwear frequently, try to choose pure cotton material, not only skin-friendly and breathable.

What's wrong with the "itchy" private parts of women? Does it have anything to do with your private life? There are 5 possible causes

2. Avoid grasping with your hands

Itching in private parts itself is not a shameful thing, but many women do not seem to understand this truth, in the dead of night, they will frequently scratch with their hands, but they do not know that this will only harm themselves.

There are many bacteria on the hands, and the structure of the private parts is very complicated.

If you scratch more often, it is easy to bring the bacteria on your hands to your private parts, destroy the original flora, and even make the private parts red, swollen and inflamed, and finally cause unnecessary trouble.

What's wrong with the "itchy" private parts of women? Does it have anything to do with your private life? There are 5 possible causes

3. Use cleaning liquid with caution

Many girls feel that their private parts are not so clean during a day's work, so they will clean them when they take a bath.

However, it is really not recommended to overuse the cleaning solution here, which will disrupt the balance of the guiding flora and allow the germs to multiply and grow.

Therefore, when using the cleaning solution, do not need to be too frequent, you can buy some reliable products, or use it after asking a doctor.

What's wrong with the "itchy" private parts of women? Does it have anything to do with your private life? There are 5 possible causes

If you are not worried about the products on the market, it is also possible to clean it with clean water daily, which is safe and reliable and not easy to breed bacteria.

Daily care for girls, grasp 4 key points

Many people say that itching in women's private parts may be related to private life, including ordinary changes of sexual partners, etc., and this possibility cannot be ruled out.

However, in most cases, it is also caused by improper female care, or indifference to nursing, which can easily induce gynecological diseases.

What's wrong with the "itchy" private parts of women? Does it have anything to do with your private life? There are 5 possible causes

If you want not to put obstacles in your private parts, you must first ensure that your abdomen is warm and your private parts are dry.

If a woman's genitals are wet all year round and in a state of poor ventilation, it can easily lead to mycotic vaginitis and have certain damage to the body.

When there are some problems in the private parts, do not use drugs indiscriminately, do not avoid medical treatment, and go to the hospital for further examination as soon as possible, which will avoid many risks.

The second is moderate sex.

Although a harmonious husband and wife life will enhance the relationship between both parties, if the relationship occurs frequently, it will make the private parts excessively excited, which will cause extreme endocrine excitement, which is not good for the body.

What's wrong with the "itchy" private parts of women? Does it have anything to do with your private life? There are 5 possible causes

It is recommended that sex 2-3 times a week is the best, and personal hygiene should be paid attention to before having sex, both husband and wife should clean their private parts, and avoiding risks is also a sign of love for her.

Finally, pay attention to diet, in the physiological period or during illness, it is best to avoid spicy and sour food, after all, "disease from the mouth" is not just talk.

Supplement more vitamins and fiber daily, eat less irritating foods, drink more water to promote metabolism, and keep blood vessels and immune system young.

What's wrong with the "itchy" private parts of women? Does it have anything to do with your private life? There are 5 possible causes

At the same time, everyone should also regularly self-examine, if the woman has symptoms such as bleeding in the private parts, abnormal vaginal discharge, abdominal pain, etc., it means that there is a problem.

If necessary, you can have a physical examination every year, and you must have an understanding of your own body, which is the greatest responsibility for yourself.

In fact, the care of women's private parts is not achieved overnight, good habits need to be persisted for a long time, so as not to give the disease the opportunity to exploit loopholes, protect themselves, in order to be a healthy and beautiful woman.

What's wrong with the "itchy" private parts of women? Does it have anything to do with your private life? There are 5 possible causes


In general, women's private parts are very fragile, and every girl has to take it seriously.

Therefore, daily care is particularly important, and every little thing cannot be missed, including cleaning, underwear, husband and wife life, and sanitary napkins.

These must be done well, and only by avoiding all the risks that can be brought to oneself can you put yourself in a healthy environment.

Some people may find these maintenance troublesome, but only by starting from small things can we develop good hygiene habits, which largely avoids the symptoms of itching in the private parts.

What's wrong with the "itchy" private parts of women? Does it have anything to do with your private life? There are 5 possible causes

At the same time, every woman should accept herself psychologically, not to be a "shrunken turtle" whenever there is a problem, but to have the courage to speak.

There is nothing that cannot be said to the doctor, and it is necessary to treat the problem in time, and do not miss the best treatment period because of momentary negligence or shyness.

Some people say that the health of the private parts is an important part of a woman's overall health, so itching cannot be ignored.

What's wrong with the "itchy" private parts of women? Does it have anything to do with your private life? There are 5 possible causes

Even if sometimes the itching of the private parts is temporary or mild, do not ignore it, find the key point of the problem, in order to better prevent it.

But don't have too much psychological pressure, don't care about the eyes of others, maintain a happy mood, or do proper exercise, can alleviate the disease, only multi-faceted intervention and prevention, can ensure their health and happiness.

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