
Former CCTV female host, 1 year after divorce, went on a blind date on "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere", and was taken away by the rich in 1 hour

author:Dark Dream Space
Former CCTV female host, 1 year after divorce, went on a blind date on "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere", and was taken away by the rich in 1 hour

CCTV program host is a very glamorous job in the eyes of the public, but in Fang Yueting's view, it is a shackle that binds her footsteps and soul.

Former CCTV female host, 1 year after divorce, went on a blind date on "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere", and was taken away by the rich in 1 hour

Fang Yueting

After working for CCTV for a while, the post-80s girl resolutely decided to resign and start a business, and also put an end to her shaky relationship.

Former CCTV female host, 1 year after divorce, went on a blind date on "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere", and was taken away by the rich in 1 hour

One year after the divorce, he bravely appeared on the stage of "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere" to find a male guest for yourself, and was taken away by a Hong Kong tycoon in about an hour after he appeared on the stage.

Former CCTV female host, 1 year after divorce, went on a blind date on "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere", and was taken away by the rich in 1 hour

Her life is no less exciting than the novel TV series, and then I will take you to learn more about this girl who dares to love and hate, and dare to give up!

Say goodbye to CCTV and welcome a new life

Fang Yueting, a post-80s girl, majored in choreography and directing in college, and she got the opportunity to enter CCTV internship before graduating from university.

Former CCTV female host, 1 year after divorce, went on a blind date on "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere", and was taken away by the rich in 1 hour

Because of her excellent performance during the internship, she was naturally left by CCTV, as a recent college graduate, she certainly cannot hold any important positions in CCTV, she can only start from the grassroots level, step by step slowly groping and learning from the seniors.

Because Fang Yueting is beautiful and the typhoon is stable, she was recruited to become a program host in "Xiangyo" shortly after she entered the grassroots work of CCTV.

Former CCTV female host, 1 year after divorce, went on a blind date on "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere", and was taken away by the rich in 1 hour

After hosting the first program, the director realized that he had not found the wrong person, and Fang Yueting's hosting style was quite grounded, which could quickly narrow the distance with the audience. It's not like some presenters, whose words are full of arrogance!

Former CCTV female host, 1 year after divorce, went on a blind date on "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere", and was taken away by the rich in 1 hour

After being a host for a while, Fang Yueting felt more and more unambitious, the profession of host limited her exploration of the world, after a fierce ideological struggle, Fang Yueting decided to continue to do her old profession, from host to choreographer, and strive to produce more excellent TV programs!

Former CCTV female host, 1 year after divorce, went on a blind date on "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere", and was taken away by the rich in 1 hour

Just when Fang Yueting was working hard for her career, her long-awaited love also came as promised, and after a period of running-in with her boyfriend, Fang Yueting entered the palace of marriage in 2007.

She knows that marriage and love are two different things, and no matter how beautiful love is, it will change after having a marriage contract, but at that time, she still decided to enter the marriage hall hand in hand with her boyfriend.

Former CCTV female host, 1 year after divorce, went on a blind date on "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere", and was taken away by the rich in 1 hour

After marriage, she still focused most of her energy on work, often neglecting her husband's company and taking care of the family, and in her career, she has always done better than her husband.

Over time, Fang Yueting's husband has an unbalanced feeling in his heart, and some machismo believes that after marriage, women should still try to be with their husbands and children, take care of the family, and are not suitable for continuing to work outside.

Former CCTV female host, 1 year after divorce, went on a blind date on "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere", and was taken away by the rich in 1 hour

However, Fang Yueting was contrary to what he thought, not only obsessed with working hard outside, but even doing her career better than him! The differences between the two arose over time.

Later, the ambitious Fang Yueting began to be not satisfied with being a choreographer and director in CCTV, she saw the huge development prospects of the short video industry, so she decided to be a "pig standing on the cusp", resigned from CCTV to start her own business, and established a media company.

Former CCTV female host, 1 year after divorce, went on a blind date on "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere", and was taken away by the rich in 1 hour

At that time, everyone around Fang Yueting did not support her to do this, including her husband, after all, the CCTV director is an "iron rice bowl" that can provide a stable source of income for the family, but Fang Yueting does not think so, and what she believes is difficult to be easily persuaded by others, so under irreconcilable circumstances, Fang Yueting and her husband chose to divorce when they were married for seven years.

Former CCTV female host, 1 year after divorce, went on a blind date on "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere", and was taken away by the rich in 1 hour

Divorce is more like a relief for Fang Yueting, she can finally let go of her hands and feet and chase her dreams! Soon she used the money she had accumulated over the years to open a small media company and became her own boss.

A year later, the blind date show "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere" found Fang Yueting and wanted to invite her who was single to participate in the show and look for a heartfelt male guest.

Former CCTV female host, 1 year after divorce, went on a blind date on "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere", and was taken away by the rich in 1 hour

Fang Yueting, who has been alone for a year, very decisively agreed to the invitation of the program group, as a media person, she knows what kind of impact participating in the blind date show will bring to herself, but she has no worries at all, and resolutely participates.

