
The metaphorical perspective of the "Four Hundred Strikes" film and the practical significance of the theme

author:Pharaoh did not preach

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The 400 Blows is a classic film by French director François Truffaut, released in 1959. This film is one of the masterpieces of the French New Wave movement and is considered one of the milestones in the history of French cinema.

The film tells the coming-of-age story of a 13-year-old boy named Antoine. Antoine lives in an environment where family problems are plagued and school is free of laughter. He experienced family apathy, poor education in schools, and violent criminal activity. In these predicaments, Antoine seeks his freedom and authenticity, and he tries to break free and find his way.

The metaphorical perspective of the "Four Hundred Strikes" film and the practical significance of the theme

The film depicts Antoine's inner world and growth process with realistic shooting techniques and observation. Through François Truffaut's keen observation and delicate portrayal, the audience is able to get an up-close look at the teenager's inner struggles and rebellions.

"Four Hundred Strikes" received extremely high praise when it was released, and was hailed as a masterpiece of the French New Wave movement and François Truffaut's famous work. The film also established Truffaut's reputation as a director and received widespread acclaim internationally.

If you are interested in this film, I recommend you to enjoy it, it shows the theme of growth and freedom in a unique and profound way, and I believe it will bring you a special viewing experience.

The metaphorical perspective of the "Four Hundred Strikes" film and the practical significance of the theme

First, the metaphorical perspective of the movie "Four Hundred Hits"

The movie "Four Hundred Strikes" tells the growth of the protagonist Antoine, using some metaphorical perspectives to emphasize the themes and emotions in the film.

(1) Birdcage:

Antoine's home and school can be seen as his birdcage, limiting his freedom and development. The birdcage suggests that Antoine is in a state of bondage, unable to spread his wings. He felt depressed in this environment and longed to escape.

(ii) Bridge:

The bridge that appears many times in the film is a powerful metaphor that represents a possibility of connecting different worlds. Antoine stopped on the bridge to think, meditate, and try to find his way. The bridge also symbolizes growth and transition, marking Antoine's gradual departure from childhood and into the adult world.

The metaphorical perspective of the "Four Hundred Strikes" film and the practical significance of the theme

(iii) Mirrors:

The mirror is a tool used to reflect reality, and in Four Hundred Strikes, it is used on a deeper level. The mirror often appears in films, representing Antoine's reflection on the self and the desire to find authenticity. By looking at himself in the mirror, he tries to understand his existence and identity.

(iv) Rocks and waves:

At the end of the film, Antoine escapes school and runs to the beach, where he is finally frozen on a rock. This lonely rock represents his presence in the world, as well as his quest for freedom and the future. The waves crashing on the rocks symbolize the challenges and difficulties in life, but also convey a sense of hope and strength.

The metaphorical perspective of the "Four Hundred Strikes" film and the practical significance of the theme

(5) Garbage heap:

In the film, Antoine and his friends play in the city's trash heaps, exploring and discovering another side of the world. This garbage heap can be seen as a real-life dilemma and hindrance, but Antoine and his friends find joy and adventure in it. The garbage heap also hinted at the imperfections and chaos of society, which had both positive and negative effects on Antoine's upbringing.

(6) Laughter:

Laughter is an important metaphorical element in movies. Antoine's father and mother rarely smile in the film, while Antoine seeks attention and pleasure through lies and trick-or-treating. The laughter in the film reflects the tension between the characters and their desire for true happiness and emotional connection.

The metaphorical perspective of the "Four Hundred Strikes" film and the practical significance of the theme

(7) Statues of dervishes:

At the beginning and end of the film, Antoine sees a statue of an ascetic in the museum. It's like re-emphasizing the freedom and dilemmas in the theme. Antoine tries to find a mode of freedom, but like the dervishe, he finds that the difficulties in life cannot be completely escaped, but he still maintains his inner strength and pursuit.

(8) Close-up of the face of the twitch:

Close-ups that appear several times in the film show Antoine's tense and anxious facial expressions. These facial close-ups show Antoine's inner emotions and struggles, as well as his attempts to find connection between himself and others.

The metaphorical perspective of the "Four Hundred Strikes" film and the practical significance of the theme

(9) Del Railway Station:

The Gare de d'Éris de l'Æde de l'Estate is a frequent destination for Antoine, symbolizing his yearning for freedom and escapism. As a transitional location, the train station represents Antoine's desire to leave the shackles of family and school, but also his connection to his own growth and future.

(10) Basement:

Antoine often hid from family problems and hid in the basement, a place that symbolized his inner loneliness and helplessness. The darkness, closure and loneliness of the basement convey the difficulties he encountered growing up and the disharmony of his family environment.

The metaphorical perspective of the "Four Hundred Strikes" film and the practical significance of the theme

(11) Running:

Antoine often runs alone in the film, an act that suggests his attempt to escape reality and find his own free space. Through running, he pursues an act of self-expression, liberation, and exploration, while also rebelling against and resisting the limitations of everyday life.

