
Another version of S32 is out! Is the side road earthquake stronger? The idea of national uniform outfit exposed!

author:The pinnacle of the rampage

Hello everyone, I'm Daibei. Since the start of the new season, Sikong Zhen's popularity has been on the rise and has gradually become a strong hero, so today we will talk about him and see why he will rise again!

【Sikong earthquake data】

Another version of S32 is out! Is the side road earthquake stronger? The idea of national uniform outfit exposed!

After the start of the new season, Sikong Zhen's high segment and peak 1350 appearance rate is on the rise, and as of today, it has reached 15%+, and the win rate has remained above 50%.

There will be some gap between the middle and low qualifying rounds and the other two stages, because these heroes are less popular, but they are also a little better than last season.

Q: Why hasn't Sikong Zhen been adjusted, but the heat has increased?

(1) The rest of the strong wing/wild heroes.

Another version of S32 is out! Is the side road earthquake stronger? The idea of national uniform outfit exposed!

(2) The popularity of the side road earthquake has risen a little more.

PS: The increase in overall heat is also related to the side earthquake.

(3) Minor changes to mage equipment, wild areas, and online in recent versions.

(4) The equipment molding speed is fast, the strong period comes early, and it is easy to play.

[How to play Sikong Zhen well?] 】

Sikong Zhen is currently a two-point road, but now the intensity of confrontation is higher than that of the field, so let's talk about the idea of confrontation first.

Another version of S32 is out! Is the side road earthquake stronger? The idea of national uniform outfit exposed!

(1) Before playing Sikong Shock, you need to prioritize a wave of settings, turn off the pursuit when moving, close range, lock the enemy, have the least absolute HP, and the mending button, so as to ensure that your output is in place.

Another version of S32 is out! Is the side road earthquake stronger? The idea of national uniform outfit exposed!

(2) Online in the early stage, and then use big moves to get closer.

Here are some of the more commonly met heroes:

A. Mulan, Charlotte, playing these two is to pull more, using 1/3 to circumvent each other's control/passivity.

B. If the mad iron and the old master are put together in the early stage, Sikong Zhen is not too vain.

C. When you meet Ji Xiaoman, let's stabilize the development in the early stage and wait for the team battle. Because it is easy to be killed if you make a slight mistake, it is better to fight as a team.

Another version of S32 is out! Is the side road earthquake stronger? The idea of national uniform outfit exposed!

(3) If you encounter a difficult hero, you can jam the troop line in front of your own defense tower.

Another version of S32 is out! Is the side road earthquake stronger? The idea of national uniform outfit exposed!

(4) Sikong Zhen's combo idea will not be too unified, and trigger the Holy Sword passive, so that it can effectively hit the full damage.

Another version of S32 is out! Is the side road earthquake stronger? The idea of national uniform outfit exposed!

(5) Team battles Sikong Zhen should also find the key heroes of the other side first.

Another version of S32 is out! Is the side road earthquake stronger? The idea of national uniform outfit exposed!

(6) Forbidden golden cicadas, the lesson of blood!

【National uniform outfit ideas】

Another version of S32 is out! Is the side road earthquake stronger? The idea of national uniform outfit exposed!

Whether Sikong Zhenguo players go to confrontation or go to the wilderness, their thinking will be relatively unified, and here are the following key points:

(1) The wild outfit is a line, all of which are wild knives + shoes + lightning daggers + golden holy swords, and the strong period is after the lightning dagger comes out.

PS: You can also make a pair of superfast shoes first, and then synthesize the rest of the shoes after making an electric knife.

(2) When walking against each other, some players only replace the wild knife with an unknown one, and the rest of the core equipment is still those pieces, and the strong period is similar to that of the wild.

Another version of S32 is out! Is the side road earthquake stronger? The idea of national uniform outfit exposed!

But some players will match it with two adjusted costumes this season, that is, the prophecy of time + the cocoon clothes, there is openness and good damage, you can also try it.

(3) The outfit inscriptions for fighting wild and confrontation are also different.

(4) There are also players who will go to the meat knife, but this idea has been adjusted before, and if there is a lack of some damage resistance, you can also try it in the game.