
The baby is facing amputation 10 days after birth, the "culprit" is the grandmother, what did she do?

author:Smile's parenting rambling


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For parents, the birth of a child is a very happy thing, but sometimes they are new parents and inevitably do not know how to take care of their children. In this case, they often consult their elders, or simply let their elders help take care of the children.

The baby is facing amputation 10 days after birth, the "culprit" is the grandmother, what did she do?

Although this approach is more secure for "rookies" such as parents and parents, it is not without accidents. As a child's parents, you must not become "careless" and not pay much attention to your children because you have elders around you to help take care of them.

After all, when the elders are older, sometimes it is inevitable to forget the past, which is not a good thing for taking care of children. If one of them doesn't take good care of it, who is to blame?

No, there was such a case before, a newborn 10-day-old baby girl, because of her grandmother's "negligence", forced to amputate, what is going on?

The baby is facing amputation 10 days after birth, the "culprit" is the grandmother, what did she do?

1. Pregnant shortly after marriage

Ah Zhen (pseudonym) and her husband Qin An (pseudonym) were found to be pregnant shortly after they got married, which was a surprise and an accident for the two of them, because they couldn't believe that they were about to become the child's father/mother so soon; They are very excited to become husbands and mothers, the arrival of the child means that they have the continuation of their own life, and the child is the "blood and bones" of the two of them, which is also a very miraculous thing in their eyes.

The elders in the family were also very happy after knowing that Azhen was pregnant, especially Azhen's father-in-law, because this child was the first grandchild of their old Qin family, which they had been looking forward to.

Therefore, as soon as they learned that Azhen was pregnant, they began to advise Azhen to put aside the work at hand first, and go home to raise the fetus in peace. Although Azhen accepted their kindness, she did not agree to their "resignation request".

The baby is facing amputation 10 days after birth, the "culprit" is the grandmother, what did she do?

Because she feels that she has just become pregnant now, her stomach has not changed at all, the child has not yet taken shape, naturally she will not be affected by her work, thinking about waiting for her belly to grow up before considering whether to resign.

Seeing this, the father-in-law did not say anything more, when the two children got married, they saw that Azhen was a very assertive girl, no matter what they had their own ideas, if they blindly forced it, it was likely to backfire and affect the relationship between each other.

It's just that in the days that followed, they began to change their tricks to "supplement" Azhen, afraid that she would be too tired from work, not eating well, not resting well, affecting the growth and development of the child in her stomach, and Azhen "accepted it all".

The baby is facing amputation 10 days after birth, the "culprit" is the grandmother, what did she do?

February and October pregnancy, one day in labor

Time flies quickly, in the blink of an eye, Azhen has reached the due date, after entering the due date, the family strongly asked Azhen to be admitted to the hospital early, in case the child is born prematurely or there are other things, it is also very convenient, Azhen has no objection to this, after all, she is a new mother, there are still many things that are half-understood, of course, it is better to choose to listen to the elders.

In this way, Azhen lived in the hospital with peace of mind. On this day, Azhen, who wanted to go out to exercise her muscles, suddenly felt that her stomach was very uncomfortable, and there seemed to be something flowing out below, she realized that her situation was likely to give birth, and quickly let her husband go to the doctor.

After the doctor came, he first examined Azhen, then asked people to arrange a delivery room, and then pushed Azhen in. After tossing and turning in the delivery room for nearly six hours, the baby in Azhen's belly was finally born, a beautiful and lovely daughter.

The baby is facing amputation 10 days after birth, the "culprit" is the grandmother, what did she do?

The birth of her daughter made everyone very happy. However, for Qin An and A Zhen, who are new fathers and mothers, how to take care of their newborn daughter has also become a big problem.

Because the newborn child is very "immature and fragile", the couple is really a little "unsure". However, fortunately, Ah Zhen's mother-in-law promised them to help take care of the child, which greatly relieved Qin An and Ah Zhen.

Third, the weather gets cold, grandma puts a leather band on the cuff to keep warm

Azhen, who stayed in the hospital for another two days, completed the discharge procedures and planned to go home for confinement. After returning home, her mother-in-law began to work before and after, helping to take care of the newborn child, whether it was for the child or for Azhen, she was very dedicated and did her best to do her best.

