
Exposed the indecent video of millions of fans of female Internet celebrities, the comment area was a stench, and the party said that he was changed by AI

author:Great White Shadows

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Ono, a female Internet celebrity with nearly 7 million fans on a video platform, is miserable.

Indecent and intimate videos about her are circulating all over the Internet, and countless netizens are brazenly searching for these resources.

There are even people who sell them at low prices in order to make a profit from them.

Exposed the indecent video of millions of fans of female Internet celebrities, the comment area was a stench, and the party said that he was changed by AI

But the problem is that the heroine of these intimate videos is not Ono.

Although Ono later released a clarification video, no one cared what she said, and the foul-smelling comments in the comment area were also eye-opening...

Exposed the indecent video of millions of fans of female Internet celebrities, the comment area was a stench, and the party said that he was changed by AI

The live-action version of Haruko was changed by AI

"You can obviously rely on your appearance to eat, but you have to rely on talent", this sentence is the most appropriate way to describe Ono.

He looks pure and sweet on the outside, but in fact he is a basketball master, and his three-point shot surprised his opponent and the audience, and he was once rewarded by the organizer for his high ball skills on the spot.

Therefore, Ono is known as the "goddess of basketball" and "the live-action version of Haruko Akagi".

Exposed the indecent video of millions of fans of female Internet celebrities, the comment area was a stench, and the party said that he was changed by AI

Off the court is a soft cute and coquettish little white rabbit, as soon as he touches the basketball, it is like changing a person, the movements are crisp and neat, even if he plays with boys, he can play the feeling of "six relatives do not recognize".

Ono's strong contrast has made her gain a lot of fans, and her popularity is getting higher and higher, and she is now a million-fan female Internet celebrity.

Exposed the indecent video of millions of fans of female Internet celebrities, the comment area was a stench, and the party said that he was changed by AI

Of course, some people say that Ono is just putting on a show, using girls to play basketball to attract attention, but Ono doesn't care what others think of him.

Because in her heart, basketball is not a "traffic password" to become popular, but a sport she likes.

Even though more and more people pay attention to her, she does not "float" and still trains hard as always.

As a post-zero generation, lively and cheerful Ono also likes to share his life on social platforms, such as daily chores, dressing or dancing, like many people.

In addition, Ono is also interested in photography and travel, and in general, Ono is a little girl who loves basketball and loves to share life.

Exposed the indecent video of millions of fans of female Internet celebrities, the comment area was a stench, and the party said that he was changed by AI

But the change happened inadvertently.

Just when she posted normal videos on social platforms like before, a lot of strange remarks appeared in the comments.

Exposed the indecent video of millions of fans of female Internet celebrities, the comment area was a stench, and the party said that he was changed by AI

"Indecent video", "many people", the words of the comments gradually exceeded the normal range, plus there were many fans sent private messages to Ono, Ono realized that something was wrong, so she hurriedly sent a video to clarify herself.

"I saw those videos, but the person in it was really not me, I was changed by someone else's AI." Ono explains this in the video.

Exposed the indecent video of millions of fans of female Internet celebrities, the comment area was a stench, and the party said that he was changed by AI

She said that at first, she only saw what someone said in the comment area about the video to change faces, and she did not pay attention to it, thinking that it was something that everyone parodied.

It wasn't until more and more people came to her for questions that she found out that her face had been replaced by an indecent video.

Exposed the indecent video of millions of fans of female Internet celebrities, the comment area was a stench, and the party said that he was changed by AI

Ono also said that he did not intend to pursue the matter publicly, but only wanted to collect some evidence himself and find the source of the video and photos.

But I didn't expect that netizens were extremely excited, and even created yellow rumors to spread videos everywhere, so she had to stand up and respond personally.

Exposed the indecent video of millions of fans of female Internet celebrities, the comment area was a stench, and the party said that he was changed by AI

At present, Ono has collected some evidence and intends to call the police.

I thought that this matter would end here, and I just needed to find out who was behind the scenes.

But what people didn't expect was that when I clicked on Ono's video comment area, the remarks inside were extremely foul.

