
American version of Zhihu: Why does China bully the United States? Foreign netizens are very crisp!

author:YouTube entertainment fun reviews
The American version of Zhihu The last American netizen raised this question: Why does China bully the United States?
American version of Zhihu: Why does China bully the United States? Foreign netizens are very crisp!

Seeing this question, the editor smiled. Who bullies whom? Who does not know that the United States is a rogue country that has been bullying people everywhere since the last century, and has always thought that it is the world's policeman.

American version of Zhihu: Why does China bully the United States? Foreign netizens are very crisp!

For this problem, foreign netizens simply did not get used to it and directly went back. Let's see how foreign netizens answer!

First thought that netizens from China answered:

Dude, are you crazy? Have you seen Chinese warships around the United States? But I see American warships around China almost every week.

American version of Zhihu: Why does China bully the United States? Foreign netizens are very crisp!

As far as I know, most Chinese are very interested in the United States, not only because it is the most powerful country in the world, but also because of its culture. Like NBA, dramas, songs and more. Young people like me born after 1990 grew up with the NBA (by the way, I like the Golden State Warriors the most), American dramas (I like Friends the most, Bankrupt Girl). Again, bullying the United States is stupid, we are not enemies.

American version of Zhihu: Why does China bully the United States? Foreign netizens are very crisp!

A British netizen named Marc Bohets replied:

On the contrary, the United States is bullying China.

In fact, the United States is bullying many countries.

When a country has a government they don't like, the CIA tries to destabilize the country politically, and if the country isn't too strong, the U.S. overthrows its government and replaces it with an American puppet government.

The constant attempts by the United States to dictate what other countries must do, even if it opposes what the elected parliament of that country votes for, is completely undemocratic.

They prohibit non-U.S. countries from doing business with each other, and the list could go on for a long time.

American version of Zhihu: Why does China bully the United States? Foreign netizens are very crisp!

A Chinese netizen named Haiyan Chen replied:

Haha, there are a lot of questions that are very similar to this one.

American version of Zhihu: Why does China bully the United States? Foreign netizens are very crisp!

The United States is the most powerful country on earth. As a Chinese, I don't have the confidence to bully America.

You say that China is trying to bully the United States. Show me.

Chinese troops are rarely even present outside the first island chain. How does China bully the United States?

The United States is the biggest bully in the world.

American version of Zhihu: Why does China bully the United States? Foreign netizens are very crisp!

An American netizen named Alex Johnson replied:

If you count "bullying" as a claim to territory in the South China Sea by an allied state of the United States, then China is clearly doing so to expand its power and influence. While China does see the U.S. as a competitor because the U.S. is the only country with a larger economy than China, I don't think China has been doing much bullying lately.

American version of Zhihu: Why does China bully the United States? Foreign netizens are very crisp!

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