
Actors and scripts, two indispensable aspects of a good drama

author:China Entertainment Golden Bean


Seeing that some authors said that many traffic stars' dramas hit the street this year, he firmly believed that it was never an actor who carried the drama, and it was the screenwriter and the script that really carried the drama.

This has a certain truth, traffic stars are mostly assembly line operation, select some handsome guys and beauties, capital uses the network to create heat, when these people enter the film and television industry, capital has purchased good script resources and publicity, forming the current traffic film and television, but for traffic stars without acting talent, if they are not willing to be a vase, they will definitely not be able to carry the drama, and then the publicity is vigorous, the hot search is flying all over the sky, but not many people watch the drama.

All of the above has been reported and analyzed by the official media, and of course criticized. But if the author kills everyone with one shot, he thinks that it is the screenwriter who really carries the play, it is the script. Here the original author also has a logical problem: the drama of the traffic star is because the script is not good, the traffic star is still OK, and the deviation from what the author wants to say, and also contradicts the argument.

If you have to discuss which is more important than the actor and the script, the best answer must be that both are important, two indispensable aspects of a thing, and it is common for actors to destroy the script or scripts to delay good actors. The editor believes that in the eyes of ordinary audiences, at least there should be three or seven gaps between the actors and the script.

For example, the editor analyzes actor Lu Zhaohua, she and the script of "Mountain and Sea Love" is the best fit, Lu Zhaohua gave the audience a real character perception, she played the strong character of the female worker Zhang Yijuan, the audience praised Lu Zhaohua's acting skills, thinking that she played Zhang Yijuan with self-respect and self-love vividly. On the other hand, the excellent script allows the audience to feel the working girl's yearning for a better life in the future and immerse themselves in this story.

Young actor Lu Zhaohua was able to play the role of a small person to win the award, which fully shows that director Kong Sheng's selection of people is vicious and his grasp of the script.

Actors and scripts, two indispensable aspects of a good drama
Actors and scripts, two indispensable aspects of a good drama
Actors and scripts, two indispensable aspects of a good drama
Actors and scripts, two indispensable aspects of a good drama
Actors and scripts, two indispensable aspects of a good drama
Actors and scripts, two indispensable aspects of a good drama