
The woman was stripped naked by her husband and displayed on the street! After eight unsuccessful police calls, he was beaten to death by her perverted husband

author:Torah Conscience
The woman was stripped naked by her husband and displayed on the street! After eight unsuccessful police calls, he was beaten to death by her perverted husband

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"I don't live as well as a dog," the girl cried to her parents.

Newly married Yaner, the woman is often beaten by her husband. After the husband beat someone, he pretended to be pitiful, begged for forgiveness, and then committed it again.

In addition to the physical torture, the husband also insulted him mentally and made him strip naked and display it in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. In the end, the girl was beaten to death, but the court sentenced her husband to only six years in prison.

Why can a human life only be exchanged for six years in prison? Just because he is married, can the husband beat his wife casually?

The woman was stripped naked by her husband and displayed on the street! After eight unsuccessful police calls, he was beaten to death by her perverted husband

The woman suffered domestic violence after marriage and could not bear to run away from home

The girl who was beaten to death by her husband in the case was Dong, who worked as a salesman in a shopping mall and met her husband Wang through the introduction of a friend.

Wang is a year older than Dong and runs a trading company that does a good business and earns a lot of money every year.

After the two met, they quickly sparked love, and in Dong's eyes, this man who was one year older than her was the ideal lover in her heart.

Wang is physically strong, tall and powerful, and can give her enough security. In addition, during the relationship between the two, Wang was able to meet any material requirements of Dong as much as possible. Before the two got married, Wang had already bought a car for Dong.

After knowing each other for nine months, twenty-five-year-old Dong and Wang entered the marriage hall.

The woman was stripped naked by her husband and displayed on the street! After eight unsuccessful police calls, he was beaten to death by her perverted husband

The friends around all think that the husband Dong is looking for is good, the family conditions are good, and he is also very good. Usually the two get along, and they are loving and suitable in the eyes of friends.

Marriage should have been the starting point of a new journey in life, and for Dong, she did not wait for a sweet marriage, but waited for the beginning of a nightmare.

A few days after marriage, Wang began to beat Dong for trivial matters in life.

One night, Dong, who was really unbearable, chose to run away from home. After Dong's mother received a call from Wang, she knew that her daughter had disappeared, and quickly went out to look for Dong on the road.

For a whole night, there was no trace of Dong, and Dong's parents asked family and friends to help find it together, but everyone searched for three days in a row, and still did not even see a person. In the end, the Dong family's parents and Wang went to the police station to report the case.

The woman was stripped naked by her husband and displayed on the street! After eight unsuccessful police calls, he was beaten to death by her perverted husband

After listening to Wang's alarm information, the police blamed Wang for coming to the police for three days after the incident, and asked what was going on between Wang and Dong, which Wang denied flatly.

Wang said that the relationship between the two is very good, and he loves Dong very much.

However, Dong's mother became suspicious of Wang, but she had no choice but to wait quietly, and in the midst of doubt and anxiety, Dong, who had been missing for seven days, suddenly returned to her mother's house.

He confided in his mother full of grievances and was diagnosed with severe depression

Dong Mo knelt on the mat when he entered the gate of his mother's house, and his mother also plopped down on her knees when she saw this, and the two hugged their heads and cried together.

At this time, Dong opened his grievances, opened the floodgates of confiding, and complained to his mother. After marriage, Wang often her off, beat her, and punched and kicked her repeatedly. The reason for running away from home this time was because he couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to run away from her husband Wang.

The woman was stripped naked by her husband and displayed on the street! After eight unsuccessful police calls, he was beaten to death by her perverted husband

Hearing her daughter so aggrieved, Dong's mother collapsed all of a sudden, and she learned some of her daughter's real situation after marriage at this time.

After Dong returned to his mother's house, his mood seemed to be in a state of tension and fear, and he even sometimes became insane and panicked. Often a person squats quietly in the corner of the wall, his eyes are wide, and he doesn't even notice a soak of urine under his feet.

When I sleep at night, I will even wake up suddenly, holding my head and shrinking into a ball, and muttering in my mouth, "Please don't hit me." ”

Seeing that her daughter was not only beaten by her husband, but also greatly stimulated mentally, and her behavior and behavior had been sentenced before marriage, Dong's mother felt very uncomfortable, and immediately took her daughter to see a psychologist.

Dong's psychological counseling records show that she was very afraid of her husband, twice wanted to commit suicide, took sleeping pills before marriage, and was very afraid. The tone of the husband's eyes and the way he spoke made people feel very frightened.

Through the doctor's examination and evaluation, it was confirmed that Dong suffered from severe depression and severe anxiety.

The woman was stripped naked by her husband and displayed on the street! After eight unsuccessful police calls, he was beaten to death by her perverted husband

Domestic violence is exacerbated, with both physical and mental torture

Back home, Dong's mother was very puzzled, Dong used to have a docile personality, never provoked right and wrong, did not understand that Dong was married for only three months, how could it be completely different?

