
What does a child with "ADHD" look like?

author:Chen Xiaoshu in summer

I've seen a lot of discussion about ADHD lately, mainly from people involved in ADHD attacking Tatara:

Because countless ADHD is under heavy pressure and pain, a graduate from the world's top universities, a person who has looked reasonably well-behaved and has good grades since childhood (according to her, she has made great efforts to overcome her characteristics), claiming that she may have ADHD is a contempt for people who really have ADHD, and is consuming ADHD groups...

But based on my knowledge of ADHD, it is very reasonable for her to suspect that she has ADHD based on symptoms and self-tests and parent scales:

What does a child with "ADHD" look like?
What does a child with "ADHD" look like?

In the almost one-sided online denunciation, I saw that there was a lot of misunderstanding and discrimination against ADHD: the one with decent grades/smart will not be ADHD; ADHD is pathological, abnormal, painful, unaccepted, stupid, bad at studying, grumpy, all kinds of addiction ...

Because my daughter was diagnosed with ADHD after several years of screening and testing, I also continue to learn and understand relevant information, I hope this article can make you know more about ADHD, understand and tolerate, less misunderstanding and discrimination.

How much we misunderstand "ADHD"

In life, I also often encounter friends/readers who suspect that children have ADHD, the reason is that they are not concentrating, do not listen to lectures, speak, have poor self-control, and keep making small movements when talking and doing things and writing homework...

In fact, these are very common performances, each child's temperament type is different, and these performances are not necessarily ADHD. Or ADHD performance, much more than that.

Children with ADHD are really quite different from other children. Since children do not hide their characteristics, it is easier to show them when they are young, especially in the early grades of elementary school. And many adults have learned to control their own traits and gradually "invisible" into the crowd.

We didn't think that she had ADHD before, and although there are many obvious differences, at the same time, she also shows an amazing side of concentration: she has been able to play by herself since she was a child (typical introvert personality), can read and paint for a long time, complete 500+ puzzles independently without looking at drawings, is energetic, and has invincible endurance when exercising.

What does a child with "ADHD" look like?
What does a child with "ADHD" look like?
What does a child with "ADHD" look like?

So we have always refused to accept that our children have ADHD.

But from the age of 5 in preschool (when we entered the classroom), the teacher kept reminding us that the child was lagging behind in learning, and she thought that the lack of concentration was so bad that 80% of the content of the class was lost. Until the first grade and second grade, the school has been urging us to do testing: giving us parent questionnaires, and at the same time the school teachers have also done a series of questionnaires, and the psychology teacher has observed in the classroom... Finally, I made an appointment with a child psychology expert for assessment, intelligence assessment, as well as language assessment, sleep clinic, pediatrician diagnosis...

(Slap in the face, it's ADHD...) )

The results of the test confirmed ADHD step by step. Our feelings can be said to be relieved, and we understand a lot of the child's incomprehension. It turns out that she is really special. It's like having a computer with a super CPU but a bad interaction system, and it's like having a lot of money in the bank, but it's hard to take it out. A treasure girl who especially needs to be developed with heart.

It is worth mentioning that ADHD is also easy to misdiagnose, and the important reason is that there is currently no specific test for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Diagnosis is mainly based on exclusion (excluding other diseases, such as depression, autism, etc.), questionnaires, interviews, rating scales... It is evaluated by parents, teachers, doctors, etc.

That is to say, judging whether it is ADHD is still relatively subjective. Because of this, diagnosis requires the involvement of professionals from more disciplines, including pediatricians, psychologists or psychiatrists, speech pathologists, etc. to jointly carry out comprehensive evaluation and diagnosis.

In China, if you want to do this assessment, you should look at psychiatry or children's behavioral psychological development.

As for whether to evaluate the diagnosis, as our psychologist said:

"We only give a definition of the situation and call it ADHD if it affects our learning and lives and we are able to benefit from treatment (such as medication) or intervention (such as special support from home and in the classroom)."

