
Strive to walk out of the road of high-quality development with Putuo characteristics! The Sixth Plenary Session of the 11th District Party Committee adopted important documents

author:Released by Shanghai Putuo

The Sixth Plenary Session of the 11th Committee of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai Putuo District was held on July 8. The plenary session deliberated and adopted the Action Plan of the CPC Shanghai Putuo District Committee on In-depth Study and Implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Serving the Overall Situation of Shanghai's Modernization and Promoting High-quality Development.

Strive to walk out of the road of high-quality development with Putuo characteristics! The Sixth Plenary Session of the 11th District Party Committee adopted important documents

The plenary session is presided over by the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee. Jiang Dongdong, secretary of the district party committee, conveyed the spirit of the third plenary session of the 12th municipal party committee, explained the "Action Plan (Discussion Draft)", and made a speech on implementing the spirit of the plenary session of the municipal party committee and district party committee and doing a good job in the second half of the year. Xiao Wengao, deputy secretary of the district party committee and mayor, Zhou Yan, deputy secretary of the district party committee, Jiang Aifeng, Liu Dongchang, Li Hongzhen, Li Ronghua, Zhang Wei, Wei Jing, Gao Lu and Wu Chaoyang, members of the standing committee of the district party committee, attended the meeting.

Serve the overall situation of Shanghai's modernization construction and promote the high-quality development of Putuo

Strive to walk out of the road of high-quality development with Putuo characteristics! The Sixth Plenary Session of the 11th District Party Committee adopted important documents

The plenary session pointed out that this year is the first year to implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, the first year to implement the spirit of the 12th Municipal Party Congress, and also the key year for the implementation of the "14th Five-Year Plan". At the same time, this year is also the 45th anniversary of reform and opening up, the 10th anniversary of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade ZoneIt is of great significance to promote the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the Municipal Party Committee to take root and bear fruit in Putuo.

The plenary session pointed out that it is necessary to serve the national strategy and the overall development of Shanghai, highlight the responsibility of high-quality development, actively serve the construction of "three major tasks and one major platform", and actively serve the construction of a new development pattern and a new spatial pattern of Shanghai. It is necessary to enhance the ability of scientific and technological innovation, stimulate the strong driving force of high-quality development, fully promote the construction of the "China Wushu" scientific and technological innovation platform, and deepen the construction of scientific and technological innovation mechanism and innovation ecology. It is necessary to promote industrial transformation and upgrading, build a solid foundation for high-quality development, expand and strengthen key industries, accelerate the development of strategic emerging industries, and improve the working mechanism for industrial development. It is necessary to comprehensively deepen reform and opening up, create a good environment for high-quality development, create a first-class business environment, stimulate the vitality of market entities, and improve the development level of foreign investment and foreign trade.

Deeply grasp the great significance, core essence and practical requirements of high-quality development

Boost your confidence and keep running at a fast pace and acceleration

Strive to walk out of the road of high-quality development with Putuo characteristics! The Sixth Plenary Session of the 11th District Party Committee adopted important documents

The plenary session pointed out that it is necessary to improve our position, keep the overall situation in mind, and shoulder the important task of the era of high-quality development. Deeply grasp the great significance of high-quality development, better coordinate the effective improvement of quality and reasonable growth of quantity, and play a role in serving the overall situation of Shanghai's reform and development. Deeply grasp the core essence of high-quality development, implement the new development concept completely, accurately and comprehensively, and realize the development of innovation as the primary driving force, coordination as an endogenous feature, green as a universal form, openness as the only way, and sharing as the fundamental purpose. Deeply grasp the practical requirements of high-quality development, give more prominence to serving the overall situation, leading by scientific and technological innovation, highlighting reform to tackle tough problems, relying on the people for the people, highlighting ecological green, safety and resilience.

