
In 2023, the 7th China Employee Football League (in the Beijing Central Enterprise Division) will open

author:China Industry Network

Original title: The 7th China Employee Football League (in the Beijing Central Enterprise Division) will open in 2023

Workers Daily client, July 8 -- On July 8, the 7th China Employee Football League (in the Beijing Central Enterprise Division) of the 2023 "CRRC Cup" of "Healthy China Enterprises Scientific Fitness" in 2023 was held at the training ground of the National Olympic Sports Center in Beijing, and the whistle started. He Hongyu, second-level inspector of the Mass Sports Department of the General Administration of Sports, announced the opening. The opening match staged a "railway derby", and CRRC defeated the China Academy of Railway Sciences 6-0.

In 2023, the 7th China Employee Football League (in the Beijing Central Enterprise Division) will open

The event is guided by the Department of Mass Sports of the General Administration of Sports of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Football Association, hosted by the China Enterprise Sports Association, and supported by CRRC Group and China Football Development Foundation. It is one of the important landing work of the 2023 Healthy China Enterprise Action Sports Special Action by China Enterprise Confederation and China Entrepreneurs Association.

It is reported that 36 teams and nearly 900 employees, including the Ministry of Justice, CRRC, PowerChina, China Association for Science and Technology, PetroChina, China Construction Group, China Gold, China Biotechnology, CCCC, Poly Group, CITIC Group, etc., formed 4 divisions and participated every Saturday. From July to October, a total of 216 seven-a-side matches were played in two phases. The winning team will qualify for the 7th China Staff Football League National Finals in 2023.

"As a football person, I feel nostalgic, I am excited, and I look forward to it." Shen Xiangfu, chairman of the Football Professional Committee of the China Enterprise Sports Association, said at the opening ceremony, "I feel that the vast number of central state-owned enterprises led by CRRC have supported the development of Chinese football with actions. The excitement is due to the large scale of the event, which truly reflects the vitality of staff football. The vision comes from the majority of enterprises actively carrying out football sports, which can not only provide more opportunities for professional football talents to transfer jobs, but also consolidate the confidence of parents to support their children to play football for a long time, so that teenagers who have not become professional players can rely on their football expertise to knock on the door to work in enterprises after graduation. This is our original intention to insist on the development of the China Staff Football League. ”

In 2023, the 7th China Employee Football League (in the Beijing Central Enterprise Division) will open

Tian Chao, Deputy Secretary-General of the China Enterprise Sports Association, said: "The origin of the rise of football in Japan and South Korea is that enterprises actively participate in football. Taking the central enterprise competition in Beijing as a demonstration, we will strive to integrate more enterprise resources across the country to join, further enhance the role of employee football as a 'reservoir', and become a part of the healthy ecological cycle of Chinese football." ”

Since its inception in 2017, the China Employee Football League has been focusing on enhancing employee happiness, promoting intra-industry exchanges or cross-industry cooperation between units, demonstrating corporate soft power, and downplaying championshipism.

In addition, the organizing committee also fully encourages all participating units to give full play to the spirit of grassroots initiative. Allow everyone to give each other small items that reflect the characteristics of the unit, and exchange the traditional team flag; Encourage teams to shout characteristic slogans and celebrate goals with creative movements; Families and friends are welcome to watch the battle.

In 2023, the 7th China Employee Football League (in the Beijing Central Enterprise Division) will open

The age of the athletes registered for this event, from the post-50s to the post-00s, covers six generations. Some teams also have female employees enrolled. In addition to employees, many middle and senior managers also appear in the team lineup. These all reflect the vigorous vitality of employee football.

With the help of this competition, the China Enterprise Sports Association will also visit and investigate the participating units in depth. To bring together their best practices and experiences in staff football and promote them; It also understands the existing pain points, difficulties and blocking points, and jointly analyzes and studies the solutions. Form a research report and report the situation and voice from the grassroots level to the sports administrative department.

"In order to implement the country's work plan on 'revitalizing the three major balls', especially the reform and development of football, we, as social organizations, have the responsibility to further play our role. It is necessary not only to do a down-to-earth job in the Beijing Central Enterprise Division, and strive to build it into a social football event business card loved by the people like the village super, but also to explore a new model for the sustainable development of the Chinese Employee Football League. Take employee sports as the starting point, contribute to the construction of a healthy China and a sports power, and contribute to the strength of enterprises. Dai Luqiang, acting chairman of the China Enterprise Sports Association, said.

Source: Daily Worker's client

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