
Next week, in the next 40 days, these 4 soups should be drunk often, clear the heat and relieve the heat, and spend three days comfortably

author:Aunt Xiao Noodle's Food Diary


Mo Chou Kitchen Road has no self, who does not know Aunt Xiao Miao. Hello everyone, I'm Aunt Xiao Miao. Today, Aunt Xiao Mian will share with you the practice of 4 homemade soups. The recent hot weather is believed to be felt by many people, especially in the north, where many cities have sounded orange alerts. Such weather, for many people, the best way is to stay in the house and not go out. In addition, it is essential to make a soup for the family during three meals a day. The weather is hot, the body is easy to sweat, drink more soup to supplement the body with nutrients. Today, Aunt Xiao Mian will share with you the method of four home-cooked soups, which are simple and easy to learn, and especially suitable for eating in this solar term.

Next week, in the next 40 days, these 4 soups should be drunk often, clear the heat and relieve the heat, and spend three days comfortably

As we all know, the official ambush began on July 11 this year, and the hottest and unbearable day of the year came. This year's three volts are still up to 40 days, we must be prepared for heat and sun protection, high temperature weather body sweating, water loss more, water replenishment is especially important, drinking soup can not only replenish water, clear heat and relieve heat, but also conducive to digestion and absorption, both supplement nutrition and make the stomach comfortable! Next week, in the next 40 days, these 4 soups should be drunk often, clear the heat and relieve the heat, and spend three days comfortably. Now, I share these 4 homemade soup recipes with you and wish my friends good health!

【4 homemade soups】

Next week, in the next 40 days, these 4 soups should be drunk often, clear the heat and relieve the heat, and spend three days comfortably

【Mung bean lotus seed porridge】

Ingredients: 100g mung beans, 100g rice, 30g lotus seeds, 1 piece of old rock sugar.

Method: 1. Prepare all the ingredients, rinse all the ingredients, and soak in water for 1 hour.

Next week, in the next 40 days, these 4 soups should be drunk often, clear the heat and relieve the heat, and spend three days comfortably

2. Boil a pot of water and put in mung beans, mung beans are not easy to rot to cook first, cook until the mung beans peel and bloom.

Next week, in the next 40 days, these 4 soups should be drunk often, clear the heat and relieve the heat, and spend three days comfortably

3. Pour in rice, then pour in lotus seeds that remove the heart, change to low heat for 20 minutes, boil rice and mung beans to thicken, add old rock sugar, boil and melt.

Next week, in the next 40 days, these 4 soups should be drunk often, clear the heat and relieve the heat, and spend three days comfortably
Next week, in the next 40 days, these 4 soups should be drunk often, clear the heat and relieve the heat, and spend three days comfortably

【Tofu Mushroom Soup】

Ingredients: 1 piece of tender tofu, 1 large oyster mushroom, a few chives, 1 egg, salt, sesame oil, pepper.


1. Prepare the ingredients, cut the tofu into pieces, soak in boiling water for a while, remove the bean smell, tear the oyster mushrooms into small florets and wash, pour an appropriate amount of water into the pot, add the mushrooms after the water is boiled, blanch for 1 minute and take out.

Next week, in the next 40 days, these 4 soups should be drunk often, clear the heat and relieve the heat, and spend three days comfortably

2. Pour an appropriate amount of water into the pot, add tofu cubes after boiling, cook for 1 minute, and then add blanched mushroom strips.

Next week, in the next 40 days, these 4 soups should be drunk often, clear the heat and relieve the heat, and spend three days comfortably

3. 2 eggs with a little salt to beat, wash the chives and cut the chopped green onion, boil the soup again and add half a spoonful of salt, a little pepper to taste, then pour in the egg liquid to form egg flowers, and finally sprinkle the green onion and mix well, put out, drizzle a few drops of sesame oil.

Next week, in the next 40 days, these 4 soups should be drunk often, clear the heat and relieve the heat, and spend three days comfortably
Next week, in the next 40 days, these 4 soups should be drunk often, clear the heat and relieve the heat, and spend three days comfortably

【Ribs winter melon barley soup】

Ingredients: 1 pound of pork ribs, 1 piece of winter melon, half a bowl of barley, 1 piece of ginger, a few spring onions, salt to taste, a small amount of pepper.

Method: 1. The main ingredients you need are ready, when buying ribs, let the store chop the ribs into small pieces, peel the winter melon, wash and cut them into small pieces for use.

Next week, in the next 40 days, these 4 soups should be drunk often, clear the heat and relieve the heat, and spend three days comfortably

2: Rinse the barley, wash the spring onions to make 2 green onions, peel the ginger and cut into ginger slices.

Next week, in the next 40 days, these 4 soups should be drunk often, clear the heat and relieve the heat, and spend three days comfortably

3. Soak the ribs in clean water for a while and wash them, put them in a pot, add an appropriate amount of water, add a few slices of ginger, a green onion, 1 spoonful of cooking wine, blanch for a few minutes to remove the blood and take them out, rinse the blanched ribs with water, and control the water.

Next week, in the next 40 days, these 4 soups should be drunk often, clear the heat and relieve the heat, and spend three days comfortably

4. Put ribs in a casserole, put ginger slices, a green onion, add an appropriate amount of water over high heat to boil, put in the washed barley, because the barley is more resistant to cooking, cook with the ribs, turn to low heat for 1 hour, and then put in winter melon cubes, add an appropriate amount of salt, a little pepper, and then simmer for 10 minutes, sprinkle with green onions and eat, light and non-greasy, complementary nutrition and cool off, family loves to drink.

Next week, in the next 40 days, these 4 soups should be drunk often, clear the heat and relieve the heat, and spend three days comfortably
Next week, in the next 40 days, these 4 soups should be drunk often, clear the heat and relieve the heat, and spend three days comfortably

【Millet pumpkin porridge】

Ingredients: 1 piece of old pumpkin, half a small bowl of millet, half a small bowl of glutinous rice.

Method: 1. Prepare the ingredients.

Next week, in the next 40 days, these 4 soups should be drunk often, clear the heat and relieve the heat, and spend three days comfortably

2. Peel and wash the old pumpkin and cut into small pieces, wash the millet and rice, put the pumpkin, glutinous rice, rice cooker, add water, start the porridge cooking program of the rice cooker, cook for about 20 minutes, add millet and stir well.

Next week, in the next 40 days, these 4 soups should be drunk often, clear the heat and relieve the heat, and spend three days comfortably

3. Cover the lid, continue the porridge cooking program, cook the porridge program, use the back of the spoon to crush the pumpkin into pieces, fragrant and smooth, stomach nourishing and appetizing, golden color, with a slight sweetness, especially delicious.

Next week, in the next 40 days, these 4 soups should be drunk often, clear the heat and relieve the heat, and spend three days comfortably

Mo Chou Kitchen Road has no self, who does not know Aunt Xiao Miao. Hello everyone! I'm Aunt Xiao Miao. Unconsciously, I have been with everyone for five years on the road of cooking! After getting along, share the knowledge of food life together and experience the happiness of food life together! Thank you! Well, dear friends, today's article is shared with you here, if you have any different views on this article, welcome to publish your views in the comments at the bottom of the article, we will carefully read each of your messages ~

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