
Why do special parts of the body grow one or two particularly long hairs? Rise in knowledge

author:Dr. Lau Health Knowledge

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Xiao Zhang found that the hair follicles suddenly protruded under her mouth, and at first she thought that she had a pimple because she stayed up late, and she was unimpressed.

But I didn't expect that this hair follicle slowly grew a hair.

Why do special parts of the body grow one or two particularly long hairs? Rise in knowledge

Although she lifted it in time, the hair continued to grow.

Xiao Zhang, who has always loved beauty, finally discovered this problem and was very afraid, she was worried that she would lose her beauty because of this.

So she went to the hospital for a facial examination.

After examination, it was found that her hair follicles were blocked due to her long-term use of cosmetics, coupled with the lack of makeup removal at night, and slowly her pores became enlarged.

Finally, the hair follicles mutate to grow this long hair.

If you want to completely remove this hair later, you may need to do some laser surgery or take some medication.

Why do special parts of the body grow one or two particularly long hairs? Rise in knowledge

In addition, the doctor also reassured Xiao Zhang that this would not affect her physical health.

It's just that she needs to trim often, and usually go out with as little makeup as possible, or use some formal high-end brands to reduce irritation.

If you look closely, you will find that some people around us always have a particularly long hair on their faces and arms.

Why is this happening? What damage do they do to their bodies?

First, the reason why special parts grow particularly long hair

1. Normal physiological phenomenon

After entering puberty, the vast majority of young people will have menstrual disorders.

And they usually have no experience in skin care, plus they don't pay attention to these details.

Why do special parts of the body grow one or two particularly long hairs? Rise in knowledge

Occasional skin acne, always think that it is because you stay up late, or because of irregular diet, eat some spicy, greasy, irritating food.

Just apply the ointment and it will be fine in two or three days.

It is also true that the vast majority of hair follicle bulges can be repaired with medication.

However, some people will grow long hairs at the protruding part of this hair follicle.

Don't worry too much once you find it, this is a very normal physiological phenomenon, just need to trim on time.

Why do special parts of the body grow one or two particularly long hairs? Rise in knowledge

2. Caused by congenital development

Some people are born with very strong hair, which is genetically determined by their genes, and they develop earlier than their peers.

During puberty, because of the vigor of estrogen or male hormones, they will grow some long hair in some special parts of the body.

If the number of these hairs is large, it will also have a great impact on our own image, and we can prune and clean them regularly.

Generally, a razor can be used, or laser treatment can be used.

In the vast majority of cases, these hairs do not affect our health.

Why do special parts of the body grow one or two particularly long hairs? Rise in knowledge

3. Rough pores

Some people can't do the cleansing parts of her body properly, which causes the pores of her body to become larger and larger.

Slowly, a lot of toxic substances remain in the pores, which finally causes the hair follicles to deteriorate.

One or two long hairs may suddenly grow in some special areas.

If you find that the pores around the hair grow have become thicker to varying degrees, you need to go to the relevant dermatologist for consultation.

Why do special parts of the body grow one or two particularly long hairs? Rise in knowledge

4. Skin is caused by infection

Some people may have been infected with bacteria because of external stimuli or sensitive skin.

At first, the skin will be red and swollen, and then it will be particularly itchy.

Slowly in the inflamed area, it is very likely that hair follicle infection will appear, and long hair may grow in this place.

5. Hair follicle metabolism is vigorous

Everyone's physical condition is different, and the metabolism of hair follicles is also different.

Why do special parts of the body grow one or two particularly long hairs? Rise in knowledge

Some people are in a state of confusion when their hormone levels are in a state of confusion during puberty, and they are affected by the external temperature and environment, resulting in their hair follicle metabolism being particularly vigorous.

The hairs inside the same follicle are likely to suddenly grow very long.

6. Hair follicle variation

We know that a person will have a lot of hair follicles all over the body, and being affected by sex hormones during puberty will lead to sudden mutations in a certain hair follicle.

For example, overnutrition, or pollution of the surrounding environment causes a hair follicle to suddenly grow a person's particularly long sweat hair.

Why do special parts of the body grow one or two particularly long hairs? Rise in knowledge

This is a very normal situation and generally does not cause life and health problems to the human body.

However, if you find that many hair follicles on the body have similar conditions, it may be due to problems with the operating mechanism of some internal organs.

You need to see a doctor in time, don't delay your condition.

Because some studies have found that some people suddenly grow a very long hair on their bodies at a certain time.

This is because of glucocorticoid dermatitis or polycystic ovary syndrome.

Why do special parts of the body grow one or two particularly long hairs? Rise in knowledge

Second, the growth of long hairs in special parts may indicate six problems

1. Hormone imbalance in the body

If puberty finds that many hair follicles in your body have suddenly mutated, you have grown some long hairs.

