
"This is not China! No one will get used to you! "Aunt China has become a world nuisance

author:History of Sheep and Sheep

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"This is not China! No one will get used to you! "Aunt China has become a world nuisance


"This is not China! Not Hong Kong! No one is used to you! ”

In daily life, we always see such a group of "middle-aged and elderly women" - they wave silk scarves in scenic areas to take photos, queue in front of supermarkets and pharmacies, and tirelessly dance square dances to the legendary music of the phoenix on the basketball court at night.

"This is not China! No one will get used to you! "Aunt China has become a world nuisance

And now, this group of "aunts" who can be seen everywhere in our lives have gone international, from desperately "grabbing eggs" in domestic supermarkets to "grabbing eggs" in American gold stores, directly raiding the US gold market and shocking Wall Street giants...

"This is not China! No one will get used to you! "Aunt China has become a world nuisance

"Chinese Aunt" is not only a synonym for age and gender groups, but a "cultural symbol" that goes international, and even the Wall Street Journal has created a new English word "dama" to refer to "Chinese Aunt", to commemorate the amazing gold purchasing power of Chinese Aunts.

"This is not China! No one will get used to you! "Aunt China has become a world nuisance

Nowadays, with the development of the times and economic progress, more and more aunts have the ability and conditions to go abroad and show their "style", but the international evaluation of them is getting worse and worse. Not only has there been an incident of "Aunt being taken away by the police" in a scenic spot in Japan, but recently in Vancouver, locals not only drove away a group of Chinese aunts, but also shouted the evil words "This is not China, no one will be used to you".

What exactly have "Chinese aunts" done abroad that are regarded as "public nuisances"?

First, Chinese aunts fiercely fight Wall Street giants

In 2013, a new English word appeared in the Wall Street Journal column, "Chinese dama," meaning "Chinese aunt."

The reason why Wall Street specially coined a new word for Chinese aunts is because they were really shocked by the "purchasing power of gold" of Chinese aunts, and were surprised that this group of middle-aged and elderly women in China could directly "bottom the US gold market" and bankrupt their plans to short global gold.

"This is not China! No one will get used to you! "Aunt China has become a world nuisance

"Gold" is a very important "hard currency" no matter when and what country and region. In other words, whoever masters gold masters wealth. And the more gold reserves a country has, the more wealth it has and the more stable its economy is.

Therefore, over the years, the "financial war" over gold has been frequently staged in various countries and regions.

"This is not China! No one will get used to you! "Aunt China has become a world nuisance

In 2013, a number of Wall Street tycoons joined forces with the Federal Reserve in an attempt to short-sell the global gold market and profit from it. In order to make the whole plan go smoothly and to make this "scam" seem more real, they also caused top investors everywhere to spread the news of "bearish gold".

This is the old routine of the "war of gold", in layman's terms, that is, to first knock down the price of gold, sell all the gold in your hand and then buy it back at a lower price, so as to earn intermediate profits.

"This is not China! No one will get used to you! "Aunt China has become a world nuisance

Originally, this plan was seamless, and with the support of capital, gold prices fell all the way according to their expectations. But just when they felt that the whole thing was going according to their plan, a mysterious group from the east appeared.

That's right, it's the Chinese aunt.

"This is not China! No one will get used to you! "Aunt China has become a world nuisance

How can the aunts understand the stakes and the twists and turns of capital finance behind it, they can understand only one thing - the price of gold has dropped significantly, and whoever does not buy will suffer a big loss.

So, Chinese aunts walked into the gold store confidently with their bank cards that they had worked hard to save for decades. When I go out, I have sparkling gold in my hand and a sweet smile on my face, "I picked up a big bargain today".

Looking at the appearance of aunts flocking into the gold store, I know that this is buying gold, and I don't know which supermarket egg promotion is on sale.

"This is not China! No one will get used to you! "Aunt China has become a world nuisance

But how could this group of Wall Street predators have expected the emergence of this mysterious oriental group, let alone the amazing purchasing power of the aunts, and the Chinese aunts suddenly stirred up their careful plans into a mess.

It can also be seen in this matter that "the province should spend flowers" is a wise saying engraved into Chinese's bones. On weekdays, aunts can compete from east to west for a few cents in the vegetable market, but when they arrive at the gold store, it takes only ten minutes before and after, and the 100,000 aunts don't even blink their eyes.

"This is not China! No one will get used to you! "Aunt China has become a world nuisance

In just ten days, this group of Chinese aunts stockpiled a total of 300 tons of gold, and the market price was about 100 billion. "Save money and use thrift" does not exist at this time, and as much gold as the capitalists throw out in their hands, the aunts buy as much as they want. The supply in the mainland market is insufficient, and the major gold stores have run out of stock one after another, so the aunts will find a way to run to Hong Kong to buy gold, and if Hong Kong does not have it, they will run abroad to buy it, and "retreating in the face of difficulties" does not exist.

"This is not China! No one will get used to you! "Aunt China has become a world nuisance

You know, the gold reserves of the entire British country that year were only 310 tons, and the gold that the Chinese aunts stockpiled this time could almost compete with the reserves of a country.

And this "gold war" launched by Wall Street finally ended with the wonderful victory of "Chinese dama".

"This is not China! No one will get used to you! "Aunt China has become a world nuisance

From "dama" to "scourge"

Chinese aunts "became famous in the first battle" in this golden war, and their purchasing power made the world awe-inspiring, and since then, the attitude of foreigners when they see Chinese aunts is like "grandchildren see grandma".

But this attitude did not last long, and after a few years, the international reputation of Chinese aunts was not very good. A while ago in Vancouver, Canada, there was an incident in which Chinese aunts were driven away by scenic spots.