The plenary session pointed out that it is necessary to make unremitting efforts, seize the momentum, and strengthen the confidence and determination of high-quality development. At present, Putuo is driving on the fast lane of development, we must strengthen confidence and determination, keep a clear head, enhance the foresight and initiative of work, further bite the goal, cheer up the spirit, summon up full energy, continue to run fast pace and acceleration, and promote high-quality development with practical performance.

Ensure the successful completion of the year's target tasks

Take a new path of high-quality development in the opening year

Strive to walk out of the road of high-quality development with Putuo characteristics! The Sixth Plenary Session of the 11th District Party Committee adopted important documents

The plenary session pointed out that it is necessary to focus on key points, really do solid work, and take solid steps for high-quality development. It is necessary to stimulate the strong momentum of high-quality development with scientific and technological innovation, strengthen overall planning, strengthen systematic thinking, promote the integrated layout of the "China Wushu" platform, projects, technologies and mechanisms, give full play to the organizational role of the government, highlight the main position of enterprise scientific and technological innovation, shape a more dynamic innovation ecology, and better seek power for scientific and technological innovation. It is necessary to build a hard verification power for high-quality development with industrial upgrading, deepen the implementation of the "411 multiplication" plan for the four key industries, grasp the general direction of industrial intelligence, greening and integration, accelerate the upgrading of modern service industries, the transformation of traditional commerce and trade, the acceleration of the online new economy, and the agglomeration of strategic emerging industries, improve the contact service mechanism such as "department head" and "class teacher", and accelerate the construction of key functional areas of "one belt, one heart and one city". It is necessary to create a good environment for high-quality development with reform and opening up, strengthen the system integration and connection of reform measures, and continuously enrich and improve the business environment policy system, what market entities expect, focus on what to provide, where the pain points and difficulties of market entities are, and grasp where to change them, so as to truly let state-owned enterprises dare to do, private enterprises dare to enter, and foreign enterprises dare to invest. It is necessary to highlight the pursuit of high-quality development value with quality life, adhere to the people-centered development thinking, practice the concept of people's city, take the "half-masu river colorful show belt" as the starting point, do our best to do a good job in people's livelihood, take multiple measures to improve governance efficiency, and better respond to the people's yearning for a better life. It is necessary to guard the bottom line of high-quality development security with risk prevention and control, firmly establish an overall national security concept, strengthen the sense of responsibility of "always rest assured", pay close attention to key areas, key industries, and key parts to roll out and rectify potential risks, and better coordinate development and security.

Upholding and strengthening the party's comprehensive leadership runs through all aspects of the whole process of promoting high-quality development, so as to provide a strong guarantee for high-quality development

The plenary session pointed out that it is necessary to forge the soul and concentrate the mind to provide a strong guarantee for high-quality development. It is necessary to grasp the armament of theory, strengthen ideological guarantees, take the upcoming study and implementation of Xi Jinping's theme education on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era as a major political task, do a good job in investigation and research, and truly achieve "learning ideas, strengthening party spirit, emphasizing practice, and building new merits." It is necessary to pay attention to the building of the contingent, strengthen the guarantee of ability, and set up a "wind vane" for selecting and employing personnel in light of the criteria of "five haves" and "five feelings" that emphasize practical work and achievements, stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of the vast number of cadres in grasping reform, seeking opening up, and promoting development, and attract and gather outstanding talent in all fields with more precise policies and services. It is necessary to grasp grassroots party building, strengthen organizational guarantees, deepen the implementation of various tasks of the year of party building work improvement, accelerate the construction of a work pattern of "development problems, party building answers", constantly improve the mechanism and measures for party building to lead grassroots governance, make overall plans to play the role of "two echelons", and continue to empower the grassroots to reduce burdens and increase energy. It is necessary to grasp the strict management of the party in an all-round way, strengthen the guarantee of work style, persistently deepen the construction of work style, continue to strengthen the spiritual dam of the eight central regulations, do a solid job in inspection and rectification work, and transform the results of rectification and reform into practical results in promoting high-quality development.

