
The people shouted "Long live Chairman Mao", why didn't Chairman Mao object?

author:Guangling is anti-cult

Chairman Mao is the leader beloved by the people of the whole country, so how much do the people love Chairman Mao? Let's take a look at the following story.

In August 1958, Chairman Mao inspected Tianjin, and after visiting Nankai University and Tianjin University, it was already noon, and Chairman Mao, accompanied by everyone, came to the Zhengyang Spring Hotel for dinner.

The people shouted "Long live Chairman Mao", why didn't Chairman Mao object?

After Chairman Mao went up to the second floor, because it was very hot and there was no air conditioning at that time, Chairman Mao went to the window to blow the wind.

At this time, there was a big sister on the opposite floor who was drying clothes, and accidentally saw a person standing next to the opposite window, and then looked closely, Mom, isn't this Chairman Mao!

The eldest sister was very excited and immediately shouted: "Chairman Mao! Chairman Mao is here! ”

This shout did not matter, the people around also heard it, and they all opened the windows to look out, and the people on the street below also raised their heads to look up.

Chairman Mao did not dodge, but stood at the window and waved to everyone.

In this way, everyone was even more excited, and they all shouted "Long live Chairman Mao".

The people shouted "Long live Chairman Mao", why didn't Chairman Mao object?

Soon, the news spread, and people from all directions ran here to see Chairman Mao with their own eyes, and the street below was soon blocked with water, and people everywhere, all like a festival, shouting "Long live Chairman Mao".

Seeing that the scene was about to get out of control, the guards quickly pulled Chairman Mao inside, closed the window, and the local leaders in Tianjin who accompanied him also hurriedly called the traffic police team, asking them to come over immediately to maintain order and evacuate the crowd as much as possible.

However, there are too many people below, dozens of people from the traffic police team have come, they cannot evacuate them, and there are many more people who are constantly pouring here.

Besides, Chairman Mao, after hearing the shouts below, ignored the dissuasion of the guards, came to the window again, opened the window, and waved to everyone.

The guards knew Chairman Mao's temper, but they also knew the importance of safety, so they waited for Chairman Mao to stand in front of the window for a while and then pulled him back again.

However, the crowd below refused to disperse, and they all wanted to see Chairman Mao more, and Chairman Mao was also very excited, so he came to the window again to meet everyone's requirements.

The people shouted "Long live Chairman Mao", why didn't Chairman Mao object?

According to the statistics of the guards, during this meal, Chairman Mao left the dining table six times and came to the window to interact with the masses below.

Until Chairman Mao finished eating, it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon, which was the hottest time of the day, but the people below still did not leave, they were waiting for Chairman Mao.

In this case, Chairman Mao could not go out at all, and the mayor of Tianjin personally walked to the window and said that Chairman Mao still had important things to do, so everyone should not block here, let Chairman Mao leave!

However, the people below did not listen at all, still shouting "Long live Chairman Mao", and not a single person left.

The mayor really had no choice, so he had to call the Tianjin Garrison and ask them to immediately send a platoon of soldiers over to protect Chairman Mao from leaving.

After the soldiers arrived, they finally squeezed out a road and let Chairman Mao get into the car, and then the soldiers gathered around the car, and finally let Chairman Mao squeeze out the crowd safely.

The people shouted "Long live Chairman Mao", why didn't Chairman Mao object?

This story fully reflects the people's infinite love for Chairman Mao, moreover, this love is from the heart, no one forced them to come, but they really want to see Chairman Mao, even if they can't see it, it is a great honor to be as close as possible to Chairman Mao!

Some people may say: This is an irrational "personality cult", Chairman Mao should stop it, why take the initiative to interact with everyone?

In fact, Chairman Mao has always been very calm about the "cult of personality"; if some people have their own ambitions and sneak around and beat the horse, Chairman Mao is very disgusted, but if it is the worship of the people from the heart, Chairman Mao still does not reject it, and will take the initiative to interact with everyone and respond to everyone's enthusiasm.

Chairman Mao once said that the people's shouting "Long live Chairman Mao" is a high affirmation of themselves and the Communist Party, and is a hope and encouragement for us.

The people shouted "Long live Chairman Mao", why didn't Chairman Mao object?

Just one month after this visit to Tianjin, Chairman Mao came to Anhui to inspect again, and when he left Hefei, hundreds of thousands of people saw him off in the road, everyone shouting "Long live Chairman Mao."

After Chairman Mao got on the train, Zhang Zhizhong, who accompanied him, said with emotion: "The masses' love for the leader is really touching!" ”

Chairman Mao looked at the crowd outside the window and said, "This is because they know that they are the masters of their own affairs and see the bright future of socialism." ”

Chairman Mao then said to Zhang Zhizhong: "I don't believe you say you have been happy since 1949. In 1955, I visited several provinces and saw that more than half of the households in agricultural cooperatives were registered, and I was a little happy, but in 1956 there was a crooked wind, saying that it was a rush and that I wanted to retreat quickly, and I was not happy again, until this year, when I saw the great leap forward in industrial and agricultural production, I was really happy. ”

In Chairman Mao's view, the people's love, support, and worship for themselves are not their own glory, but their own responsibility, and they are urging themselves to work harder and let the masses of the people live a good life as soon as possible.

Source: Ma Shaohua 2018 History Inn 2020