For example, for blogger @Tatara, who has survived the most difficult student period (especially primary and secondary schools), and now his career is relatively free, if he does not think that he needs to take medicine, it is enough to stay in high doubt and accept himself.

The significance of diagnosis for adults can only be self-assessed. But diagnosis is really meaningful for students! Diagnosis helps parents to better understand and accept their children's characteristics, and also helps to get the understanding and tolerance of teachers, so as to give children more targeted learning support.

What is ADHD?

ADHD is not incapable of focusing, they can even exceed the concentration of ordinary people; ADHD is neither a genius nor a learning disability; ADHD does not mean crankiness, dropping out of school, losing one's job, being addicted to alcohol/drugs/gaming...

ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder:

AD: the attention deficit

HD: hyperactivity disorder

Many people understand that ADHD is inattention, "hyperactivity", but in fact, ADHD is not unable to concentrate, to be precise, they cannot control their attention.

In other words, their brains do not self-regulate attention well, which manifests themselves as emotional problems, impulsivity, hyperactivity, etc.

The manifestations (symptoms) of each ADHD and the degree of different symptoms will be somewhat different, some people are more pronounced in inattention, some people are more impulsive, and some people are "all-in-one".

According to Dr. Tomas E. Brown of Yale University's Center for Attention and Related Disorders, ADHD is not a behavioral problem, it is related to the management function of the brain, it can lead to a series of specific symptoms that are not related to a person's self-control and intelligence.

There are people with superior IQs in ADHD, as well as people with average and low IQs. There are university professors, business bigwigs, lawyers, doctors, and many ordinary people in ADHD.

ADHD and diseases in general are different. People with ADHD traits have specific symptoms, but they don't have organ function problems. Therefore, ADHD is also considered a condition of human neurodiversity, a normal and meaningful component of human diversity.

Neurodiversity refers to changes in the human brain in terms of social behavior, learning ability, attention, mood, and other mental functions – people with neurodiversity traits are different, but not strictly speaking "abnormal."

Coined in 1998 by Australian sociologist Judy Singer, the concept broadens the understanding of healthy or independent living. It is proposed that society should give more understanding and support to neurodiverse people, rather than trying to assimilate and transform them.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), specific learning disabilities, and Tourette Syndrome are all conditions for neurodiversity.

Their particularity means that they encounter "obstacles" in a world designed for neurotypical people. It takes a lot of effort to fit into typical social norms, trying to hide their idiosyncrasies.

But neurodiverse people, such as ADHD, also have many significant advantages. The reason why they are a normal and beneficial component of the changes in human neurodiversity is that the traits in them are not all negative traits. They are better at observing changes and details in their environment, and their jumpy mindset makes it easier for them to adopt new approaches to problem solving, to find potential connections between seemingly unrelated topics (though they can often find incomprehensible in conversation), and to come up with new perspectives, reflections, and discoveries. They are also integral to changing the world.

For parents, raising a child with ADHD is more worrying, because it is necessary to help the child reach their potential and not use ADHD as an excuse for bad behavior/influencing others. It is necessary to have more patience, empathy, and tolerance for children, to help them resist the incomprehension, intolerance, and strange eyes of the outside world, and need "enhanced parenting skills".

For teachers, according to the 5% probability of ADHD, an average of 1-3 children in a class of about 50 people will have ADHD. Learning to get along with them is also meaningful for the teacher's career development. Detailed enhanced education suitable for ADHD children, such as visual reminders, detailed task planning, and time management, can also benefit ordinary children.

Of course, if the teacher is not understanding and tolerant, parents have to block some pressure for their children. Recommend a book, "Smart but Chaotic Kids", which uses executive skills training to improve children's concentration and use scientific methods to deal with it, which can make it much easier for you and your child. At the very least, understand that the child itself is already stressed, and the family provides a support system without having to put additional pressure on the child.

What does a child with "ADHD" look like?

ADHD children are a kind of children who are a little special in terms of behavior/social/emotional/psychological/learning, and they need "enhanced" parenting skills and slightly special educational methods.

For example, a child with ADHD looks like this...