Exposed the indecent video of millions of fans of female Internet celebrities, the comment area was a stench, and the party said that he was changed by AI

Indecent videos cost only 5 yuan?

Someone in the comment area maliciously speculated about Ono's motives for coming out to clarify;

Some people say that Ono wants to divert everyone's attention and let the AI change its face to carry the pot for himself;

Someone wants to exchange someone else's video for Ono's video...

The most outrageous thing is that there are still people who make money on this: "If you want to see it, you can have it by transferring 5 yuan."

Exposed the indecent video of millions of fans of female Internet celebrities, the comment area was a stench, and the party said that he was changed by AI

All of a sudden, the focus of many people's attention has become "Where is the video?" I'd rather see it."

It's just a smoky miasma, I didn't look at it.

Everyone doesn't seem to care if the person in the video is Ono, and they only want these resources to satisfy their curiosity.

Exposed the indecent video of millions of fans of female Internet celebrities, the comment area was a stench, and the party said that he was changed by AI

There are also excessive netizens who accuse Ono of unscrupulous means in order to have traffic, obviously the heroine in the video is that she still does not admit it.

The innocence of girls in their eyes either does not exist, or it is self-directed and self-acting hype.

Exposed the indecent video of millions of fans of female Internet celebrities, the comment area was a stench, and the party said that he was changed by AI

Well-wishers came out to explain why everyone suspected that Ono's wave of operations was hype.

Because a female Internet celebrity used everyone's sympathy for women to sell miserable eyeballs before, deliberately spreading rumors that she was harassed by others and ruined her innocence.

It is especially ironic that she herself is also unashamed to say: "No girl will take the initiative to use her innocence as a rumor." ”

Exposed the indecent video of millions of fans of female Internet celebrities, the comment area was a stench, and the party said that he was changed by AI

However, it was not until the police finally intervened in the matter that netizens learned that "the clown turned out to be himself" and was played by others.

So when seeing Ono's clarification video, many people unconsciously remembered the previous lesson and chose not to believe it without thinking.

Exposed the indecent video of millions of fans of female Internet celebrities, the comment area was a stench, and the party said that he was changed by AI

But how can everyone be so sure that Ono is the same as the female Internet celebrity before?

Exposed the indecent video of millions of fans of female Internet celebrities, the comment area was a stench, and the party said that he was changed by AI

"Once bitten by a snake for ten years and afraid of the well rope", this truth is true, but in the absence of conclusive evidence, it is likely to bring more harm to the victim by biting others to lie and label others as "malicious hype".

I can only say that I hope that everyone will not think too badly of others, do not follow the trend in the face of this kind of thing, and remain rational and have their own thoughts and judgments.

Exposed the indecent video of millions of fans of female Internet celebrities, the comment area was a stench, and the party said that he was changed by AI

Sometimes it may be a word you utter without thinking that can become the last straw that kills a camel.

Then you won't even have time to regret it.

So be kind to be kind, and when things haven't happened to us yet, we never know how much rumors affect a person.

Exposed the indecent video of millions of fans of female Internet celebrities, the comment area was a stench, and the party said that he was changed by AI

As far as the "Ono incident" is concerned, there is really no need to speculate maliciously about a girl, of course you can doubt the authenticity of the matter, but this is not a reason for you to attack others at will.

And to be honest, no matter whether the protagonist of the video is Ono or not, everyone cannot spread or even sell this indecent video arbitrarily, otherwise it is very likely that they will suffer in the end, and the gains will outweigh the losses.

Exposed the indecent video of millions of fans of female Internet celebrities, the comment area was a stench, and the party said that he was changed by AI

Because the distribution of indecent videos itself is already a violation of the relevant laws.

But then again, things like Ono who have been used by others to change their faces and create yellow rumors have actually happened many times, and there are not only star Internet celebrities, but also many ordinary people.

