
"Yongzheng Dynasty" The nine sons won the throne, how fierce was the fight above the court?

author:Tiange movie miscellaneous

The flooding of the Yellow River at the beginning of "Yongzheng Dynasty" reveals the competition between several brothers from the two camps.

Each person's expression reflects their character and ability.

Among them, some of the ways of the old eight, and the practice of the fourth master, are worth in-depth study, and you will know how to talk and do things after learning.

"Yongzheng Dynasty" The nine sons won the throne, how fierce was the fight above the court?

If Kangxi is compared to a boss, then the prince is the most incompetent employee

The Yellow River flooded, and Kangxi frowned, and he summoned all the princes and ministers to discuss how to deal with it.

At this time, almost everyone was present, only two late arrivals, one of them was the crown prince, who was busy playing with Kangxi's concubine Zheng Chunhua.

"Yongzheng Dynasty" The nine sons won the throne, how fierce was the fight above the court?

I originally wanted to sneak into the hall, but was caught by Kangxi for questioning.

Kangxi directly asked the prince by name: What do you think should be done?

The prince was speechless, and replied one: the disaster should be provided immediately, and the embankment should be built immediately.

At this time, there is a close-up of the shot of Lao Ba:

"Yongzheng Dynasty" The nine sons won the throne, how fierce was the fight above the court?

He directly gave a disdainful look

It shows that from the heart, Lao Ba looks down on the prince, because he knows that the prince will not speak without a countermeasure in his heart.

Kangxi then asked: How to provide disaster relief, how to repair river embankments?

The prince couldn't answer, and directly said that Huang Ama had his own opinions.

"Yongzheng Dynasty" The nine sons won the throne, how fierce was the fight above the court?

This question is like if the boss asks you how to handle things, and you ask the boss in turn, saying that the boss knows how to do it.

Then I want to ask, what is the boss looking for you for?

Such a reply can also be seen that the prince is extremely incompetent, and he is not prepared at all, and he usually does not pay attention at all in the imperial court.

Kangxi replied: "I have a claim, and I ask you what your claim is."

"Yongzheng Dynasty" The nine sons won the throne, how fierce was the fight above the court?

The prince could no longer answer

Then we see that the camera gives a close-up of the old nine and ten of the old eight camp:

The two of them were secretly laughing, which was nothing more than laughing at the prince's stupidity.

"Yongzheng Dynasty" The nine sons won the throne, how fierce was the fight above the court?

That is, when we are speaking, you are saying that others are listening;

You don't talk well, although others don't say it on the surface.

But internally, they will make fun of you from the inside when they hear it, or secretly make fun of you behind your back, you know?

Seeing that the prince was defeated, Lao Ba immediately stood up first to show himself.

Lao Ba is the kind of person who likes to express himself, and if this kind of person does well, it will indeed be favored by a large number of people.

Lao Ba is also the kind of person who loves to brag, he will speak very well, and then constantly flatter and praise Kangxi.

"Yongzheng Dynasty" The nine sons won the throne, how fierce was the fight above the court?

That's probably what it means:

The Yellow River has flooded for thousands of years, and such problems have appeared in all dynasties, and there is no way to cure them.

However, since Emperor Ama became emperor, I have been doing my best to manage the Yellow River, and the people have not been affected by the Yellow River disaster for decades.

"Yongzheng Dynasty" The nine sons won the throne, how fierce was the fight above the court?

Looking at the previous people who governed the Yellow River, none of them had the merit of Huang Ama or the sincerity of Huang Amma.

This time, it is completely a natural disaster, and Real Madrid can be worried about the people, so there is no need to feel too guilty.

Kangxi nodded in satisfaction, and shook his head repeatedly.

"Yongzheng Dynasty" The nine sons won the throne, how fierce was the fight above the court?
  • What is the cleverness of Lao Ba's bragging and praising Kangxi?

Kangxi often talked about saints, and in front of so many people, Lao Ba was able to praise Kangxi's merits.

And compared Kangxi with all emperors since ancient times, saying that Kangxi surpassed everyone.

Also say what is a natural disaster, you can worry about the people, but you don't have to blame yourself too much.

