
Countermeasures begin? China's Ministry of Commerce officially announced that foreign media: the lithography machine incident is big

author:Mo Jizhi said

Countermeasures begin? China's Ministry of Commerce officially announced that foreign media: lithography machine incident made a big

Tigers are not powerful, really when we are sick cats. In the international situation, China has always adhered to a friendly and peaceful attitude and hopes to achieve the goal of win-win cooperation and common development with other countries. Therefore, if it is not hurtful for us in many things, it is just a simple response, or tolerating the past, which also makes Chinese feel particularly aggrieved, while other countries feel that we are bullied, so they will intervene in various fields and sanction us, but when they really touch the bottom line of our country, then we will also give the most direct response.

Countermeasures begin? China's Ministry of Commerce officially announced that foreign media: the lithography machine incident is big

We can see our tough attitude on the Taiwan issue, and Taiwan's return is unstoppable and cannot be stopped by any external forces. In the war in the chip field, at the beginning we maintained a tolerant attitude, because we tried to persuade other countries to give up such sanctions in a rational way, because from the perspective of world consumption, the largest market for these semiconductor products sold in countries is in China, if the loss of the Chinese market will have a great impact on the development of their enterprises, even such a big problem has not affected their decision at all. Dutch companies have directly said that without China, their economy will not lose anything. Whether it was under pressure from the United States or its own intentions, the Netherlands officially announced on June 30 that it would impose sanctions on us. Japan also made a statement in May.

Countermeasures begin? China's Ministry of Commerce officially announced that foreign media: the lithography machine incident is big

Since there is no room for turning back in all things, and these countries also feel that China can only suffer dumb losses like this, then it is time for us to strike July 3, our Ministry of Commerce directly announced a message saying that it will restrict China's germanium and gallium exports, which is these simple words, directly set off a huge wave in the whole world. We respond to their export restrictions in this way, why does it work, because these rare metals are essential raw materials for high-tech products, even the US Department of Defense spokesman said that the United States currently has a certain strategic reserve of gallium, but germanium reserves are still a little worse, so once the entire international market because of China's export control material excess demand and no supply, it is bound to increase the related manufacturing costs, and will also limit the development of the military field of various countries. It can be said that it affects the whole body.

Countermeasures begin? China's Ministry of Commerce officially announced that foreign media: the lithography machine incident is big

In the face of such countermeasures from China, our Ministry of Commerce spokesperson also responded with a phrase they often say: Our control this time is not aimed at anyone, but only for our national security considerations. At present, the Dutch ban on lithography machines is set for September 1, while Japan's relevant ban said that it will be implemented on July 30, and China's control of rare metals is from August 1, so everyone is waiting to see at that time, if you implement it to us first, then we will definitely implement the corresponding measures against you. Then it will inevitably affect the supply of the entire Western science and technology industry chain. We must know that China is a large exporter of rare metals, accounting for almost half of the world's reserves, which is the advantage of our vast land, so we have enough confidence to fight them.

Countermeasures begin? China's Ministry of Commerce officially announced that foreign media: the lithography machine incident is big

For the current China, it has achieved very high development in many fields, but our ancient upbringing tells us that we can't see with them in general, and we are dealing with people by taking a step back, but if we can't get the desired effect, in exchange for an inch, naturally we also have a lot of countermeasures, and our relevant leaders said that China's countermeasures are far more than this, if other countries are still so obsessed, Then we will directly come up with more powerful means to fight back at them, as for whether they can accept it is their own business, after all, they are not benevolent first, and we are just countermeasures.

Countermeasures begin? China's Ministry of Commerce officially announced that foreign media: the lithography machine incident is big

Many netizens said that every countermeasure we make in China can jam the neck of the other party, but why does the other party still provoke us again and again, maybe thinking that we may not resist or dare not resist, mistakenly underestimating China's strength and determination to rise. Why this lithography machine event will cause such a big shock, or because our technology in related fields has not reached a certain height, and for ourselves we need more advanced equipment as the object of research, and they directly limit these high-tech technologies itself has an impact on our technological development, hindering our progress, since we can't use it, then everyone should not progress.

Countermeasures begin? China's Ministry of Commerce officially announced that foreign media: the lithography machine incident is big

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