A child with ADHD looks like this

Note: Every child is different, and not everyone behaves the same. Diagnosis requires a range of professional evaluations.

1. Have attention problems

When they were doing something, their thinking went in, and soon it deviated again, and then back to the matter at hand, it deviated again ... Their minds are constantly moving in and out, and it's hard to stay on one thing. It's like a cell phone signal, intermittently.

What does a child with "ADHD" look like?

In class

What does a child with "ADHD" look like?

5 minutes later

Many people understand that children are slow to do homework and love to move/stop. In fact, the performance is more than that.

I think the biggest difference is whether they can control themselves, for example, even if non-ADHD children are naughty, see adults get angry, or in some serious situations, they will control their behavior and will not run and scream. The impulsive behavior of a child with ADHD is difficult to control, and she herself is released without paying attention.

2. Impulsive behavior that is difficult to control

ADHDers can see, hear, perceive their surroundings, and associate so much, that it's hard for them to block out all sounds, images, and thoughts and do something they're not so interested in.

It is also difficult for them to control themselves to "speak up" and "move", to speak loudly when they shouldn't, and to run when they shouldn't.

What does a child with "ADHD" look like?

For example, a friend of mine always said that she suspected her daughter of ADHD, thinking that she was slow to write her homework, and that her feet and hands were always non-stop. But from what I've observed, her self-control is actually very good. She is able to stop immediately when adults ask not to speak, and when serious, she is able to sit down. (I found out that my brother was able to do this at a very young age, and my daughter is not very good at it yet.) )

Girls can't control it (although their control gradually improves as they age). For example, when she walks in class/on the main road/in the restaurant/in the library/science museum, in front of strangers, she will suddenly sing loudly and dance.

What does a child with "ADHD" look like?

Kind of like Disney Princess there? Haha, familiar with her family and friends, are already very accustomed to her suddenly singing and dancing like this, regardless of the occasion.

While quietly watching a book or cartoon, she also suddenly exclaimed: Ahhhh it's crazy it's crazy it's crazy it's crazy!!

I would be blown away by her every time. Every time she does this, my teammates and I just..." "ALLISON!! You take control! ”

In fact, my girl personality is very submissive and obedient, she is really willing to come according to the requirements and norms, she will immediately, oh, sorry. She often regrets and annoys you. She really didn't break the rules on purpose... (I must not be a surgeon.) Otherwise it's really oopsie)

Kind of similar: Huh? Did I get the words out of my head? But we are generally able to control the words/songs/actions in our minds/imaginations, and the things in the girl's head will really slip out while she is not paying attention.

Now the teacher knows that she has ADHD, so she is very accommodating to her sudden performance in class, such as suddenly standing up and singing in circles... She is also allowed to pause more in class, such as going to the bathroom halfway through, to break it up so that she can regain her concentration.

3. Love to daydream

ADHDers are not necessarily "hyperactive" or noisy, and some may be quite quiet. But when their bodies are quiet, their minds don't stop at all.

Because Niu Niu was not very good at sports when she was a child, and she liked activities such as reading, puzzles, and painting, she could "quiet" down. I always felt that she was the opposite of "hyperactive".

In fact, her mind didn't stop at all.

For example, if you talk to her and she hears it, but her mind is elsewhere, she may act dumbfounded and not understand what you are saying. After a long time, she talked to you about the previous topic. For example, what I said to her during the day, she didn't react at that time, the information kept lining up in her head, until at night, when the brain suddenly processed there, and she reacted to what I said during the day... On the contrary, I don't understand, what are you talking about?

What does a child with "ADHD" look like?

The child appears to be super slow to react, possibly because her brain is processing other information.

When she was a child, the kindergarten teacher wondered if she had a hearing problem, and the teacher said that at first they thought they were focused on playing so they showed "selective listening", but in front of her, just talking in her ear she had to be better to hear you. Later, when we went to elementary school, the teacher asked us to take it to check our listening... This is all because she often daydreams and falls into deep depths. (Symptoms do every baby match?) The word that makes you most anxious is called "sensory dysregulation")

When she is deeply focused, it is harder for her to come out than the average child. I also often go crazy because I talk to her and don't listen: I have to pat my face, bring my face directly in front of her, interrupt her loudly...

