
What has Disney "banned" and why has it repeatedly caused controversy?

author:New Hunan

China News Network, July 11 (Zhongxin Financial Reporter Wu Jiaju) Recently, some netizens posted a video saying that a tourist wanted to bring a folding chair into Shanghai Disneyland and was stopped by the staff. The incident then caused widespread discussion, some netizens believed that going to Disney must comply with the relevant regulations, and some netizens said that sometimes the queue time for Disney projects was too long, hoping that there was a way to rest.

Why doesn't Shanghai Disneyland let folding chairs in? What else has Shanghai Disney "banned"? What controversies have arisen?

Folding chairs are banned from Disney: the reason is not clear

Zhongxin Finance's inquiry into Shanghai Disneyland Visitor Information ("Visitor Notice") found that "folding chairs and stools are not allowed into the park". On July 10, Zhongxin Finance called Shanghai Disneyland customer service, and the other party said that the regulations did exist in the visitor notice, but the reason was not clear.

What has Disney "banned" and why has it repeatedly caused controversy?

Photo from Shanghai Disney Resort website

For the question of "queuing for too long, and there is no place to sit, whether the park has corresponding measures", the customer service said that it was necessary to go to the park on the same day to consult.

Wearing a joint Chinese costume to enter Disney was stopped

In June, a traveler posted that he was stopped from entering Shanghai Disneyland wearing a joint Chinese costume, an incident that also caused controversy.

According to surging news reports, on June 15, Shanghai Disney officially responded to the surging news reporter that the visitor in the incident adjusted his dress according to the advice of the on-site staff, and then entered the park smoothly. Shanghai Disney Resort responded that the resort welcomes guests to wear Hanfu amusement park throughout the year, but should avoid confusing the dress with Disney characters and causing misunderstandings among other guests.

Currently, Shanghai Disneyland Guest Notice states, "Guests 16 years of age and older are not allowed to dress up as characters from cartoons, movies, or comics, except during special events as expressly permitted or encouraged by us." Do not wear long clothes. Improper attire or indecent dress that interferes with other visitors' experience may result in being refused entry or asked to leave the park. ”

What has Disney "banned" and why has it repeatedly caused controversy?

Photo from Shanghai Disney Resort website

Campervans were banned from entry just last month

Previously, there was controversy over whether Shanghai Disney should allow camper vans to enter. Some netizens said that the camping car has brought convenience to themselves. Some netizens also reported that a large number of camping cars in Shanghai Disneyland seriously affected their own play experience, and they had seen vendors renting camping cars at Disney's gate.

On June 30, Shanghai Disney Resort issued a new rule that guests are not allowed to bring any equipment or vehicles (unless otherwise specified in the size of strollers) into the entire area of Shanghai Disneyland and Disneytown indoor venues.

These vehicles or vehicles include, but are not limited to: strollers longer than 110 cm and wider than 80 cm (including all accessories or expandable attachments fully deployed); Camping carts, children's camping carts; Handcart; children's tricycles; means of transport on wheels; luggage with child seats; Trailer-type items, whether carried by electric transport vehicles, wheelchairs, strollers or manpower.

Currently, Shanghai Disneyland Guest Notice stipulates that guests may bring a pushcart wheelchair, an electric wheelchair with no less than three wheels and a speed of 16 km/h or less (only for guests with reduced mobility due to disability, advanced age, or certain health conditions).

Strollers up to 110 cm in length and 80 cm in width (including all accessories or expandable attachments fully unfolded); and strollers designed for children aged 11 and below or 1.4 meters tall and used for children of this age or height on the day of visit (subject to age and height on the day of visit); And it can only be carried out from the rear.

What has Disney "banned" and why has it repeatedly caused controversy?

Picture from the "Shanghai Disney Resort Release" official account

Previously, the senior vice president of operations of Shanghai Disney Resort said in an interview with the media that since the beginning of this year, the Shanghai Disney Resort Security Commission Office has carried out regional special safety inspections and safety risk screening work, and found that the surge in camping vehicles entering Shanghai Disneyland has brought challenges to public safety and there are great risks, so the above adjustments have been made to the use of vehicles and vehicles.

He forbade food and insisted on bag searching

In 2016, Shanghai Disneyland initially allowed guests to bring sealed food inside, but on November 15, 2017, Shanghai Disneyland suddenly announced that it would adjust the "Notice to Shanghai Disneyland Guests" to prohibit guests from bringing food and alcoholic beverages into the park, and even previously allowed unopened food will no longer be allowed into the park.

Since then, the news that Shanghai Disneyland "forbids food and insists on bag searching" has repeatedly caused controversy, and some tourists have sued Shanghai Disneyland.

In 2019, the Shanghai Disney Resort team issued a note saying that the lawsuit over the park's food policy also generated a lot of discussion. It does not wish to comment or respond publicly to this pending litigation, but Shanghai Disney Resort fully respects and actively cooperates with all legal proceedings, including mediation. We will continue to listen carefully to feedback from all parties and continuously optimize operations.

Currently, Shanghai Disneyland Guests are advised that guests are allowed to bring food and beverages for their own consumption into Shanghai Disneyland, but are not allowed to bring food that needs to be heated, reheated, processed, refrigerated or kept warm (instant noodles and self-heating food with self-heating function if water is heated) and food with pungent odors (such as durian, etc.).