(12) Theatre:

Antoine visited the theater several times during the film. As an illusory space, the theater symbolizes his desire for escapism and his pursuit of art and aesthetics. The theater also represents his yearning for beauty and purity in the midst of chaotic reality.

The above are just some possible interpretations and observations, and the metaphorical perspective of the film often has the possibility of multiple interpretations, depending on the understanding and feelings of each audience. "Four Hundred Strikes" with its rich symbolic and metaphorical elements gives the film a deeper meaning and emotional touch.

The metaphorical perspective of the "Four Hundred Strikes" film and the practical significance of the theme

2. Thematic discussion

The film Four Hundred Strikes explores many themes, depicting in depth the upbringing of the protagonist Antoine and his struggles in difficult situations. Here are some themes that can be spotted from the film:

(1) Freedom and Bondage:

Antoine, the protagonist of the film, pursues freedom and tries to free himself from the shackles of family and school. He breaks the rules, skips school and flees, seeking his own free space. Through Antoine's experience, the film explores the importance of freedom and personal growth, and reflects the constant human quest for freedom.

The metaphorical perspective of the "Four Hundred Strikes" film and the practical significance of the theme

(2) Growth and rebellion:

Antoine was a teenager and grew up experiencing struggles, confusion, and rebellion. He tried to break away from established ideas and social frameworks, and find his own identity and path. The film presents the young generation's exploration of growth and individual freedom, as well as the discomfort and resistance to society.

(3) Family and loneliness:

Antoine comes from a discordant family environment, where he has a tense relationship with his parents and often feels lonely and neglected. The film shows the influence of family on personal growth, and the damage that family indifference and lack of love can do to young minds. Antoine tries to seek love and understanding, but often encounters difficulties that make him feel increasingly alienated and lonely.

The metaphorical perspective of the "Four Hundred Strikes" film and the practical significance of the theme

(iv) Education and social injustice:

The film reveals the shortcomings of schooling and society's neglect of young people. Antoine experienced poor education and abuse, and his studies were full of frustration and hopelessness. The film reflects the restrictions of the education system on individual growth and potential development, as well as society's neglect and disregard of adolescent issues.

The metaphorical perspective of the "Four Hundred Strikes" film and the practical significance of the theme

By delving into these themes, the film "Four Hundred Strikes" provokes the audience's thinking about freedom, growth, family and society. It shows people the process of a teenager from ignorance to maturity, from confusion to self-knowledge, and the difficulties and struggles experienced in this process. These themes make the film universal, from which the audience can resonate and think further.

Third, the impact of the film

The film "Four Hundred Hits" had a wide impact in its distribution and promotion. Here are some of the key impact areas:

The metaphorical perspective of the "Four Hundred Strikes" film and the practical significance of the theme

(i) Awards and recognition:

The film has received great recognition and appreciation internationally. It has won awards at several international film festivals, including the Director's Biweekly Jury Prize at the Cannes Film Festival. These awards raised the film's profile and made it a high-profile production.

(ii) Concerns about adolescent issues:

The film provides an in-depth picture of the dilemmas and challenges faced by a teenager in the home and school environment. It draws attention to adolescent issues and growth problems, and promotes people's concern and understanding for the younger generation.

(3) Symbols of youth rebellion:

Antoine as the protagonist, his rebellious behavior and pursuit of freedom became a symbol of youth rebellion. The film shows the audience the inner emotions and dissatisfaction with reality of young people, which triggers people's thinking and discussion about this youth rebellion.

The metaphorical perspective of the "Four Hundred Strikes" film and the practical significance of the theme

(iv) The influence of French New Wave cinema:

"Four Hundred Strikes" is regarded as one of the masterpieces of French New Wave cinema. The film used many elements and techniques of New Wave cinema and had an impact on later filmmaking. It explores non-linear narratives, realistic photography styles, and in-depth discussions on social issues, opening up new avenues for subsequent films.

(v) International Impact and Intercultural Understanding:

The film Four Hundred Strikes has a cross-cultural influence by exploring universal themes and emotions by portraying the story of a French teenager. Audiences can find empathy and deepen their understanding of growth and plight in different cultural contexts.

(6) Subverting traditional concepts:

The film "Four Hundred Strikes" challenges the shackles of traditional educational, family and social concepts. By showing the injustices and restrictions that Antoine suffered at school and at home, it evokes reflections on innovation and change. This disruptive effect has sparked more enthusiasm for improving education and social systems.

The metaphorical perspective of the "Four Hundred Strikes" film and the practical significance of the theme

The film "Four Hundred Hits" has had an important impact on the film industry and audiences through its unique narrative, profound themes and unforgettable characterization. It reminds us of the themes of adolescent issues, freedom of thinking and growth, and showcases the director's creativity and experimental spirit on an artistic level.

The metaphorical perspective of the "Four Hundred Strikes" film and the practical significance of the theme


The metaphorical perspective of the "Four Hundred Strikes" film and the practical significance of the theme

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