
Today, bitter melon yellow stand aside and eat it more! Eat a little every day, replenish qi and nourish blood, and live in peace

author:Dunhuang release

Nature is also regular, spring, summer, autumn and winter, the four seasons change, and different seasons have different characteristics, hot summer, cool autumn, cold winter, spring is more comfortable. Entering summer is a very hot season of the year, and there is a three-volt day in summer, which is the hottest stage of summer. Sultry and humid is the biggest feature of three-volt days, which can often make people very uncomfortable. After entering the Futian, our temperature is also getting higher and higher, and the hot sun outside is basking on the earth, like a stove roasting, steaming up and down. In the hot summer, we like to eat some melon ingredients, indeed eating more melon can supplement vitamins and water, and the taste of melon is relatively refreshing, and eating melon in summer without appetite is also very good for our body.

Today, bitter melon yellow stand aside and eat it more! Eat a little every day, replenish qi and nourish blood, and live in peace

However, melon foods are relatively cold, if the physique is weak, it is not suitable for regular eating, we can replace melon with other ingredients. Today we share a delicacy, its nutrition is very high, and eating more of it can have a good benefit of replenishing blood qi and removing dampness. Futian raises our bodies well, so that we have a strong physique and better face and cope with Futian's arrival.

This delicacy is red bean chicken head rice soup.

Today, bitter melon yellow stand aside and eat it more! Eat a little every day, replenish qi and nourish blood, and live in peace

Red beans taste very good, and rich in protein and trace elements, eating some red beans in the summer, has the benefits of strengthening the spleen and nourishing the stomach, removing dampness, relieving fatigue and enhancing immunity. And chicken head rice is a good summer product, it also has a good benefit of removing dampness and strengthening the stomach. We cook these two ingredients together, and it is very suitable for eating it in summer, when the humidity is heavy. Share the recipe of this gourmet dish today and take a look together.

Prepare the ingredients:

Red beans, chicken head rice, brown sugar


1. Prepare red beans and wash them in clean water. Red beans will have some dust when drying, wash them with clean water to better remove the dust inside. Wash it and put it in a basin and soak in water for 4 hours. Dried red beans will be relatively hard, and it is not easy to cook them if they are not soaked and then cooked directly. The taste of boiling will also be poor, and the volume will become relatively large after soaking red beans. After the red beans are soaked, we put them in clean water to wash them, wash them and set them aside.

Today, bitter melon yellow stand aside and eat it more! Eat a little every day, replenish qi and nourish blood, and live in peace

2. If the chicken head rice is fresh, simply wash it. If it is also sun-dried chicken head rice, we can soak it for about an hour, and then wash it and put it for later.

Today, bitter melon yellow stand aside and eat it more! Eat a little every day, replenish qi and nourish blood, and live in peace

3. Prepare a stew pot, it is recommended to use a saucepan to cook this delicacy, because the stew pot is cooked worse, and the taste will be relatively much better. Pour the washed red beans and chicken head rice into the saucepan, then pour an appropriate amount of water, almost twice the amount of the ingredients, cover and simmer in the pot for 1.5 hours.

Today, bitter melon yellow stand aside and eat it more! Eat a little every day, replenish qi and nourish blood, and live in peace

4. If the red beans are stewed for a longer time, you can stew it even more, so that it tastes warm and warm, and there will be a feeling of anti-sand. Once the ingredients are simmering, add the brown sugar, stir well, cover and cook for 5 minutes to allow them to dissolve thoroughly.

Today, bitter melon yellow stand aside and eat it more! Eat a little every day, replenish qi and nourish blood, and live in peace

5. After the ingredients in the pot are cooked, we can get out of the pot, and soon a red bean chicken head rice will be completed. There is the deliciousness of red beans, and the Q bomb of chicken head rice, which is very delicious.

Today, bitter melon yellow stand aside and eat it more! Eat a little every day, replenish qi and nourish blood, and live in peace

In summer, the weather is hot and the humidity is heavier, so we can eat some of this ingredient appropriately, nourish the stomach and spleen, and promote appetite. If our spleen and stomach are poor, what we eat is not good for digestion and absorption, which will also lead to insufficient blood gas, so that the body is more likely to lose weight. Drain the moisture of the body, nourish the spleen and stomach, eat Ma Ma fragrant, the body will get better and better, the face is rosy and shiny, and it looks young. Summer cuisine must not be missed, simple and easy to make, nutritious and delicious, very suitable.

Reprinted from the Internet

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