"This is not China! No one will get used to you! "Aunt China has become a world nuisance

In May, a newly opened commercial plaza in Vancouver's Chinatown welcomed a group of seemingly young Chinese tourists early in the morning.

It was still early, and some of the shops in the square had not yet had time to open. But the enthusiasm of this group of tourists is very high, and they chatter non-stop.

"This is not China! No one will get used to you! "Aunt China has become a world nuisance

Seeing that they were gathering more and more, and the noise was getting higher and higher, the security guards of the mall finally couldn't stand it and stepped forward to communicate with them, saying that it was too early, and it was not suitable for being too noisy.

But this group of grandpas and aunts from China did not mean to stop the excitement, and even decided to practice a section of tai chi in the shopping mall lobby collectively.

"This is not China! No one will get used to you! "Aunt China has become a world nuisance

This really frightened the staff of the mall, and they hurriedly wanted to stop it. But then this group of grandpas and aunts seemed to have suffered some great grievances, and they all protested excitedly, and the movements on their hands did not mean to stop at all.

Seeing that the situation was almost uncontrollable, the mall staff began to shout: "This is not China!" No one can get used to you! You can't do this kind of gathering here! ”

"This is not China! No one will get used to you! "Aunt China has become a world nuisance

However, the grandpas and aunts still did not mean to disband on the spot, but became more and more emotional, shouting loudly to the staff. After that, the mall had no choice but to call the police, and the situation stabilized a little.

Afterwards, someone took a video of the live quarrel and uploaded it to domestic social platforms, which immediately caused heated discussions among netizens.

Some netizens said that Vancouver's shopping malls are too impolite, and their move completely violates the virtues of "customers are God" and "respect the old and love the young".

Some netizens also said that there is no problem with the practice of the mall, "someone should have taken care of this group of domineering and lawless uncles and aunts in the country a long time ago."

"This is not China! No one will get used to you! "Aunt China has become a world nuisance

Coincidentally, it is not the first time that this group of uncles and aunts in China have been "disliked" by everyone in foreign scenic spots. No, the Chinese aunt who "rushed to the sea" by the Japanese sea was also taken away by the local police.

Perhaps because of the spirit of adventure in their bones, people living by the sea like to go to the beach to collect various seafood, this activity is called "catching the sea".

"This is not China! No one will get used to you! "Aunt China has become a world nuisance

And the Chinese aunts brought this habit all the way to Japan.

There is an aunt who happily picks up oysters on a seaside in Japan, and after digging up the oyster meat, she casually throws her shell on the beach. The locals were very upset when they saw this casual littering and called the police.

"This is not China! No one will get used to you! "Aunt China has become a world nuisance

In fact, it is not when residents make a fuss. This was originally a seaside park, and many children would play on the beach, but because the aunts discarded too many oyster shells, almost to the point of being everywhere and piled up, many children were scratched by oyster shells.

"This is not China! No one will get used to you! "Aunt China has become a world nuisance

When the police arrived, they tried to take away the aunt who was picking up oysters, but the aunt used the trick that was invincible in the country - splashing and rolling, and even knelt down to the police.

After this incident was exposed, many domestic netizens said that it was too humiliating, and it was not enough to have no morality in China, and now they threw people abroad.

"This is not China! No one will get used to you! "Aunt China has become a world nuisance

On the other side of the mainland, in Switzerland, there was also an incident in which the quality of Chinese aunts was criticized by foreign tourists.

A Chinese aunt came to visit Swan Lake in Switzerland, which has a good ecology and beautiful environment, attracting many tourists to stop and take photos.

After seeing the white swans everywhere, an aunt became teasing and shook the banknotes in her hand back and forth in front of the swan's eyes. Seeing this, the swan thought that it was from the aunt's "feeding", so he stretched his neck directly and opened his mouth to take the banknote.

"This is not China! No one will get used to you! "Aunt China has become a world nuisance

The aunt realized the seriousness of the matter at this time, but the movement of her hand did not hesitate at all, grabbed the swan's neck with one hand, and broke the swan's mouth with the other hand, trying to take the banknote over.

"This is not China! No one will get used to you! "Aunt China has become a world nuisance

Because the action is too "rude", in the eyes of foreigners on the side, this is really suspected of "animal abuse" and "not caring for life", plus this scenic spot originally strictly prohibited tourists from feeding, and the aunt's behavior did not comply with the regulations, so someone filmed this scene and uploaded it to the Internet.

"This is not China! No one will get used to you! "Aunt China has become a world nuisance

Subsequently, this incident caused a strong sensation in Switzerland, which greatly affected the quality and image of Chinese tourists in the minds of foreigners, saying that such tourists were not welcome. Even Chinese netizens couldn't stand it, saying that "aunts don't speak Mandarin outside, it's really damaging to the image of Chinese people" and "it's really unqualified, and people are thrown abroad."

"This is not China! No one will get used to you! "Aunt China has become a world nuisance

The author thinks

We do not deny that some Chinese "aunt" tourists in foreign scenic spots are indeed uncivilized, such as feeding animals, littering, digging wild vegetables, fishing abalone, etc., these behaviors not only violate local laws and regulations, but also cause damage to the local environment and ecology, and also cause dissatisfaction and complaints from local residents and media. These behaviors should be criticized and punished, but they should also cause reflection and improvement by the aunts themselves.

"This is not China! No one will get used to you! "Aunt China has become a world nuisance

In fact, with the development of China's economy and social progress, the number and quality of Chinese tourists are constantly improving, most of them abide by local laws and customs, respect local culture and ecological environment, enjoy travel and exchange. Some cases of alleged incivility can also be caused by cultural differences, language barriers, misunderstandings or prejudices. Therefore, when evaluating the image of Chinese tourists or "aunts", there should be reasonable, pros and cons, and cannot be generalized, nor can it be generalized.

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