4. Can be super focused

They are unable to regulate their concentration, not without concentration.

Focus on what interests you, even more than ordinary people. I saw a Netflix documentary about the brain, and one episode was about mindfulness, and there was an artist who sculpted strands of hair with ADHD.

What does a child with "ADHD" look like?

Just like a girl who reads a long novel and can sit completely still, loves to read, loves puzzles, likes to do math problems, loves to play brain-burning logic games, sports skills are average but endurance is very good, can't stop.

Focused, able to say that you are completely isolated from the outside world, as if you are in another time and space, undisturbed (if you are really disturbed, it will be very irritable), concentration is amazing.

5. Working memory is relatively bad

ADHDers have no problem with long-term memory, and they can always remember details that you haven't noticed at all—and reading books always remembers small details, so that they get stuck in the details and have difficulty retelling the whole. But it's hard for them to remember what happened today, "What did I want to say just now?" ”

ADHDers are often forgetful (working memory, i.e. poor working memory). Just like the test results of the girl, the IQ is extremely high, and her working memory (average) is very different, extremely mismatched.

What does a child with "ADHD" look like?

Therefore, it will show that he often can't remember things, just after speaking, he turns his head and forgets, and he also grins greatly, recklessly, and loses three or four ... It may also be caused by attention adjustment problems, distraction.

Let the girl go to the room to get her iPad, she went immediately, and the moment she passed the bookshelf, she saw a knick-knack that she hadn't touched in years, and immediately reached for it, forgetting what she was doing just now.

Several people were chatting together, and the girl thought of what she had to say immediately, and if she was asked to wait, she would forget what she was going to say. When I was a child, I always cried with chagrin about this, always crying for me to help her remember, crying that I just couldn't remember! Very angry with yourself.

When she was older, she found some small skills to deal with it, such as writing it down, such as often talking to herself, constantly chanting in her mouth, reminding herself, encouraging herself.

6. Interrupt others

Tell the girl, come and let's play it again, she says "yes". As she was talking, she looked up and saw a dance machine handle hanging on the wall, and she said, I haven't played this in a long time. Mom, do you remember...

That's it, always ready, unexpectedly diverting from the topic. It's the same in class, always speaking off topic and breaking the teacher in minutes.

What does a child with "ADHD" look like?

Chick has a good friend and is really super kind to her. Once I was driving, and two little girls were singing in the car, taking turns leading the song. When it was her friend's turn to lead the singing, every time she sang half a sentence, the girl had to snort: Ah, you see there's one 🎈 there! Ah, sorry not yet I sing; Ah, you sing too fast here; Ahahahaha, just now...

Another time, the two of them were talking about their experience of changing their teeth. When it was the little girl's turn to speak, the girl interrupted countless times, and the good friend said a sentence N times, and it took a long time to finally say it.

My good friend wasn't angry, I was crazy to hear it.

Interrupting others is actually an impulsive behavior, she knows that it shouldn't, but the words in her head can't help but pop out, can't stop it.

Yesterday I came back from skiing, and my teammates were about to smoke... Originally, today was a day off, and the girl wanted to skate, so she found a 3-hour personal trainer and took her and her brother. As a result, I went to pick up the baby after class and communicate with the coach. The coach said that he couldn't teach the girl, and he kept talking for three hours, not listening to him at all...

(I remember the roller skating class before, and the coach also said: you talk so much, or you will teach 😂)

My teammate came back and taught her a hard lesson (I was about to cry), saying that we didn't have this condition before, we couldn't learn to swim, we couldn't learn the piano, we couldn't learn anything, we could only read. What about you, Mom and Dad accompany you to learn to ski, the family squeezes such a small room, reports you for such expensive lessons, I don't know how to cherish it....(so familiar tune, I heard similar 😂 tunes when I was a child)

What does a child with "ADHD" look like?

