
The head sweats a lot, and it sweats like rain, but the liver is depressed and weak, just dredge it

author:Dr. Guo of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Hello everyone, I'm Dr. Guo. Many years ago, I spent four months studying with an old Chinese medicine practitioner and learned a lot about how to treat diseases. I remember meeting a male patient who was 50 years old at the time. He said that since 3 years ago, he has always sweated, sweating during the day and night sweating at night. And the sweating is more serious at night, and when I wake up, my tank top shorts are all damp, and during the day, I feel bitter and don't want to eat. I was impressed by the fact that his head was also covered in sweat when he said these words, and he always sighed. At that time, sweating seemed to me to be a minor ailment, but it was more difficult to treat, so I went to consult the old Chinese doctor. He told me that Chinese medicine pays attention to dialectical healing, and it is necessary to diagnose and treat according to each person's own situation, and cannot be judged by the same treatment ideas.

The head sweats a lot, and it sweats like rain, but the liver is depressed and weak, just dredge it

After listening to the words of the old Chinese medicine doctor, I asked the patient again and learned that before the symptoms of sweating, the patient was looking for a job for his son, the mother was sick, he thought too much, his mood became more and more irritable, and his body was not as strong as before. In this way, the reason why this patient sweats a lot is that he thinks too much and has a bad mood, resulting in liver depression and deficiency.

The head sweats a lot, and it sweats like rain, but the liver is depressed and weak, just dredge it

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that qi has the effect of fixing the liquid, and the drainage effect of the liver's main qi machine. What is drainage? In fact, it is the normal function of the body. The more normal the body's function, the better the drainage and regulation function of liver qi. On the contrary, if the liver is depressed and stagnated, the leakage is abnormal, and the body's functions are not functioning smoothly, it will lead to problems such as sweating, dizziness, chest tightness, shortness of breath, abdominal distention, decreased appetite and pain in both flanks.

The head sweats a lot, and it sweats like rain, but the liver is depressed and weak, just dredge it

Combined with his situation, I prescribed him a prescription. This recipe is composed of chaihu, astragalus, angelica, baiju, white peony, windbreak, and aconite. Among them, chaihu and white peony, one loose and one contained, can loosen the liver and regulate qi, astragalus, windproof and white art, can improve qi and solid surface. Windproof with aconite, not only can detoxify aconite, but also play a role in fixing the surface and stopping perspiration. After the patient went home, according to the prescription and dosage I said, the situation improved a lot. At that time, I was not only very gratified, but also learned from this case that as a TCM practitioner, I should think more about the cause from the patient's own situation and symptoms.

The head sweats a lot, and it sweats like rain, but the liver is depressed and weak, just dredge it

Finally, Dr. Guo would like to remind everyone that Chinese medicine pays attention to dialectical treatment, everyone's own situation is different, it is recommended to use the medicine correctly under the dialectical guidance of professional doctors! Well, that's all for today's sharing, we'll see you in the next issue!