
Can massage make vitiligo recover a little faster?

author:Vitiligo doctor Huang Li

Massage can relax and relieve fatigue

For vitiligo patients

It can be used as an adjunct to promote the recovery of white spots

Can massage make vitiligo recover a little faster?

The specific benefits are as follows:

1. Promotes skin metabolism

Regular massage in vitiligo patients can promote the metabolism of the skin, help to expel metabolic harmful substances of the skin, and help the recovery of white spots.

2. Unblock meridians

By massaging acupuncture points, the meridians can be unblocked, which plays a certain role in harmonizing qi and blood, especially for local small white spots. It can promote vitiligo recovery.

Can massage make vitiligo recover a little faster?

3. Promotes skin microcirculation

Patients with vitiligo can also promote the blood microcirculation of the skin through massage, which is conducive to the absorption of drugs and nutrients by the skin of the leukoplakia lesion, and can play an auxiliary role in treatment.

Pay attention! Although massage can help vitiligo recovery, it is necessary to pay attention to these points when massaging to avoid negative effects on vitiligo.

1. The intensity of massage should not be too large: vitiligo patients should not use too much force during massage, because excessive force, on the one hand, will produce discomfort, on the other hand, it may cause irritation to white spots, causing the spread of white spots, resulting in aggravation of the disease.

Can massage make vitiligo recover a little faster?

2. Use massage oil with suitable temperature: When massage, it is recommended that patients use massage oil at an appropriate temperature, which should not be too hot or too cold, so as not to produce a burning or cold feeling.

3. Avoid massaging wounds or scars: If there are any wounds or scars on the skin, massage should be avoided to avoid irritation to the skin and prolong the healing time.

4. Within half an hour after massage, warm boiled water can be drunk, which is conducive to the discharge of metabolic waste.