In short, three hours of private lessons, more than 500 knives, just listen to the girl has been nagging, to the end of nagging..."Are you usually like this in school?!" ”

I said, it's not the first day you met your daughter...

My teammate secretly said to me, do you know what is the scariest thing? Even if she doesn't say it, her mind is still talking in blablablabla, and she doesn't listen to the teacher at all...

I think it should be like this. ADHDer is not focused, and there is no one around. Extremely unfocused on what you want her to focus on, and extremely focused on her own world....

7. Severe procrastination

Teammates have always suspected that Niu's ADHD is inherited from him. It is said that he had to hold Buddha's feet temporarily for the exam, and if he prepared in advance, he would definitely not be able to devote himself. You must hold the Buddha's feet temporarily, finish a book in one or two nights, and get a perfect score the next day.

If you write an essay early, you will definitely not be able to write it. Even if he wrote it out a little, and read it again, he changed his mind again. It has to be done at the last minute.

When working, I often accumulate the work and concentrate it all night.

He knows that he can't concentrate on doing it, but it's important and must do it, what should he do? Install a mini-game and work efficiently in the gap between playing games...

What happens to children? Children will complete their homework only after the last reminder from parents and teachers, and this time can even be completed efficiently.

Not an absolute inability to concentrate, but a special time management method that requires additional stress and reminders.

8. Difficult to organize thinking and language

There are too many ideas, the thinking is too jumpy, and I think of what to say, what to write, write and want to change, and the idea shifts in an instant... As a result, many ADHDers have difficulty organizing thinking and language.

Since she was a child, others can't understand it, and I am often asked: Excuse me, what is she talking about? 😅 Many times I can only answer that I don't understand either.

She would suddenly talk about a detail from a few years ago that had nothing to do with the current scene. For example, yesterday when she was taking a bath, she suddenly said to me, Mom, I used to think that a while was a short time, but it turned out that a while is a long time. I asked her why she said that? It turned out to be because she suddenly remembered an incident that happened while playing half a year ago.

For example, when she was eating, she suddenly said to me, Mom, do you know, there is a girl named Rosie, she has a heart attack, everyone tried to save her, but it failed.

Me: Who? How do you know?

For example, once, a friend of mine said to her, Niu your Chinese is so good, can you be an interpreter for C (a friend's son) in the future?

The girl was stunned for two seconds and said, do you know, one day when I was skiing, I met a 13-year-old girl, she was 13 years old, she was about the same height as me, she fell when she slid down the mountain...

It's silly to listen to all your friends, and it's hard to go on the same topic.

Talking to her can be tingious, especially if you're not familiar with her. I often remind myself to be patient with her to listen to her, but, I admit, it's often perfunctory: because I have no idea what she's talking about! She was angry when she asked two more questions...

My teammates and I often looked at each other and exchanged looks: Do you know what she's talking about?

NO idea🤷

9. Lack of time concept

Because the behavior is more impulsive, the thinking is divergent, and the work is more unorganized. So they need more skills to complete some study or work tasks.

ADHDer's desks and rooms are always messy, and it seems that it will never be good to clean up by themselves, because too many things can distract them along the way.

What does a child with "ADHD" look like?


The average child does homework and can naturally plan his or her own time, while ADHD children need: split the task; Use visual steps to remind yourself; Time/flow management skills such as racing with alarm clocks ⏰ to complete daily tasks.

  • Grind the bench through and rubber poke it! What should I do if my child keeps moving with homework?
  • Without tutoring, how to get children to take the initiative to complete homework on time?

10. Low self-driving force

Many ADHDers lack intrinsic motivation and rely more on environment, external stimuli, and evaluation to complete or "persist."

You ask the girl, what do you want to do? She just hmm~~mm~~ grind for a long time and can't figure out what she wants to choose, she wants everything, it's all good. Our psychiatrist's advice was to make decisions for her, arrange procedures for her, and let her go along!