The baby is facing amputation 10 days after birth, the "culprit" is the grandmother, what did she do?

Since the daughter was born when the weather is relatively cold, the warmth work needs to be done very well. On this day, grandma, who felt that the weather was getting cold again, was worried that her baby granddaughter would catch a cold, so she thought of dressing her a little more to keep warm.

She took out the cotton coat that had been prepared for her granddaughter a long time ago and carefully put it on her, but because the cotton coat was a little big, the cuffs were a little "empty" and looked a little breathy, so she took two leather bands and tied the cuffs.

At that time, my grandmother thought about waiting for the evening to remove the leather band, but maybe because she was a little older, she didn't remember it at night.

Fourth, the child faces amputation 10 days after birth

By the time she remembered it, the child's arm had not only turned black, but also became puffy.

The baby is facing amputation 10 days after birth, the "culprit" is the grandmother, what did she do?

Seeing this, the grandmother did not dare to delay at all, quickly called her son over, and hurriedly sent her granddaughter to the hospital, but in the end it did not help, the granddaughter's arm has reached the point of no return, for this situation, the doctor bluntly said that only amputation can be made.

Hearing this, Azhen's family was a little confused, they really couldn't imagine that the child was just 10 days old and would face amputation, which made her how to live in the future?

Azhen's mother-in-law was even more shocked, she didn't expect that she was kind enough to "keep warm" for her granddaughter, and there would be such a situation, because of herself, her granddaughter would lose her arm at such a young age, how could she accept it. However, she knows very well that in the matter of her granddaughter, the saddest and sadder is her daughter-in-law, after all, the daughter born in October, the mother and daughter have different feelings from others.

The baby is facing amputation 10 days after birth, the "culprit" is the grandmother, what did she do?

Azhen's mother-in-law felt very sorry for her granddaughter and daughter-in-law, and knelt down directly on the spot, hoping that her daughter-in-law could forgive her. As a daughter-in-law, how can she not know what kind of person her mother-in-law is, not to mention that she helped take care of the child in the past few days of the birth of the child, that is, when she was pregnant, her mother-in-law also kept running in and out, arranging her life properly.

Does Azhen blame her mother-in-law? It may be a little, but more, she will only blame herself, if she can take on the responsibility of being a mother and do it herself, maybe this will not happen.

Fifth, whose responsibility is it?

After this happened, many people have their own views on this, some people think that the reason why the child has to go through such a ordeal is because of Azhen's mother-in-law, it is she, the grandmother, who does not take her granddaughter to heart, but is this really the case?

The baby is facing amputation 10 days after birth, the "culprit" is the grandmother, what did she do?

In fact, no, if she did not take her granddaughter to heart, she could have not taken the initiative to help take care of the child at the beginning. Moreover, the reason why she tied a leather band to her granddaughter is also because she is worried that the child will catch a cold, only because she is a little old, her memory is not good, and the lack of relevant parenting knowledge will lead to tragedy.

However, this does not mean that she does not have any problems at all, since she has offered to take care of the children, she should learn more about parenting, understand what is dangerous for the children, and cannot be touched by them.

There are also many people who think that this matter is inseparable from Azhen, since she is already a mother, why not care more about her children, even if her mother-in-law forgets the matter of the leather band, but if Azhen always pays attention to her children, she will definitely find out about this matter, so as not to let the child be amputated at such a young age.

But some people still praise Azhen's approach, in the case of the child facing amputation, she can still endure the discomfort in her heart and comfort her mother-in-law, which is undoubtedly a "good person".

The baby is facing amputation 10 days after birth, the "culprit" is the grandmother, what did she do?

6. Conclusion

Newborn newborns are very much in need of serious care from adults, during pregnancy, parents should accumulate more parenting knowledge, as far as possible after the birth of the child, their own hands, so that not only can increase the feelings between each other, but also do not have to trouble their elders, after all, elders sometimes can not be "perfect", right?

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Digression: All the pictures in this article come from the Internet.