The plenary session stressed that at present, it is necessary to pay close attention to the work of flood prevention and platform prevention, strengthen risk screening, dynamic monitoring and real-time early warning, and ensure a stable and safe flood situation. It is necessary to organize high-temperature visits and condolences, care for front-line workers at the grassroots level, difficult groups and the elderly living alone, and promptly carry out "sending coolness" and other activities to help the needy. It is necessary to make an all-out dash to create civilized urban areas across the country and do our best to strive for the best results. It is necessary to guard the bottom line of safety and stability, and achieve "zero dead ends", "zero tolerance" for hidden dangers, and "zero omissions" for prevention and control, so as to ensure the safety of one party. It is necessary to hold a good district "small people's congress", guide the deputies to make suggestions and suggestions around the central work and development of the whole district, and create a strong atmosphere of concerted efforts to seek development and concentrate on implementation.

The plenary session deliberated and adopted the Resolution of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 11th Committee of Putuo District of the Communist Party of China of Shanghai, adopted the decision on the replacement of members of the district party committee, and notified the results of the democratic review of the selection and employment of personnel in Putuo District in 2022.

Strive to walk out of the road of high-quality development with Putuo characteristics! The Sixth Plenary Session of the 11th District Party Committee adopted important documents

The 11th Committee of the Communist Party of China in Putuo District, Shanghai

Resolution of the sixth plenary meeting

(July 8, 2023, Communist Party of China

The 11th Committee of Shanghai Putuo District

Adopted at the 6th plenary meeting)

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The 11th Committee of the Communist Party of China Shanghai Putuo District held its sixth plenary meeting on July 8, 2023.

Members of the district party committee and alternate members of the district party committee attended the plenary meeting. Members of the District Discipline Inspection Commission and responsible comrades of relevant departments attended the plenary session as observers.

The plenary session is presided over by the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee. The plenary session deliberated and adopted the Action Plan of the CPC Shanghai Putuo District Committee on In-depth Study and Implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Serving the Overall Situation of Shanghai's Modernization and Promoting High-quality Development. Comrade Jiang Dongdong gave an explanation and speech on the "Action Plan (Discussion Draft)."

The plenary session pointed out that the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China drew up a grand blueprint for comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization, and made it clear that high-quality development is the primary task of comprehensively building a modern socialist country. Standing at the height of strategy and the overall situation, General Secretary Xi Jinping asked Shanghai to strengthen the "four major functions" and deepen the construction of the "five centers", and pointed out the main direction of attack to promote high-quality development. The Third Plenary Session of the 12th Municipal Party Committee made systematic arrangements for deepening high-level reform and opening up and promoting high-quality development in Shanghai. The whole region should deeply study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, fully implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on his inspection of Shanghai and the important instructions and requirements for Shanghai's work, adhere to the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability in accordance with the deployment of the Third Plenary Session of the 12th Municipal Party Committee, complete, accurate and comprehensive implementation of the new development concept, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern of services, focus on promoting high-quality development, take comprehensive deepening of reform as the fundamental driving force, take high-level institutional opening up as the strategic traction, and strengthen services." The four major functions" are the main direction of attack, with the promotion of the city's spiritual character as an important support, adhere to the "four priorities", serve the overall situation, adhere to innovation-driven, reform empowerment, adhere to problem-oriented and effect-oriented, adhere to system integration, coordination and efficiency, adhere to risk prevention and control, guard the bottom line, accelerate the improvement of urban energy levels and core competitiveness, strive to achieve higher quality, more efficient, fairer, more sustainable and safer development, and better serve the overall situation of Shanghai building a modern socialist international metropolis with world influence.

