
American scientists intend to resurrect the dodo, what is the principle of resurrecting extinct animals? Can it really be achieved

author:Xiong said popular science

In the ancient and mysterious natural world, there are many animal species that have completely disappeared from the earth due to various reasons such as environmental changes and human activities. Now, however, scientists intend to find solutions behind this reality to achieve the feat of resurrection of those lost species. Recently, a group of prominent American scientists announced that they are planning to resurrect the dodo, a fabled giant and mysterious flying bird that has been extinct on Earth for hundreds of years.

Not only because of scientific progress, but also because of the dodo's resurrection feat is a manifestation of human trials and determination. We can expect that when the dodo flies over the earth again, the whole world will rejoice at the rebirth of this endangered species.

Cloning technology

Cloning is a method that allows scientists to replicate and recreate extinct animal species. In the past few decades, scientists have made major breakthroughs in the study of cloning technology, which makes it possible to achieve the goal of resurrecting extinct animals through cloning.

American scientists intend to resurrect the dodo, what is the principle of resurrecting extinct animals? Can it really be achieved

The core principle of cloning technology is the method of using nuclear transfer. When an animal species goes extinct, it may also be possible to find carcasses, copies, or cell samples kept in cryogenic equipment. By extracting these cells, scientists were able to obtain a complete copy of the species' DNA.

During cloning, nuclei extracted from extinct animals are first injected into recipient cells to denucleated oocytes. In this way, the recipient cell contains the complete genome from the extinct animal. Next, after a series of experimental processes, the recipient cell will develop into a primary embryo.

This embryo is a genetic copy of an extinct animal. To achieve true cloning, the primary embryo is transferred to a surrogate mother. When the embryo is successfully embedded and developed into a complete fetus, the surrogate mother will give birth to an individual exactly the same as the extinct animal species, that is, the extinct animal will be resurrected.

American scientists intend to resurrect the dodo, what is the principle of resurrecting extinct animals? Can it really be achieved

The process from cloning to species resurrection is very difficult and faces numerous challenges and ethical dilemmas. Extinct animal species may have adapted to the modern environment, so it is worrying whether resurrected individuals will be able to adapt to the new environment. There was still a lot of uncertainty about cloning and the success rate was low. In most cases, scientists were able to successfully resurrect an extinct animal in hundreds of cloning attempts.

The moral and ethical aspects of cloning technology also required careful consideration. Especially when it comes to animal rights conservation and biodiversity, scientists need to weigh the pros and cons to ensure that their research and implementation does not lead to more extinctions or ecological crises.

Although many technical and ethical challenges remained, cloning techniques to resurrect extinct animals undoubtedly offered new hope and possibilities for achieving that goal. Through continuous research and practice, people can better understand and apply this technology to make greater contributions to the protection and restoration of extinct species.

Gene editing technology

Principles of gene editing technology

Gene editing technology is a method of artificial intervention in the genome of organisms, which can achieve precise tampering with the genetic information of organisms by cutting DNA and modifying or inserting genetic sequences. The technique relies primarily on the CRISPR-Cas9 system, which consists of the Cas9 enzyme and RNA guide sequence.

American scientists intend to resurrect the dodo, what is the principle of resurrecting extinct animals? Can it really be achieved

By designing a suitable guide RNA to guide the Cas9 enzyme to the target gene site, the Cas9 enzyme will shear, mutate the gene or insert a new DNA sequence. This innovative system provides researchers with an efficient, accurate, and controllable tool for gene editing.

Breakthrough in gene editing technology

Since the discovery of the CRISPR-Cas9 system, gene editing technology has made revolutionary breakthroughs. Compared with traditional genetic engineering technology, gene editing technology has higher effectiveness and precision, and is simple and inexpensive. This makes gene-editing technology an ideal tool to resurrect extinct animals. In addition, the researchers used gene-editing technology to successfully resurrect partially extinct animals in the laboratory, such as carp, which was revived in 2013. These breakthroughs illustrate the huge potential of gene-editing technology to revive extinct species.

Application of gene editing technology

Protecting biodiversity: Gene editing techniques can be used to repair genetic defects in critically endangered species, hereditary diseases, and improve the adaptive capacity of species. By inserting adaptive genes into the genome, we can enhance the viability of species and improve their ability to adapt to environmental changes, thereby increasing the hope of conserving biodiversity.

American scientists intend to resurrect the dodo, what is the principle of resurrecting extinct animals? Can it really be achieved

Understanding biological evolution: In the process of resurrecting extinct animals, scientists need to study the genome composition and function of the target species. Gene editing technology can help us reveal genetic information related to extinct species, understanding their morphology, behavior and ecological habits. This will have important implications for our deeper understanding of biological evolution and the evolution of ecosystems.

Human medical applications: Through gene editing technology, scientists can study animal models as well as gene treatments for complex diseases. This technology is expected to help us unearth new ways to treat cancer, genetic diseases and infectious diseases, and make breakthrough contributions to human medicine.

The prospect and challenge of resurrecting extinct animals

Let's take a look at the prospect of resurrecting extinct animals. By resurrecting extinct animals, we have the opportunity to better understand the species of life on Earth in ancient times, and to understand the origin and evolution of life. For example, scientists have succeeded in resurrecting extinct species, such as mountain dogs and crows, by extracting DNA from fossils. The development of this technology offers hope for resurrecting more extinct animals.

This not only satisfies people's curiosity about history, but also contributes to the conservation of existing biodiversity. By resurrecting extinct animals, we have the potential to restore damaged ecosystems and create a healthier and more balanced natural environment.

Resurrecting extinct animals also presents many challenges. First, one of the biggest challenges is getting enough DNA samples. Because DNA samples from extinct animals are usually found only in fossils, and after millions of years of destruction, their integrity and quality are usually low.

American scientists intend to resurrect the dodo, what is the principle of resurrecting extinct animals? Can it really be achieved

Extracting enough DNA from these extremely limited samples is a huge challenge. In addition, even if enough DNA is successfully extracted, a suitable host needs to be found to hatch the resurrected embryo. For many animals, the choice of host is very limited, which also increases the difficulty of resurrecting extinct animals.

There are also ethical and moral issues to consider. Research to resurrect extinct animals involves genetically modifying the animal's mother, which has sparked a series of ethical and moral controversies. Some fear that this could lead to disruption of the balance of nature and the stability of ecosystems. In addition, some have questions about whether scientists should spend so many resources resurrecting extinct animals, arguing that they could be used for more pressing environmental and human health issues.

Although there are many challenges and challenges in resurrecting extinct animals, we cannot ignore the great potential of this scientific research. For scientists, the challenge is a catalyst for scientific progress and technological innovation. By working to address these challenges, scientific research to resurrect extinct animals will provide us with a deeper understanding of the mysteries of life and new means to protect and preserve the Earth's ecosystems.

Proofreading: Grapefruit

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