Sure enough, the ratings of that year's program were very high, after all, the words "former CCTV host" were too eye-catching, and the melon-eating masses wanted to see if this divorced woman who had eaten this bowl of rice on CCTV could hold hands successfully in the show, but I didn't expect that the final ending was really unexpected by the audience!

Former CCTV female host, 1 year after divorce, went on a blind date on "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere", and was taken away by the rich in 1 hour

Participating in a blind date show to gain love

Although Fang Yueting has long understood the routines of these blind date shows, when she really stood on the stage and went on a blind date with other young and beautiful girls, a sense of tension still arose in her heart, she was afraid that she would be spit on by the audience, and she was afraid that she would be left.

Former CCTV female host, 1 year after divorce, went on a blind date on "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere", and was taken away by the rich in 1 hour

However, after a few minutes on stage, Fang Yueting changed from nervous and anxious to inexplicable confidence, and an hour later, a 43-year-old Hong Kong billionaire named Ren Zhaolin appeared on stage, this male guest can be described as a talent, career success, as soon as he took the stage, he won the favor of many female guests, including Fang Yueting.

Former CCTV female host, 1 year after divorce, went on a blind date on "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere", and was taken away by the rich in 1 hour

Fang Yueting did not expect that she met a heartwarming male guest just one hour on stage, and she wrote in her self-introduction: "A thirty-year-old woman can still start over!" ”

Former CCTV female host, 1 year after divorce, went on a blind date on "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere", and was taken away by the rich in 1 hour

After Ren Zhaolin learned Fang Yueting's true thoughts, he had the idea of choosing her as a favorite female guest, after all, there are not many women like Fang Yueting who dare to say goodbye to the past and are willing to constantly "toss" to explore the joy of life.

Coupled with the fact that he himself had been divorced and had a similar experience to Fang Yueting, he understood the hardships behind Fang Yueting's smile, so Ren Zhaolin had the idea of continuing to develop with Fang Yueting! Under the coordination of the program group, Fang Yueting and Ren Zhaolin walked off the stage hand in hand.

Former CCTV female host, 1 year after divorce, went on a blind date on "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere", and was taken away by the rich in 1 hour

At that time, this case of a successful blind date by a former female host of CCTV who appeared on the stage for less than an hour caused quite a sensation, and it seems that Fang Yueting does have two brushes.

As the saying goes, "it's easy to fall in love and get along hard", Fang Yueting and Ren Zhaolin only got to know each other briefly on stage at that time and decided to get together, but when the two returned to real life, they encountered various challenges.

Former CCTV female host, 1 year after divorce, went on a blind date on "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere", and was taken away by the rich in 1 hour

The first is the problem of language barrier, as a Hong Kong person, Ren Zhaolin does not speak Mandarin well, can only communicate with Fang Yueting in Cantonese and English, and Fang Yueting can only understand Mandarin, and when the two speak, there will often be a situation where the donkey's lips are not right to the horse's mouth.

Former CCTV female host, 1 year after divorce, went on a blind date on "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere", and was taken away by the rich in 1 hour

Over time, the contradictions between the two became more and more apparent, these two are adults in their thirties and forties, and the two sides felt that it was inappropriate so they immediately said goodbye, and Fang Yueting only regarded this relationship as a small episode in her life.

After breaking up, she focused on her work again, and soon met the "right Mr. Right" in her heart, and the two quickly entered the marriage hall, and also gave birth to a lovely daughter "Xiaobai".

Former CCTV female host, 1 year after divorce, went on a blind date on "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere", and was taken away by the rich in 1 hour

Fang Yueting thought that her second marriage would be different from her first marriage and her first relationship after divorce, and she felt that when she had children, she could grow old with the other party.

What she didn't expect was that the vision of a happy marriage was still lost to the frivolity in real life, Fang Yueting found that after having children, she was completely "widowed parenting", and her husband was very happy to be a palm cabinet.

Former CCTV female host, 1 year after divorce, went on a blind date on "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere", and was taken away by the rich in 1 hour

This made Fang Yueting difficult to accept, but changing others was the most difficult thing, she couldn't let her husband change, so she had to sentence this marriage again!

Four people, one dog and one RV start the journey of freedom

After the divorce again, Fang Yueting has seen through the essence of marriage, and she decided not to chase the "starting a family" in the worldly concept, but to chase her heart.

Former CCTV female host, 1 year after divorce, went on a blind date on "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere", and was taken away by the rich in 1 hour

She then bought an RV and embarked on an adventurous journey with her parents, daughter and a dog.

Former CCTV female host, 1 year after divorce, went on a blind date on "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere", and was taken away by the rich in 1 hour

In addition, she also used her professional expertise to open a new self-media account to update her RV travel dynamics at any time, which attracted a large number of fans, such a life is what she really wants after tossing for most of her life!

It can be said that Fang Yueting's 40-year-old life is more exciting than many 80-year-old lives, and one of them is very important, that is, dare to toss, dare to pay for their own choice and enjoy their original choice! The surprises of life may be waiting for you at the next intersection!

Former CCTV female host, 1 year after divorce, went on a blind date on "Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere", and was taken away by the rich in 1 hour

Well, this issue ends here, how do you evaluate Fang Yueting's life? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area!

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