On the night he ran away from home, Wang had not returned home late at night, and Dong went to bed early. Wang went out drinking and did not return until midnight.

When Wang arrived home, Dong had fallen asleep, and in his sleep, Dong didn't know what happened, his hair was pulled up by Wang, and his other hand pulled Dong's collar, directly picked Dong up, and threw it directly to the ground.

Dong Mou opened his eyes and stared at the person in front of him in confusion, not knowing what the situation was.

Taking advantage of her husband's lack of attention, he immediately sneaked out of the house and ran away from home.

The woman was stripped naked by her husband and displayed on the street! After eight unsuccessful police calls, he was beaten to death by her perverted husband

Such things have happened from time to time in the three years after marriage, and after Wang finished beating people, it was like changing his face, not domineering at all, Chu Chu pitifully knelt in front of Dong and said, "I love you, this time I was wrong, I promise this is the last time." Subsequently, he also wrote a letter of repentance seemingly sincerely.

Hearing this, for the sake of family harmony and the relationship between the two, Dong's family also chose to forgive Wang and warned Wang not to do anything to Dong.

But who knows, Wang said every time that it was the last time, and he never repented.

Wang's domestic violence not only did not lessen, but intensified, getting heavier and heavier each time, and after each beating Wang, he had to find some excuses and put false charges on his wife to alleviate his guilt.

Wang said that he was angry at work outside, and there were always times when he was not happy, and he went home to find an object of anger, and his wife, who lived with him, naturally became a punching bag.

The woman was stripped naked by her husband and displayed on the street! After eight unsuccessful police calls, he was beaten to death by her perverted husband

For her husband's words, Dong was originally very angry, but thinking that her husband was working very hard and stressful outside, it was inevitable that his emotions would be out of control when he returned home, so she always forgave her husband again and again.

Even though Dong was so condescending, Wang still had no remorse, and her husband not only tortured her physically, but also insulted and destroyed Dong mentally.

The house rented by the two had a floor-to-ceiling window, and in addition to beating Dong, Wang would let Dong stick naked on the glass to show it out, and once even let her show her naked in front of the floor-to-ceiling window for two hours after beating Dong.

After the divorce, he ran away and was caught, and was again captured and beaten to death

Dong couldn't bear it, four months after the two got married, Dong filed for divorce with the court and then moved back to his mother's house, but three days after the complaint was filed, Wang brought someone to Dong's mother's house and forcibly took Dong away.

Seeing her daughter being taken away, Dong's mother collapsed on the ground, and then called the police.

After the police came, they asked about the situation and replied that although Dong had sued for divorce, the marriage had not yet been dissolved, and the domestic police could not intervene.

The woman was stripped naked by her husband and displayed on the street! After eight unsuccessful police calls, he was beaten to death by her perverted husband

Since then, Dong has lost his voice, and a month later, Dong called his mother, saying that he was now in the rented community, and asked his parents to quickly take her home.

After hanging up the phone, the anxious Dong family rushed over and asked to take Dong away, or he would die with Wang. At this time, Wang was deeply in love, crying and asking Dong if he loved himself very much and refused to go with his mother.

The two sides stalemated for nearly two hours, and Wang finally agreed to let the Dong family's parents take Dong away.

However, Wang kept threatening Dong's family and demanded that Dong not leave him. Under the coercion of her husband, Dong withdrew the divorce lawsuit. The road to divorce is not working, and Dong can only choose to escape.

After that, Dong left a letter to his parents and said goodbye. Although Dong's parents don't know where Dong has gone, they are relieved to think that their daughter can escape the clutches of the devil.

Three months later, Dong appeared in front of his parents again, covered in bruises, swollen, unable to see Dong's eyes from a distance, and his face was full of black spots.

The woman was stripped naked by her husband and displayed on the street! After eight unsuccessful police calls, he was beaten to death by her perverted husband

Dong's mother asked her if she was pregnant, but Dong denied it, saying that her stomach hurt, and she could lie on her side, lying flat with her legs arched and unable to stretch out. A large amount of fluid flowed out of Dong's stomach, and he had to carry it out bucket by bucket.

Dong told his family that after leaving home, he only hid outside for a month, but he was found by Wang and controlled by Wang and his friends for more than fifty consecutive days.

Wang took Dong to Hebei and stayed for about fifteen days, during which Dong told Wang that he was in love with someone else, and Wang was angry and beat him up.

After returning home from Hebei, Wang moved with Dong and beat her seven or eight times in his new home, the most serious of which was a fist kick, from the bedroom door to the bed, until Dong fell on the bed, I don't know how many kicks.

Seeing Dong like this, the family quickly sent Dong to the hospital. The hospital took a series of rescue measures against Dong and conducted a detailed physical examination.

