
How to convert pictures to excel?

author:Practical phone tricks

I will! Before me: I typed out the picture word by word, and finally typed out the format of the table for half a day, which is really too inefficient! Now me: directly upload pictures to achieve one-click to Excel, and basically do not need to change, very convenient!

Without further ado, let's share a few efficient methods of [Image to Excel] right away:

1. QQ

QQ as one of the most commonly used software in daily life, in addition to chat, there are also some practical small functions, such as today's picture to Excel It can do it.

【Operation steps】:

1. Press [Ctrl+Alt+0] to select the table area on the chart, and a screen recognition window will pop up;

How to convert pictures to excel?

2. Import the picture that needs to be recognized, click the screen to identify, compare and check with the original picture, if you find that the recognition is wrong, you can edit it directly;

How to convert pictures to excel?

3. The recognized pictures can be converted into online documents and edited by themselves in the online form of Tencent Docs.

How to convert pictures to excel?

However, QQ only supports recognizing a single picture each time and may be more troublesome to operate, if you pursue a more efficient, accurate and easy-to-use method, you can try the following software ↓

2. Swift OCR text recognition software

Seeing this name, I believe everyone guessed what its main function is, yes, the main thing is text recognition, there are more than a dozen functions of recognition alone, including single recognition, screenshot recognition, handwriting recognition and PDF document recognition and so on...

The picture to Excel function said by the subject is actually the use of recognition technology to extract the text in the picture first, and then convert the format into a table, let's take a look at how to operate, very simple, ensure that you will see it!

How to convert pictures to excel?

【Operation steps】:

1. After opening the software, select the picture to Excel function, you can choose to add a picture at a time, or you can directly upload the folder, it is no problem to identify hundreds of pictures at once, which will suddenly improve efficiency and free your hands;

How to convert pictures to excel?

2. The recognition effect can also be selected by yourself, there are two options of mixed graphics and text and recognition priority, if the picture and text are mixed, it is to accurately restore the table format in the original picture, and basically do not need to modify it yourself, and if it is to identify multiple pictures, it can also be exported in a folder, which is very convenient for subsequent viewing and editing;

How to convert pictures to excel?

The recognition speed is very fast, and the format before and after the conversion is basically unchanged, let alone typos and anything, it is really excellent to be able to achieve this degree and batch recognition!

If you need to adjust the format, you can edit it yourself in the exported table document~

How to convert pictures to excel?