This is actually easy to understand, they are not very able to control their attention, they can always perceive the world around them, they have a lot of ideas, they are very motivated, and they are easy to lose interest. They interact a lot with the environment and are also pushed by environmental changes.

Many ADHDers can play games that can be very engaged, but work and study cannot be focused, because the game constantly has "rewards", instant feedback and stimulation, but work and study do not.

What does a child with "ADHD" look like?

11. Often sleep disorders

ADHD out of sleeping scum...

My daughter is a natural sleeping scum who used to torture me enough. I tried everything I could to help her and me sleep, but to no avail. I didn't think it had anything to do with ADHD before. It wasn't until we did the ADHD assessment that the psychologist asked us to focus on our child's sleep problems.

He said that when people are tired, they are prone to lack of concentration, which will manifest as, for example, when driving sleepy, we will play music, or talk to people around us to help us focus. Therefore, if the child does not rest well, it will be more "hyperactive", seemingly experiencing vigorousness, but in fact in a "semi-off state", relying on extra small movements to accumulate attention.

Niu's sleep is very little until now, waking up at 6 o'clock every morning, never lying in bed, never lying on bed, never lying on bed! (When I was a child, I was often late, and I couldn't understand that there were children who didn't have a bad bed). The psychologist recommends going to a sleep clinic ... Receiving this advice, my thoughts were brought back to her infancy, when we failed to go to sleep school training...

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  • Baby's sleep routine, sleep time, and ways to soothe falling asleep
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  • The tragedy of sleep training triggered a mother's denunciation of her mother

12. Fight anxiety

It is also common for ADHDers to have anxiety, and my daughter had extremely severe separation anxiety as a child.

The first kindergarten was almost 10 months. For a long time, she was "returned" by the kindergarten every day at noon, and it was difficult to get the kindergarten to almost hire a teacher for her (a Chinese teacher was hired for her at that time, but after the evaluation of the Chinese teacher, she felt that her English was fine, and it was not a language problem to adapt; Later, she was ready to hire a part-time teacher to take care of the other children, and the full-time teacher took care of her).

What does a child with "ADHD" look like?
What does a child with "ADHD" look like?

Now, most of the time she is a very happy child, very sunny, very positive, naturally insensitive to negative evaluations and negative emotions of others, focusing only on the things that interest her in themselves. However, once she becomes anxious, it is easy to fall into the "infinite flow" endless cycle and it is difficult to get out.

My daughter used to cry every day because she "didn't want the old man to die". Not two weeks a week, two months a month, but for most of the year, every day! Every day she remembers, every day she cries, explains it countless times, as if entering an infinite loop, she still asks the same thing, asks the same question: "Why did the old man die, I don't want the old man to die." " It really makes people lose patience...

Finally, one day, maybe she came out by herself and stopped mentioning it.

After a while, a new round of anxiety began: Mom, why do people die, I don't want to die. Crying when I think of this problem, crying during the day, crying at night...

  • "Mom, I don't want the old man to die" – Discuss death, life and love with your child
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There was also a time when I told her that if the sea level rises, the Maldives will be submerged. My intention was to say that we should visit the Maldives now! As a result, the girl was sad when she thought of it, got up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet, and came back to continue crying: Mom, I don't want the Maldives to be flooded... Do you think we can do something...

My daughter has an overall very happy soul, but I feel that her mind is also prone to dead knots. I hope she can be surrounded by love forever and help her break those dead cycles.

What does a child with "ADHD" look like?

Finally, ADHD is not curable, and it doesn't mean that because you grow up, you're not you.

Because their brain management system is really different from that of ordinary people (ADHD exists objectively, but the diagnosis is more subjective), they will have to study, work, and live according to this social rule set by the characteristics of the "majority", and will put in more effort than most people. This pressure is not always obvious, but it is real.

Just as people can change their way of thinking and behavior habits through deliberate training (many ADHDers also need to be treated with medication), they can study, work, and live well, become a unique member of society, and contribute to a better world.