This means that it reflects that Kangxi has a noble quality, and he looks as if he is the eighth old man and understands Kangxi very well.

"Yongzheng Dynasty" The nine sons won the throne, how fierce was the fight above the court?

In the face of some people who love to brag and do not do practical things, Lao Ba's words are very effective, and he grasps the kind of psychology in people's hearts in minutes.

The old eight have shown themselves like this, and the prince's camp is naturally not convinced, and the thirteenth brother hurriedly came out to expose him.

It was said very directly: Starling, don't forget that Kangxi also had a flood in 43 years.

"Yongzheng Dynasty" The nine sons won the throne, how fierce was the fight above the court?

The old eight who was instantly stunned had nothing to say, but the old eight reacted very quickly, and his ability to play on the spot was very good.

He immediately began to answer the call and relieve himself:

This is exactly what I want to say, in the flood of the 43rd year of the Kangxi Dynasty, all the capitals exaggerated the disaster situation and kept pulling money from the treasury of the imperial court.

Therefore, the son dared to assert that the situation reported this time must not be as huge as it was said.

"Yongzheng Dynasty" The nine sons won the throne, how fierce was the fight above the court?

As soon as Old Eight said it, naturally the people in his camp would support him, and Old Ten immediately said that Starling was right.

Then Lao Ba immediately gave advice:

He said that if he wants to solve the disaster now, it is nothing more than two situations: silver and grain.

The first is to send orders to areas near the disaster area and let them transfer food.

The second point is to lower the decree to the household department, and allocate silver from the state treasury to repair the river work.

"Yongzheng Dynasty" The nine sons won the throne, how fierce was the fight above the court?

According to the normal logic of thinking, the way Lao Ba handled it is indeed not wrong.

The advice he gave was also reasonable and in place, and his talent was also reflected here, in stark contrast to the prince.

But at this moment, a more practical fourth master appeared and stole the aura of the old eight.

The reason why the fourth master was late was because he had already planned how to deal with this disaster, and not only had ideas but also actions.
"Yongzheng Dynasty" The nine sons won the throne, how fierce was the fight above the court?

He went to Hubu early to look at it and see how much silver Hubu still had, and the result was only 400,000 taels.

And also checked the neighboring provinces, there is no food to be transferred.

The fourth master then reported that he had to build the embankment and earthquake, and at least more than 2 million taels of silver.

That is to say, Hubu is in deficit

When Kangxi heard this, he became furious, and immediately accused the crown prince and Lao Ba.

"Yongzheng Dynasty" The nine sons won the throne, how fierce was the fight above the court?

The crown prince was in charge of overseeing the country, while Hubu was in charge of Lao Ba.

Old Eight was criticized for being self-contained, and Kangxi asked Old Fourth what to do.

The advice given by the fourth master is:

He first allocated the silver taels of Hubu to buy grain for disaster relief, and then sent the minister of Qin Cha to Jiangnan to raise the remaining silver taels to repair the embankment.

In fact, according to the calculation of the fourth master, I think he has long been outside the hall of Kangxi, but he did not come in.

He was looking for an opportunity, just waiting for Lao Ba to finish his strategy, he immediately appeared to catch him off guard, that is, to poke Lao Ba's sharpness and show himself.

"Yongzheng Dynasty" The nine sons won the throne, how fierce was the fight above the court?

Then how did I know that the fourth master was waiting outside for Lao Ba to finish?

Because the fourth master also said a sentence when he was reporting: The son of the eighth brother just now has heard it.

So I think he should just be waiting outside.


From this, it can be seen that this Nine Sons are also not giving in to each other above the court, and they want to express themselves to each other.

In fact, their situation is the same as many of our situations in the workplace.

There are also many people in the workplace who like to express themselves, and they are also in real life.

"Yongzheng Dynasty" The nine sons won the throne, how fierce was the fight above the court?

And to always be undefeated in the competition, you must always take the things around you seriously.

It is also necessary to think ahead of others and act ahead of others, which may be in an undefeated position in the competition.

Everyone thinks that this is the case, in fact, people who have experienced the workplace should be very impressed by this competition of several princes.