
Prepare in advance, everyone! After July, if nothing else, there may be five major trends in China

author:Yi on the nib

Unconsciously, more than half of this year has passed, I don't know how everyone lived in the first half of the year? As far as the people around me are concerned, many people have lost their jobs, and they have nothing to do at home, and the life of tightening their belts seems to be coming again!

I wonder what kind of phenomenon will occur in the second half of the year after July? According to the experts' forecast, if there is no big surprise, after July, there may be 5 major trends in China, so let's take a look together!

01, the pressure on the job market will be more severe

In recent years, as the number of graduates has increased and economic growth has slowed, the job market has become more competitive, and this trend is likely to intensify in the future.

Prepare in advance, everyone! After July, if nothing else, there may be five major trends in China

First of all, with the popularization of education and the increase in the number of college graduates, the contradiction between supply and demand in the job market has become more and more prominent. Many graduates face difficulties in finding employment, especially among the disadvantaged groups of graduates, such as students from rural areas and students with more difficult family conditions. They often lack excellent networking resources and internship experience, and it is difficult to find satisfying jobs.

Second, the traditional job market is undergoing major changes as new technologies and industries continue to emerge. Many traditional industries are being replaced by automation and intelligence, and emerging industries are increasingly demanding skills. This means that those who have no vocational training or lack the relevant skills will find it difficult to establish themselves in the job market.

Prepare in advance, everyone! After July, if nothing else, there may be five major trends in China

In addition, as the population ages, the number of retirees is also increasing, which puts great pressure on Social Security and the job market. In this context, governments and businesses need to take proactive measures to provide more opportunities and support for the job market and help young people and those with employment difficulties to obtain better employment opportunities.

In short, it is an inevitable trend that the pressure on the job market will be more severe. The government and enterprises need to strengthen cooperation, formulate more targeted policies and measures, create a better environment for the job market, and help more people realize their dreams of employment and entrepreneurship.

Prepare in advance, everyone! After July, if nothing else, there may be five major trends in China

02, the downward pressure on house prices is greater

As domestic economic growth slowed, the real estate market was also affected. Although the government has introduced a number of policies to stabilize the real estate market, in the case of high housing prices, the adjustment pressure of the market is still great, and the risk of future house price downward is also increasing.

For home buyers, it is necessary to look at house prices more rationally, do not blindly follow the trend, and avoid excessive debt. For developers, it is necessary to pay more attention to market risks, control the scale of development, and reduce the impact of house price fluctuations on enterprises.

Prepare in advance, everyone! After July, if nothing else, there may be five major trends in China

03, artificial intelligence is rising strongly

With the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology, it has begun to play an important role in various industries. The domestic artificial intelligence industry has also developed rapidly in recent years, showing a strong rising trend.

First of all, artificial intelligence technology has been widely used in China. With the development of big data technology, artificial intelligence can analyze and process data through deep learning and machine learning technologies, so as to provide more accurate services for all walks of life.

Prepare in advance, everyone! After July, if nothing else, there may be five major trends in China

For example, in the medical field, artificial intelligence can help doctors diagnose and treat through the analysis of cases and medical records; In the financial sector, AI can help banks with risk control and credit assessment through the analysis of customer data. These applications greatly improve efficiency and precision, and also bring more convenience to people's lives.

Secondly, the domestic artificial intelligence industry has become one of the world's leading industries. As of 2019, China has more AI companies than any other country in the world. The domestic artificial intelligence industry has become an important part of the national strategy and has also injected new impetus into the domestic economic development.

Prepare in advance, everyone! After July, if nothing else, there may be five major trends in China

However, the strong rise of artificial intelligence also brings new opportunities and challenges. With the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology, it has begun to replace the manpower of some traditional industries. This also means that the future job market will change dramatically, and people will need to constantly learn new skills and knowledge to adapt to the new employment environment.