For example, as an ADHDer, in order to overcome some of the difficulties she faces, she has done something very well. For example, she often talks to herself, speaks out her own thought process, and constantly reminds herself not to forget, and will also guide and encourage herself, so that she does not be afraid and continues to persevere, is an out-and-out chicken soup girl.

She has so many beautiful qualities that I can't finish giving me another 100,000 words.

Advantages of ADHDer

Attention itself is an exchange, and when you focus on one thing, you inevitably ignore everything else that is happening around you.

ADHD also has its B-side.

ADHDer has a wide range of interests, just like a girl, if you ask her if she likes it or not, there is nothing she doesn't like! Painting, singing, dancing, chess, swimming, skiing, roller skating, surfing, sailing... Be curious about anything and willing to try. Even if I don't play/learn well, I never give up.

She was recently in ski school, changed 4 groups and was always excluded, but there was not a day she did not want to go skiing, not a day she did not enjoy skiing.

What does a child with "ADHD" look like?
What does a child with "ADHD" look like?

The blood bar is super long, and the physical fitness is a must. Swim 3 hours + a day in summer, and more than 40 kilometers a day in winter.

Very mobile. Because of impulse, if there is a goal, just do it. Timid? Inexistent!

Not afraid of change, face new opportunities and challenges, easy to grasp. To explain, brave does not mean silly bold, in fact, she is afraid when she plays many projects, but she shows that she is very calm. She is always playing multiple roles and self-encouragement from multiple angles.

What does a child with "ADHD" look like?

For what interests you, you can be extremely focused and have the potential to become an expert in the subdivision field (there are also many ADHD who are doctors or even discipline leaders, and there are relatively many people engaged in the profession of lawyers. Freelancers and being your own boss are also a good choice, because you can reduce the restrictions on them and let their creativity run wild).

What does a child with "ADHD" look like?

Bad temper, emotions can not be held. Flattering personality? No way.

Be honest and straightforward, think and say anything, not tactful, not greasy and not conservative.

Negative evaluations of others are not necessarily assured, pursue what you love, love whom~ ADHDer's focus is often different from others, and I think the things that girls care about are often unexpected. She is sensitive to some things that others are not sensitive to, and grins at some things that others are sensitive to.

Because you don't pay attention, you can always find details that others can't. Thoughtful, flexible, and able to solve problems innovatively.

Although not mainstream, it is up to them to break the convention and change the world!


There are so many advantages I can think of as an ADHDer! It's not so much a disease as a talent. Some people say that ADHD is a hunter gene, they are astute natural hunters, not farmers who guard the fields. Obviously, the rules of modern society do not fit with hunter traits, but those rules do not define them as "patients".

Of course, if you say it's a disease, I don't care. What others think of ADHD, I don't care. I only care that my girl should grow up well, retain her "hunter characteristics", and adapt to this "peasant society".

What does a child with "ADHD" look like?

As for whether to take medicine, we do not reject it, but we are not considering taking medicine at present. Because the academic pressure of primary school is not great, her grades are not good, but they can keep up. We think that the main thing is to see how the child feels, whether she is bothered by it, and whether she also feels that she needs it.

ADHD does face some difficulties, but it also has their unique advantages. I think the biggest meaning of diagnosis is to get more understanding and support, help your child realize her potential, and take a path that suits her!

Diagnosis is definitely not an excuse for us to bluff, be reckless, hurt others, and break moral codes.

Therefore, back to education, parents need to strengthen the parenting skills, to understand your child, understand your child, accept her, help her accept herself, and live in harmony with the world to find their own happiness.

May every child be loved, accepted, and not confused.

What does a child with "ADHD" look like?

Six years old, my dear stupid child

What does a child with "ADHD" look like?

No longer "waiting for the flowers to bloom", I have to push her like this

What does a child with "ADHD" look like?

The most cut leeks for early childhood training, probably it

What does a child with "ADHD" look like?

Without tutoring, how to get children to take the initiative to complete homework on time

Grind the bench through and rubber poke it! What should I do if my child keeps moving with homework?

What does a child with "ADHD" look like?

Hit in the face, it's ADHD...