
Three volt days to prevent heat and cool down ten can not be less

author:Universe 1 383

#Today's ambush# From today officially into ambush, this year's three volts are still 40 days, the first volt is 10 days, the middle volt is 20 days, and the last volt is 10 days. The heat is unbearable, and the ten rules for preventing heat and cooling down can not be less.

Three volt days to prevent heat and cool down ten can not be less

01Exercise should try to avoid high temperature periods. It is best to choose to do it in the morning, which should generally end before 9 am. Indoor activities should be chosen for the rest of the time.

02 Mosquito repellents can not be less. Futian is a frequent period of mosquito activity, whether you are at home or traveling, it is best to bring some mosquito repellent to be prepared. Avoid mosquito bites, which affect people's normal activities and rest.

03 Lotus fragrance positive qi water must have. Everyone has to go out or go to work, and occasional heat stroke is inevitable. Huo Xiang Zhengqi Water is a very effective medicine and must have.

04The air conditioner should be overhauled in advance. The repair is repaired, the fluoride oxygen is the fluoride oxygen, and the replacement is replaced. At the same time, it is necessary to prepare an electric fan to avoid the air conditioner not being brought up during peak electricity consumption periods, which can be used for emergencies.

Three volt days to prevent heat and cool down ten can not be less

05 Mung bean water must have. Mung bean water is a must for heat prevention and cooling, it is recommended that everyone drink more mung bean water.

06Eat less leftovers. The three-volt weather is too hot, leftovers are easy to spoil and taste, try not to eat it, avoid stomach trouble.

07Use the air conditioner correctly. After we have sweated profusely, or just after a shower, do not blow the air conditioner directly. At the same time, the wall-mounted air conditioner in the bedroom should try to install a wind deflector to not let the cold air of the air conditioner blow directly to people.

Three volt days to prevent heat and cool down ten can not be less

08Avoid going out during high temperature periods. When you go out to run errands or go shopping, try to avoid the hottest hours between 2 and 4 noon.

09Pay attention to hydrating the body. In addition to a glass of warm water in the morning, we should also replenish water for our body in time at other times.

10. Prepare enough sun protection equipment. Equipment such as sunscreen clothing, sunglasses, sunscreen, etc., should be prepared in advance.