
Today in ambush, there is rain in many places, is it good to rain in ambush? What is the impact? Just look at the agricultural proverb

author:CL Jun
Rural Affairs Rural Affairs Rural said, I am very happy to share with you the new things in the countryside, and today I will talk to you about the problem of rural ambush. Today in ambush, there is rain in many places, is it good to rain in ambush? What is the impact? Just look at the agricultural proverb.

Today is the 11th day of July in the solar calendar, the 24th day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, and the official entry into ambush, that is, the beginning of the three-volt day.

The meaning of Futian, which everyone is relatively clear, is the hottest time of the year when it is humid and stuffy. This year, there are a total of 40 days, from July 11 to August 20.

According to world meteorological data, global temperatures are climbing due to the effects of El Niño, and last week was the hottest week on record, and the previous June was also the hottest June on record. This can't help but make people worry about how difficult the next three days will be.

However, this year's Futian is slightly different, because there have been thunderstorms in many places, and light rain and heavy rain in local areas. This causes the temperature to drop and people do not feel too hot for a short time.

Today in ambush, there is rain in many places, is it good to rain in ambush? What is the impact? Just look at the agricultural proverb

So, is it good to rain in ambush? What is the moral of this? In fact, folk agricultural proverbs have already given the answer, let's take a look together.

First, there is rain in the head, and there is rain in the head

The meaning of this agricultural proverb is more obvious, that is, if it rains on the first day of ambush, then it will rain in the middle and last volts. The side reflects that this year's rainfall is abundant, the rainfall is abundant, the autumn grain growing conditions are better, and it is a bumper harvest year. And rain tends to take away the heat from the ground, so that the temperature drops slightly, so that people will not feel too hot, that is, this year's Futian will be cooler than the same period last year. For this reason, there is also a proverb "When it rains, the crops grow", it is all a truth.

On the contrary, if the weather is sunny, then the three-volt day will be mainly sunny, and the rainy weather will be rare, which is not conducive to the growth of crops, and it will also become hot and humid, and people will have a hard time.

Second, drenched the king of Fu, once a day

Fuwang, that is, to enter the ambush. This agricultural proverb also says that if it rains on the day of the ambush, the rain will be very frequent in the future, and the entire three-volt day will be dominated by rainfall. There is even a saying in some places, that is, "drenched in the head of the bush, down to the end of the bush".

This situation mostly occurs in rainy areas in the south, such as coastal areas such as South China and Southeast China, which are greatly affected by summer ocean currents, and frequent rainfall is a normal climate phenomenon.

Today in ambush, there is rain in many places, is it good to rain in ambush? What is the impact? Just look at the agricultural proverb

Of course, the statement that rain is good or bad is also region-wise, for example, many proverbs in the northern region are diametrically opposed to the above two.

First, the head is leaking, dead beans

"Leak" here means rain. This sentence means that if it rains on the first day, especially heavy rain, then there will be less rain in the following days, because the head ambush has finished the rain, and there will be no rain in the middle and last volts. In this way, the autumn harvest will encounter dry weather, the beans will wither, and it will be difficult to have a harvest. Of course, beans here are also a general reference, that is, the meaning of grain.

Second, the head is drenched and the tail is sunned

The meaning of this sentence is actually similar to the previous one, that is, the people in the northern region believe that if it rains heavily on the day of the ambush, then the end of the volt will encounter sunny days, dry and less rain phenomenon, and once there is little rain on the three-volt day, the temperature will rise, the land will be dry, and it will be unfavorable to crop growth.

And there is a similar proverb, "the rain ambushes the head, and the sun kills the yak", which also means that if it rains, the rest of the days of the three-volt day will be very hot, and even the strong old cow will be hot to death, which is enough to show that the head is not good for rain.

In short, agricultural proverbs vary from place to place, and according to the different experiences summed up by different regions, the differences between the north and the south are obvious, but they all make sense. So you can judge this year's three-volt weather temperature according to the agricultural proverb in your area.

Today in ambush, there is rain in many places, is it good to rain in ambush? What is the impact? Just look at the agricultural proverb

However, according to recent weather forecasts, the whole country will experience widespread rainfall on this day. At this time, the temperature in the northern region began to drop significantly. In contrast, the southern region is much more difficult, and the southern region will gradually usher in high temperatures. This is also similar to the saying of the agricultural proverb.

Well, the above is the agricultural proverb that I told you about today. In other words, do you think these agricultural proverbs make sense? Is it raining over there? Is the temperature high or low? Do you think it's hot this year? You can leave a message, comment, and tell everyone about the situation on your side.