Exposed the indecent video of millions of fans of female Internet celebrities, the comment area was a stench, and the party said that he was changed by AI

The Internet is not a place outside the law

In today's increasingly developed science and technology, artificial intelligence is no longer a rare thing. But this technology has advantages and disadvantages, it provides convenience for human beings, but also makes many people fall into the vortex of public opinion.

Exposed the indecent video of millions of fans of female Internet celebrities, the comment area was a stench, and the party said that he was changed by AI

There are intimate video photos with celebrities synthesized through special effects, and "one-click undressing" for beautiful girls on the subway, either of which insults the parties and brings them great trouble.

And regardless of whether the people who do these things use these videos and photos to sell for money, they have already infringed on the portrait rights of others, and they must bear the corresponding responsibility.

Exposed the indecent video of millions of fans of female Internet celebrities, the comment area was a stench, and the party said that he was changed by AI

As early as April this year, another Internet celebrity "Caro Lai Lai" posted on social media that he was changed by AI into some private videos.

At the beginning, like Ono, she didn't care about what netizens said.

Later, friends sent her a bunch of videos and photos, and she felt that the situation was so serious that she could not control it, and her life was greatly affected.

Exposed the indecent video of millions of fans of female Internet celebrities, the comment area was a stench, and the party said that he was changed by AI

In desperation, she had to thoroughly investigate the matter, but she did not expect that AI changing faces was only the first step.

She found that some people used the videos as bait to attract a large number of curious people to pay to join the membership and watch more such videos.

The protagonists of these videos include, but are not limited to, celebrity Internet celebrities, and many other characters that ordinary people simply do not expect.

You don't even know where the original videos and photos came from, and you can get a brand new video that looks flawless.

Exposed the indecent video of millions of fans of female Internet celebrities, the comment area was a stench, and the party said that he was changed by AI

It's really unconscionable!

It is also eye-opening that this behavior has now become a kind of "yellow" industrial chain.

Many people use it to make huge profits, set up special accounts, not only use AI face changing technology to synthesize various indecent videos, but also private and exclusive customization.

Exposed the indecent video of millions of fans of female Internet celebrities, the comment area was a stench, and the party said that he was changed by AI

You can change the protagonist to anyone's face if you want, and you can do any kind of intimate action you want.

All-round to meet your needs, only you can't think of it, without them can't do it.

The point is that the price positioning of this video image is not very high, so it is easy to accept.

Exposed the indecent video of millions of fans of female Internet celebrities, the comment area was a stench, and the party said that he was changed by AI

You can't even imagine the bad taste of the people behind the private order.

It can be said that most of the victims of such incidents are girls, even if some girls are not so beautiful, they will become prey in the eyes of bad people.

Sometimes we may just send out a selfie on social platforms, and we are likely to be targeted by others and used to do these disgusting things.

Exposed the indecent video of millions of fans of female Internet celebrities, the comment area was a stench, and the party said that he was changed by AI

But no matter what, the Internet is not a place outside the law, even if the bad guys do it hidden and hide deeply, they will reveal clues, and eventually eat their own evil consequences and be punished by the law.

And it's important to remember that the victim is not guilty, it's not wrong to be a woman, and it's not the original sin to be beautiful.

It's the disgusting bad guys who are wrong!

Exposed the indecent video of millions of fans of female Internet celebrities, the comment area was a stench, and the party said that he was changed by AI


Through the fact that Ono was changed by AI, we can see the real human situation, while some people are indifferent, there are also people who fall mercilessly.

So even if you can't help others, please don't encourage the bad guys and spread the sales video at will.

Because the stranger in the video today may become any of us tomorrow.

Exposed the indecent video of millions of fans of female Internet celebrities, the comment area was a stench, and the party said that he was changed by AI

If we really encounter this kind of thing, we must not feel afraid, let alone feel embarrassed and dare not say it, but bravely take out the weapon of the law to protect ourselves and bring the bad guys to justice.

What other celebrity influencers do you know who have also experienced this experience?

  • Author: Gardenia
  • Editor: Erjiao

This article was originally created by "Great White Film Bureau", has opened the whole network to protect rights, unauthorized reproduction is prohibited, infringement must be investigated.

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