The woman was stripped naked by her husband and displayed on the street! After eight unsuccessful police calls, he was beaten to death by her perverted husband

After examination, it was learned that Dong was seriously bleeding due to damage to multiple organs in his abdomen, and his abdominal cavity was filled with blood, and the accumulated blood caused Dong's stomach to swell like a pregnant woman about to give birth.

The doctor said it didn't look like she had been injured by a person, but like a group of people storming the girl from all directions.

Under severe physical injuries, Dong lay dying on the hospital bed, dying.

Because Dong's injuries were too serious, the doctors tried their best to save Dong's life. A week after being admitted to the hospital, Dong passed away permanently at the age of twenty-six.

He was sentenced to six years in prison for beating to death, and his family continued to seek redress for their grievances

After Dong's death, the Public Security Bureau issued an autopsy certificate, and through the autopsy certificate, it was determined that Dong was consistent with the death of multiple organ failure caused by infection after being injured by others.

To put it simply, Dong was killed by her husband.

Subsequently, the public security organs arrested Wang in accordance with the law. In the record of the public security organ's questioning, Wang said that Dong's injuries were indeed directly related to him, and he beat Dong many times during his marriage. From the marriage of Dong and Wang to the time Dong was killed by her husband, it was only ten short months.

The woman was stripped naked by her husband and displayed on the street! After eight unsuccessful police calls, he was beaten to death by her perverted husband

In the end, after trial, the people's court found Wang guilty of abuse, sentenced him to six years and six months in prison, and compensated Dong's parents for more than 810,000 yuan.

Dong's parents said they could not accept the verdict and immediately appealed. However, Wang did not appeal, and as a party incidental to the crime, Dong's parents could only appeal on the civil part.

During the trial, the Intermediate People's Court upheld the first-instance judgment. #今日头条日签#

【Lawyer's statement】

In this case, Wang committed violence against his wife during marriage, and repeatedly did not change, and eventually even beat his wife to death. Now that the evidence is clear and the facts are clear, Wang will definitely accept the punishment of the law.

Next, let's use professional legal thinking to analyze what kind of legal sanctions Wang will face, and while clarifying responsibilities, it can also help everyone improve legal awareness.

I. How should Wang characterize his wife's beating, and what legal responsibility should Wang bear?

Wang's actions necessarily constitute the crime of abuse, but not only the crime of abuse.

The woman was stripped naked by her husband and displayed on the street! After eight unsuccessful police calls, he was beaten to death by her perverted husband

According to article 260 of the Criminal Law, whoever abuses a family member and the circumstances are egregious, causing serious injury or death to the victim, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than two years but not more than seven years.

In this case, Wang repeatedly beat and abused his wife Dong for a long time, and insulted his wife's spirit, which was extremely subjectively malicious, and the circumstances were heinous, constituting the crime of abuse and should be severely punished.

According to article 234 of the Criminal Law, whoever intentionally harms another person's body, causing death or causing serious injury and serious disability by particularly cruel means shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years, life imprisonment or the death penalty.

In this case, Wang committed acts of harm against Dong for a long time, and allowed himself not to rescue the injuries caused by Dong, and he had direct intent on Dong's injuries. It objectively caused the consequences of Dong's death and violated Dong's physical rights.

Therefore, Wang's behavior constitutes the crime of intentional injury, which should be punished concurrently with the crime of abuse, and cannot be punished alone for the crime of abuse.

The woman was stripped naked by her husband and displayed on the street! After eight unsuccessful police calls, he was beaten to death by her perverted husband

2. In this case, Dong and his family called the police many times, and was it correct for the police not to intervene on the grounds of family affairs?

According to the relevant provisions of laws and regulations, the duties of the police are to prevent and stop the occurrence of criminal acts and maintain public order.

In this case, Dong and his family called the police many times, but the police intervened because of the inconvenience of household chores, and finally condoned the criminal, resulting in a tragedy.

For crimes committed by family members, it is difficult to prevent them early because of their concealment. When handling such cases, the police uphold the principle that "it is difficult for clean officials to decide family affairs", which is a manifestation of police dereliction of duty.

With the introduction of the Anti-Domestic Violence Law, the police should learn more about crimes within the family shell and prevent family members from committing crimes against each other.

The woman was stripped naked by her husband and displayed on the street! After eight unsuccessful police calls, he was beaten to death by her perverted husband


It is regrettable that Dong in this case died in domestic violence at a young age. And Wang, as a husband, not only did not shield his wife from the wind and rain, but punched and kicked again and again, which was resentful.

Here's a word to everyone, people can't be kind, but they can't be too kind. In addition, being wary of "dark arrows" in intimate relationships is often more difficult to prevent than open guns.

What do you think about this? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss! #头条热搒#

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