The plenary session requested that it should serve the national strategy and the overall development of Shanghai, highlight the responsibility of high-quality development, actively serve the construction of "three major tasks and one major platform", and actively serve the construction of a new development pattern and a new spatial pattern of Shanghai. It is necessary to enhance the ability of scientific and technological innovation, stimulate the strong driving force of high-quality development, fully promote the construction of the "China Wushu" scientific and technological innovation platform, and deepen the construction of scientific and technological innovation mechanism and innovation ecology. It is necessary to promote industrial transformation and upgrading, build a solid foundation for high-quality development, expand and strengthen key industries, accelerate the development of strategic emerging industries, and improve the working mechanism for industrial development. It is necessary to comprehensively deepen reform and opening up, create a good environment for high-quality development, create a first-class business environment, stimulate the vitality of market entities, and improve the development level of foreign investment and foreign trade. It is necessary to strengthen the party's leadership, risk prevention, and legal guarantees to ensure that all goals and tasks are implemented.

The plenary session pointed out that it is necessary to improve the position, keep the overall situation in mind, deeply grasp the great significance, core essence and practical requirements of high-quality development, and shoulder the important task of the era of high-quality development. It is necessary to continue to make efforts, take advantage of the momentum, scientifically study and judge the current situation, continue to run fast pace and acceleration, and strengthen the confidence and determination of high-quality development. It is necessary to focus on the key points, really grasp the work, and take solid steps for high-quality development. It is necessary to activate thinking, strengthen the carrier, improve the ecology, make high-quality development rely more on innovation-driven connotative growth, and stimulate strong momentum with scientific and technological innovation. It is necessary to grasp the general direction of intelligence, greening and integration, improve the modernization level of the industrial system, and build hard verification power with industrial upgrading. We must make good use of the "key move" of reform and opening up, dare to try and be the first, and use reform and opening up to solve difficult problems and improve efficiency. We must do our best to do a good job in people's livelihood, take multiple measures to improve governance efficiency, and demonstrate the value pursuit of high-quality development with quality life. It is necessary to strengthen the sense of responsibility of "always rest assured", coordinate development and security, and maintain the bottom line of high-quality development safety with risk prevention and control.

The plenary session stressed the need to forge the soul and concentrate the mind to provide a strong guarantee for high-quality development. It is necessary to strengthen ideological guarantees, deeply study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, solidly carry out thematic education, and vigorously carry out investigation and research. It is necessary to strengthen the guarantee of ability, strengthen the building of the contingent in light of the criteria of "five haves" and "five feelings," and stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of cadres in grasping reform, seeking opening up, and promoting development. It is necessary to strengthen organizational guarantees, implement the tasks of the year of party building improvement, and accelerate the construction of a work pattern of "developing questions and answering questions in party building". It is necessary to strengthen the guarantee of work style, consolidate the responsibility of strictly administering the party in an all-round way, persistently change the work style and establish a new style, and earnestly do a good job in inspection and rectification work.

The plenary session demanded that we pay close attention to the work of flood prevention and platform prevention, organize high-temperature visits and condolences, make all-out efforts to create civilized urban areas across the country, strengthen the investigation and rectification of hidden risks, and create a strong atmosphere in which the whole region works together to seek development and concentrate on implementation.

The plenary session deliberated and adopted the Decision of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 11th Shanghai Putuo District Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Replacement of District Committee Members, and decided to replace Comrade Liu Yexiang as a member of the district party committee.

The plenary session called on party organizations at all levels and the broad masses of party members and cadres in the region to unite more closely around the party central committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on his inspection of Shanghai and the important instructions and requirements for Shanghai's work, and under the strong leadership of the municipal party committee and municipal government, strengthen confidence, face difficulties, work hard and do good work, and promote the implementation of all work and achieve results. Strive to embark on a high-quality development path with Putuo characteristics, and make new contributions to writing a new chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Shanghai!

Reporter: Ding Wanxing

Photography: Ding Wanxing, Tao Qinyi

Editor: Chen Wenting

Strive to walk out of the road of high-quality development with Putuo characteristics! The Sixth Plenary Session of the 11th District Party Committee adopted important documents