
From "drainage explosives" to "wallet assassins", how far can the scenic cultural and creative ice cream go

From "drainage explosives" to "wallet assassins", how far can the scenic cultural and creative ice cream go

Recently, when Lili went to a scenic spot in Beijing, she saw that many people were taking pictures of the attractions with cultural and creative ice cream, and they also bought one, but they were frightened by the price when they checked out, but they didn't expect that an ice cream was actually 28 yuan.

This is not an isolated case, after the ice cream was named "cultural and creative", the value doubled, a cultural and creative ice cream generally starts at 15 yuan, most of them are between 20 yuan and 35 yuan, and continue to break through the ceiling of ice cream prices, taking the cultural and creative ice cream in Beijing parks as an example, it is generally several times more expensive than the ticket. Tickets for Beijing Yuyuantan Park, Temple of Heaven Park, Xiangshan Park, etc. range from 2 yuan to 10 yuan, while the corresponding cultural and creative cherry blossom ice cream, prayer hall ice cream, and red leaf ice cream cost 15-30 yuan each.

Although the popularity of the domestic tourism market this year has brought extremely high foot traffic, industry insiders said that the traffic conversion of cultural and creative ice cream has not become better.


Ice cream for everything

Cultural and creative ice cream can be traced back to 2016, Yuyuantan Park took the lead in launching Yuyuantan cherry blossom ice cream, but at that time the market response was mediocre, with the continuous improvement and innovation of cherry blossom ice cream, coupled with the rise of social platforms, the popularity of cultural and creative ice cream continues to rise, and the real cultural and creative ice cream out of the circle is the "top" Forbidden City, in 2019, the Forbidden City will apply traditional culture to ice cream, with the glazed ridge beast on the eaves as the prototype, the new cultural and creative ice cream "ridge beast" became a hit, many tourists have posted the "ridge beast" The photo with the Forbidden City, the Weibo topic #Forbidden City out of ice cream#has nearly 500 million views and 80,000+ discussions.

From "drainage explosives" to "wallet assassins", how far can the scenic cultural and creative ice cream go

Since then, the trend of cultural and creative ice cream has also swept the country, the lotus of the Old Summer Palace, Xi'an City Wall, Wuhan Yellow Crane Tower, Zhengzhou Erqi Tower and other cultural and creative ice cream have been launched one after another, from theme parks, scenic spots to museums, large and small attractions across the country can see the figure of cultural and creative ice cream, the shape of these cultural and creative ice cream often comes from the shape of scenic landmarks.


Why scenic spots

Passionate about cultural and creative ice cream

For scenic spots, cultural and creative ice cream is a creative idea, but also a business.

Compared with other cultural and creative products, cultural and creative ice cream has many advantages, first, the audience is wide, there are no too many restrictions such as age, gender, hobbies, etc., especially in summer, which is very suitable for consumer needs; Second, the drainage effect is strong, holding cultural and creative ice cream to take photos "check-in", is one of the tourist experience projects for some young people to scenic spots, what's more, will also go to the scenic spot for cultural and creative ice cream and specially go to the scenic spot to check in, for many young people, high-value cultural and creative ice cream can not only stimulate their desire to share, but also use the influence of Internet celebrities themselves to enhance other consumers' attention to products.

From "drainage explosives" to "wallet assassins", how far can the scenic cultural and creative ice cream go

Of course, the core is still able to bring huge economic benefits, taking Slender West Lake as an example, it is reported that the sales of Slender West Lake cultural and creative ice cream in the first half of this year have reached 300,000, the highest sales in a single day is 9,000, and the operating income is as high as millions.


From popular to cold

How far can cultural and creative ice cream go

Now it is more and more difficult for scenic spots to get out of the circle through cultural and creative ice cream, in order to attract more tourists' attention, cultural and creative ice cream is becoming more and more "rolled", ordinary flat embossed monochrome ice cream is difficult to capture tourists in a hurry, each scenic spot racks their brains in the taste and shape, but this can not change the imagination of the heat of cultural and creative ice cream dissipation, the imagination of queuing up to buy ice cream on a hot day has gradually disappeared, mainly for the following reasons.

From "drainage explosives" to "wallet assassins", how far can the scenic cultural and creative ice cream go

The price is not cheap, this is also one of the pain points of the scenic spot, although the cultural and creative ice cream is popular, but most of the scenic spots' product output scale is not large, sales channels are limited, in addition, compared with ordinary ice cream, cultural and creative ice cream in the appearance design and production of the cost will be higher, coupled with transportation and scenic spot storage costs, labor costs and other expenses, cultural and creative ice cream prices are high, will naturally dissuade many tourists,

Lack of creativity, cultural and creative ice cream does not have any technical barriers, the competition is creativity, but now most of the scenic spots of cultural and creative ice cream are following the trend, lack of personality design, in the cultural connotation and lack of core elements to impress tourists, after the freshness of consumers passes, naturally no longer pay. On social media, cultural and creative ice cream has gradually appeared negative comments such as "cultural and creative ice cream is getting more and more expensive" and "the appearance is homogeneous, and the taste is not bad".

Consumers always like the new and dislike the old, for the current scenic spots that launch cultural and creative ice cream, if you want to continue to be popular, you must come up with new ideas, provide consumers with new ways to play, add new postures of "check-in", enhance cultural experience, social rituals, and meet more consumer needs.

But in general, "cultural and creative ice cream" is not a simple "ice cream + cultural creativity", but the flow economy, the cultural value of museums and scenic spots, classic cultural IP three points of full integration of the product, in the end is an IP-empowered business, to go far in cultural and creative ice cream, more core is IP operation capabilities, such as Mengniu 40 yuan a "Minions" ice cream in Universal Beijing Resort sales more than foreign brands, according to Universal Beijing Resort on the first anniversary of the opening of the disclosure More than 3,400 themed merchandise were launched a year, and visitors enjoyed 1 million Minions ice cream in the park, and the "Minions" ice cream was clearly at the top of the ice cream price, but the tourists still flocked to buy it.

The time for cultural and creative ice cream to "lie down and earn" has passed, and scenic spots still need to dig deep into the value connotation and continuously innovate in order to create one "cultural and creative ice cream" after another.

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