
Greedy and charged even for watching news feeds? Domestic TV is the road to death, and the market volume and price are falling

author:Horia is slightly cool

In recent years, the domestic television industry has faced great changes and challenges. The traditional TV model has been difficult to adapt to the development needs of the Internet era. At the same time, some domestic TV brands have fallen into the trap of greed, and even charge fees for watching news broadcasts. This practice not only violates users' expectations for free access to information, but also increases the intensity of market competition and leads to a decline in market volume and price.

Greedy and charged even for watching news feeds? Domestic TV is the road to death, and the market volume and price are falling

In the past few years, with the popularity of smartphones and tablets and the rapid development of mobile Internet technology, people have higher requirements for access to information and entertainment. Especially during the epidemic, residents stayed at home most of the time, and watching film and television dramas, variety shows, news, etc. online has become an important part of daily life. However, at this time, some domestic TV brands made wrong decisions.

The first is to make watching news feeds a fee. News is an important source of information that the public needs to care about and need. However, some domestic TV brands have tried to provide news programs through a fee-based basis. This practice not only violates the responsibility and mission of the media industry for the public interest, but also runs counter to users' expectations for free access to information. It is obviously unreasonable and difficult for the market to pay for basic news content when users already pay a certain price when they buy a TV.

Greedy and charged even for watching news feeds? Domestic TV is the road to death, and the market volume and price are falling

Secondly, the fierce competition in the market has intensified. With the popularization of Internet technology, more and more enterprises have entered the TV industry. In addition to traditional large brands, many small startups and cross-border enterprises have emerged. These enterprises attract users through innovation, high-quality services and reasonable pricing, forming a fierce market competition. Brands that are too greedy and turn content that should be freely available to users into paid products often lose user support and trust and eventually exit the market.

In addition, greed has led to the problem of falling market volume and price. In the past few years, the domestic TV market has shown a trend of volume and price decline. On the one hand, fierce competition in the market has led to a decline in prices, and TV products have generally become cheaper; On the other hand, consumers' resistance and antipathy to paid content has also made them less willing to buy high-priced TV products. In this way, domestic TV brands are not only challenged in terms of profitability, but also further exacerbate the instability of the entire industry.

Greedy and charged even for watching news feeds? Domestic TV is the road to death, and the market volume and price are falling

In order to cope with the difficulties and challenges in the current situation, domestic TV brands need to re-examine their development strategies and pay attention to user needs and market trends. First of all, high-quality, free basic services should be provided according to user needs. Public resources such as watching news broadcasts should be provided to users free of charge, which is not only a manifestation of corporate social responsibility, but also in line with users' expectations for information acquisition rights. Second, work product innovation and service experience. Enhance product competitiveness through technology upgrades, functional improvements and value-added services, and actively respond to user feedback and needs.

Greedy and charged even for watching news feeds? Domestic TV is the road to death, and the market volume and price are falling

In short, in the context of the Internet era, if domestic TV brands want to get out of the road of greed, charging and even death, they should make corresponding adjustments according to market demand and user expectations. By providing high-quality, free basic services and constantly innovating product and service models, we can truly gain the recognition and support of users and achieve competitive advantages in the industry. Only in this way can domestic TV brands be invincible in the fierce market competition and usher in a more stable and sustainable future.