That is most likely caused by an imbalance in the secretion of sex hormones.

This phenomenon can occur during puberty in both boys and girls, but there is a difference in the number of hormones.

For example, if a woman's nipples suddenly grow five or six particularly long hairs, this is likely to be caused by the strong secretion of female hormones.

Why do special parts of the body grow one or two particularly long hairs? Rise in knowledge

2. There is a problem with the ovaries

If a girl has a lot of hair in a particular area, it is likely to have polycystic ovary syndrome.

The symptoms of this disease are that the patient's ovaries suddenly enlarge, and the sweat hair deepens and grows.

In addition to this, thick and large hairs appear on her midline of the abdomen, anus, and around her arms.

If it is because of ovarian problems, the patient may also be accompanied by obesity, anemia, lack of appetite, malnutrition and other phenomena.

Once found, it is necessary to go to the hospital in time.

Why do special parts of the body grow one or two particularly long hairs? Rise in knowledge

3. Tumors on the body

If a patient has a tumor, it can cause a variety of lesions.

The most obvious of these is that there is a high probability that allergens have appeared on her skin.

Many hair follicles will appear bulging to varying degrees, and then slowly grow particularly long hairs in the raised areas.

Researchers have tested blood in these patients and found that their levels of DHEA are very high.

Why do special parts of the body grow one or two particularly long hairs? Rise in knowledge

It is likely that a tumor grows around the adrenal glands or ovaries, which releases sex hormones, resulting in rapid growth of body hair.

4. The body is deficient in iron or thyroid function is reduced

Studies have found that a person's hair growth period is basically fixed and regular.

It will reach vigor in spring and summer, and it may fall off in autumn and winter, which is a very normal physiological phenomenon.

However, if a patient's body is deficient in iron or thyroid function is reduced, then there is a risk of hair loss or particularly long hair growth in specific areas.

Why do special parts of the body grow one or two particularly long hairs? Rise in knowledge

5. Folliculitis

Today's young people work under great pressure and live a fast-paced life every day.

After work, they want to relax, so they often go to nightclubs or Internet cafes.

Staying up late for a long time leaves their skin and hair follicles without a suitable recovery period.

Slowly cause their pores to be enlarged, the skin to deteriorate, and the hair follicles to be blocked with various impurities.

Then extra long hairs grow, redness begins around them, and folliculitis develops.

Why do special parts of the body grow one or two particularly long hairs? Rise in knowledge

Therefore, it is still recommended that young people do not stay up late for their own health and in order to have a beautiful appearance.

Make it a good habit to go to bed early, and it is best to wash your hair follicles with a facial cleanser in the morning and evening, even if you remove dirt.

5. Excessive gastrointestinal burden

Studies have found that many people have stages of hair growth in special parts.

Rubi said that she ate particularly irregularly during this time and often overeating.

Eating some foods high in oil, fat and salt is likely to stimulate the epidermal cells under the belly.

Why do special parts of the body grow one or two particularly long hairs? Rise in knowledge

There are also people who are particularly fond of large fish and meat, which leads to excess nutrients absorbed in the body.

The stomach and intestines cannot digest in time, resulting in sudden growth of hair in the belly area.

It is recommended to control your diet and eat more vitamin-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables.

Three meals a day, eat on time, balanced nutrition.

After 6 p.m., try not to eat anything more.

Because the stomach is in the recovery period at this time, regular supper will cause our stomach to be overburdened.

Why do special parts of the body grow one or two particularly long hairs? Rise in knowledge

Third, does the hair in special parts need special treatment?

In a certain period of time, the hair in a special part of the body suddenly grows, if there is no special impact on the body, then it needs to be specially treated?

Under normal circumstances, if both parents have particularly long body hair, then their children are likely to have this phenomenon, which is very normal.

If you feel that it affects the aesthetics, you can trim it properly.

However, if the hair in a certain part has repeatedly grown, it is necessary to consider whether there is a problem with a certain organ of the body at this time.

Don't be careless, go to the hospital for a comprehensive physical examination as much as possible.

Why do special parts of the body grow one or two particularly long hairs? Rise in knowledge


Summer is coming, and this is a very annoying thing for those with thick body hair, and they will try to get rid of it in various ways.

But in fact, some human hair is strong, which can also indicate that her body is very healthy and nutritious.

If you blindly shave her, you are equivalent to losing a channel for testing your health.

For those who are good looking, if it is really unacceptable, they can also go to a regular hospital for hair removal surgery.

Why do special parts of the body grow one or two particularly long hairs? Rise in knowledge

Under normal circumstances, it is normal for one or two long hairs to suddenly grow in special parts, so don't worry too much.