At the same time, the application of artificial intelligence technology has also brought some moral and ethical issues, such as privacy protection and the development of smart weapons. These issues require us to seriously think about and solve them.

Prepare in advance, everyone! After July, if nothing else, there may be five major trends in China

Overall, the strong rise of artificial intelligence is an irreversible trend. We need to take this trend seriously and actively respond to new opportunities and challenges to promote the sustainable development of the domestic AI industry.

04, environmental awareness will continue to improve

With the rapid development of science and technology and the rapid growth of the economy, environmental problems have become increasingly prominent, and people have begun to realize the importance of environmental protection, and environmental awareness is also constantly improving.

Prepare in advance, everyone! After July, if nothing else, there may be five major trends in China

In the past, little attention was paid to environmental issues, and some even thought that environmental issues were just a matter for the government. However, with the continuous popularization of environmental awareness, more and more people have begun to pay attention to environmental problems and realize the seriousness of environmental problems.

And now, the government is also stepping up environmental protection efforts. The government pays more and more attention to environmental protection and has introduced a series of policies and regulations to protect the environment. For example, China issued the Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution, which strengthened the control of air pollution; The Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution has also been issued to strengthen the control of water pollution. The introduction of these policies and regulations has promoted the development of environmental protection work.

Prepare in advance, everyone! After July, if nothing else, there may be five major trends in China

Not only that, the development of environmental protection public welfare organizations has also contributed to the improvement of environmental awareness. With the rise of environmental protection public welfare organizations, more and more people have joined the cause of environmental protection. These organizations disseminate environmental knowledge and raise people's awareness of environmental protection through various forms of activities.

In short, the continuous improvement of environmental awareness is a good trend. We must also work together to strengthen environmental protection efforts and protect our environment.

Prepare in advance, everyone! After July, if nothing else, there may be five major trends in China

05, the birth rate of newborns has fallen off a cliff

According to statistics, the birth rate of newborns in mainland China has declined for three consecutive years, and the decline is increasing, which means that the birth rate of the mainland has been far lower than the global average.

The reasons for the decline in the birth rate of newborns are manifold. The first is that people's conception of fertility has gradually changed. With the development of social economy, people's living standards continue to improve, life pressure is also increasing, many young couples choose not to have children or postpone childbearing.

Prepare in advance, everyone! After July, if nothing else, there may be five major trends in China

Second, the increase in women's education level and employment opportunities also has an impact on fertility. Modern women are paying more and more attention to their careers and lives, and many people choose to marry late and have children later or not to have children.

Third, the process of urbanization and changes in lifestyles also have an impact on fertility. The urbanized lifestyle is more convenient and fast-paced, and many people put fertility on the back burner.

Prepare in advance, everyone! After July, if nothing else, there may be five major trends in China

In order to address the decline in the birth rate of newborns, a series of measures are needed. First of all, the government needs to strengthen publicity to raise people's concept and awareness of fertility. Second, governments need to put in place policies to encourage childbearing and support families. For example, maternity allowances and infant benefits have been increased, and childcare facilities have been established. Finally, all sectors of society should also strengthen their attention and support for families and children.

In short, the decline in the birth rate of newborns is a complex social problem that requires the joint efforts of the government and all sectors of society to solve it. We should encourage more people to have children and contribute to the development and prosperity of society.

Prepare in advance, everyone! After July, if nothing else, there may be five major trends in China

06, Summary

To sum up, after July, we can predict that the above five major changes will occur in China, although some phenomena already exist, but may be more serious in the future, these changes will bring new opportunities and challenges to China's social and economic development.

For us personally, it is both an opportunity and a challenge, which will definitely have a certain impact on our lives, but for these changes, we cannot choose to lie down, we must be good at seizing opportunities, and in the development trend of entering the new society, the opportunities and risks are fair and just for everyone, and we must rely on ourselves to fight for it. As long as you have enough strength, you will get better and better in this regard.

Prepare in advance, everyone! After July, if nothing else, there may be five major trends in China